View Full Version : Can't catch my breath

16-01-11, 14:33
Over the last 2 weeks my main problem has been breathing. My chest muscles are not tight but I feel like I can't 'catch' my breath. I keep yawning but feel like my lungs never really fill up.
On diazapam at the moment which has helped alot but has not got rid of this symptom which I always feel is the worst one!
Tried all the deep breathing and stomach breathing but that just makes it worse. The only time it goes away is if I sleep.
Does anyone else get this and if so what helps please. xxx

16-01-11, 14:46
Hi, I was reading a book lastnight that mentioned not being able to catch your breath and the acompanying yawning. The answer was to breath deeply. There were techniques given, but I'm sure they're on this site. Maybe you're not relaxed when you're doing it (I find it hard to relax if I'm supposed to). Take care xx

16-01-11, 14:50
hi Lizyg
Yes i do get the same as you do and what helps me is to slow breathing down and try and relax and distract yourself to take mind off. The fact you can sleep and breath will tell you there is nothing wrong.

16-01-11, 15:13
i have exactly the same i went to a and e for an ecg all fine i yawn all the time but thats the medication try placing your hands on your tummy and really feel the fall and rise of your belly when you breath may help x

17-01-11, 01:21
due to TMJ my throat often feels way too tight, too me a while to figure out it was tense muscles.
I have a cold too and often feel breathes, not sure if it's anxiety or the cold to be honest.
I have also gotten chest pains and tense shoulders and back muscles,
I feel i spend a lot of energy trying to ignore the sensations.
drinking something warm helps to relax my chest.

17-01-11, 13:13
I do not recommend self-treatment with Benadryl or Xanax. Benadryl Allergy and Xanax is for anxiety is very high. If the doctor was always someone to come and practice, so I would call this person and tell your situation before you make fun.

17-01-11, 13:28

I know exactly how you feel and its horrible.

I have been on here in the past and then have been feeling okay, so I stay away as if I read things, i start imagining that I have them.

For the past few months have been worried that I have some form of cancer and have thought of nothing else - I only had a pain in my stomach but i escalated it :-(. Anyway all the worry about going for tests etc, started the panic attacks again. My main symptom is that feeling that you cant breathe and when its there its there all the time, so its not really a panic attack, but just something that is there worryine me all the time.

You are right the only time its not there is when you are asleep, and quite rightly as is pointed out if you can breathe with no trouble when you are asleep then it should be fine when you are awake too, but when it feels like you cant get enough air its very difficult to believe that is all fine.

I end up coughing and (often making myself vomit or empty reaching), or trying to yawn and I often cant get a deep satisfying yawn and that worries me too. I know exactly what if feels like, you want to get that satisifed feeling and sometimes it just does not happen.

I try the deep breathing and distraction and sometimes it works, but sometimes trying to get a deep breath is impossible as thats the thing I cant do!

Its all so hard and all this battling it is so wearing, its an effort to get to work every day, at the mo, i am doing hald days from home and half days in the office. I also had to take some time off before Christmas when I was really bad, I started taking cipralex at the beginning of December and I suppose i am better than I was back then as am not crying every single day for hours now, but still I just want to feel like me again and not spend all this time worrying about breathing and dying.

I hope this helps you and shows that there are people who know exactly waht it feels like.

Sorry it was so long, I just started writing and could not stop ;-)


anx mum
17-01-11, 13:52
Over the last 2 weeks my main problem has been breathing. My chest muscles are not tight but I feel like I can't 'catch' my breath. I keep yawning but feel like my lungs never really fill up.
On diazapam at the moment which has helped alot but has not got rid of this symptom which I always feel is the worst one!
Tried all the deep breathing and stomach breathing but that just makes it worse. The only time it goes away is if I sleep.
Does anyone else get this and if so what helps please. xxx

This symptom has to be one of the worst i have experienced. Really scares me have u tried blowing in a paper bag hun?

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 14:04
This symptom has to be one of the worst i have experienced. Really scares me have u tried blowing in a paper bag hun?
I feel suffocated sometimes then more fear

17-01-11, 14:09
I have just joined this site today..... It is amazing to have just read the above posts as I am suffering from EXACTLY what you are describing and it has totally overcome my life and I feel so very fed up and distressed. I'm not quite sure how this site works as like I say am new but I am hoping that by being able to chat with others who understand how it is to live with anxiety will help me into understanding this is a real illness and I am not alone!

17-01-11, 15:37
I cannot do slow breathing as it makes me feel like I am suffocating because i'm focusing on my breathing.
I feel like I can't breath a lot, worse when I have the palpitations or sinus tachycardia.
taking a deep breath can help, and distraction, a glass of cold water, splashing cool water on your face, minty sweats, chewing gum.
I find myself swallowing a lot more trying to get rid of the tension in my throat.
It's pure hell at times. our silent suffering that takes over our lives.

18-01-11, 19:12
This is the most prominent symptom I suffer from too, it can happen at any time but mine happens most often in the car. Breathing exercises do help, I spend about 5mins, twice a day breathing in through my nose for a count of four, then out for a count of five, filling my belly with air (not my chest). Also try relaxation tapes, if you Google "relax and enjoy it by Dr Robert Sharp" you can buy the cd for about a tenner, i listen to it most nights. When you get these episodes it is important to remember that your brain will not let you stop breathing, try to hold your breath and you will find that you can't, which means that you MUST be getting enough breath, singing loudly helps too (although its not always practical! ) when you have been doing the breathing exercises for a couple of days you may get a bit of a sore, bruised feeling just at the bottom of your breastbone (sternum) , this is normal and is caused by forced breathing. Anxiety can give you the worst possible symptoms you can have without actually doing any physical harm to you. So stay strong because you may never be rid of it, but you can learn to live with it and knowledge is the key. Good luck :)

27-12-13, 22:36
I'm experiencing this now, have on and off since yesterday.... I'm really worried, I know I'm about 80lbs overweight. I have OCD, have so since aged ten. Getting scared.... Need someone to talk too x

28-03-15, 09:28
Hi I'm experiencing catching my breath as well I'm on lustral been on it for years started on 50ml but last year went up to 100ml I have been trying to cut down by alternating 50 &100 every other day so thought it may of been that but like everyone else on here I am fine at night time so reading other people's posts makes me feel less anxious I'm new to no more panic & am finding it very helpful x:):