View Full Version : Is it worth it?????

27-03-06, 14:18
is it worth going to the hospital and sking for an mri or ct scan? reason being is cause i think brain tumour or blood clots in my head are happening, but is that just routine with anxiety or is it best checked out. The spaciness and lightheadednes worries me and sometimes distorted vision but didnt know wether that was due to adrenaline or my blood pumping to fast? And the stiffness in my eyes make me wonder too? is it a tumor? my docs saying theres no need so i dont wanna go against him, hes not a doc that doesnt care he is a great doc who knows what hes talking about so why dont i listen?

27-03-06, 14:37
personally i would say your doc is right. every thing you describe sounds like anxiety and many of us know how unbearable some of these symptoms are and how hard it is to believe there is nothing more sinister going on. but you trust in your doc, chances are he will not say these things if he was even one % worried, he cannot take that chance.

do what you feel is right for you, but remember you are not alone with your symptoms and your fear of them, so perhaps you should accept it is anxiety. i know first hand how hard this is to accpet as i too have had numerous proceedures carried out even when my doc felt them unneccesary

if you trust him then try your hardeset to truly trust him

hope this helps

27-03-06, 14:55
thanks jackie your words really sunk in xxxxxxx

27-03-06, 15:36
katy i know only too well how hard it is to rely on others even a doctor, when the fear of the pain is that bad. fear is a terrible thing and is the thing we most need to get rid off.

i hope you can trust your doctor as im sure he is right

28-03-06, 16:26
I've had great trouble trusting doctors, but I'm sure with something as serious as a brain tumor they would spot it. You do need to trust the doc as they have generally had many years experience and see a lot of people with health problems (like mine) which mostly originate in the mind rather than have a 'physical' cause.

The danger with your health is that you can never get enough tests done to be 100% sure so you have to learn to trust your body and the doc. Have you considered or had any cognitive therapy for your anxiety - it really helped me

Hope you can ease your worry