View Full Version : New and Feel desparate....

16-01-11, 17:01
Hi all

Hope you have had a good day .

Quick backround , had a few health issues and worried , and worried , and slowly (without knowing) got myself into a state about . Doctor says i,m fine so i don,t want to post details as it will cause more stress .

Doctor google didn,t help , i,m sure this didn,t help .

I was put on 2 mg of valium to take when i needed it in the middle of November (due to a hospital appointment which was fine)and was haveing one at night and i was sleeping ok and doing ok although i didn,t want to do anything over xmas and kept bursting into tears for no reason . Looking back i wasn,t ok mid November really as my skin , neck and shoulders were always burning and i had sleepless nights on the couch but did get over this.

It was in October when my health issues first cropped up but as one thing led to another i guess it all got on top of me by around the end of November and i couldn,t face work in December , as i work outside i blamed the weather as not going to work , but looking back it was more of an excuse .
I spent December sleeping quite alot although i had neck , arm pains , red hot skin , pains in my chest and hyperacidity, the valium let me sleep through the night .

On Thursday i went the docs as i,d been haveing an acidic stomach , more worry , but thankfully on the mend with meds .
When i was in the docs i broke down and told her how i was starting to dred each day and wake up burning and sweating within minutes of wakeing up and start crying , and i felt another health sympton , which comes and goes , and basically burst into tears ,i felt i right tit .

Again looking back i,d cryed at home for no apparant reason several times over xmas as i couldn,t face things . Anyway the doc said she was sure i,m fine health wise but thought after 3 months of one illness or another things had got on top of me and the valium would become addictive , so suggested i used citalopram 20 mg .
First one was on friday 11 am and i felt worse by 7 pm , anxious and couldn,t sleep , bad thoughts kept creeping into my head just as i was falling asleep , and my whole body was burning .
Reluctantly took one Saturday , had to take valium 2 mg at the night as i was so anxoius (over what i don,t know) went to bed at 12.00 and woke up at 1 pm and felt really shakey and faint , it wore off after 5 minutes and i went back to sleep on and off every 1/2 hour in between bursting into tears . Cryed about 5 times today (had another cit tab today now 3 ) and just had another funny do when i knew my wife was going out for 1/2 an hour , i felt faint and in a real panick which wore off after five minutes .
Can,t sleep anymore as bad thoughts come into my head about something happening to me or my family just as i drop off .THIS NEVER USED TO HAPPEN. I,m now exhausted and anxious but can,t sleep .

The thing is , ok i wasn,t right before takeing the three days meds but i wasn,t as bad as i,ve been the last three days , i don,t know wether to come off them or not ? I think the idea was to have these and to stop the 2 mg of valium per night , which the doc still gave me .

Do you think i was going to get worse anyway so i,ve got the new meds just in time ?, or should i pack them in , i,m sure i was better with just the 2 mg of valium per night . The cito was perscribed for anxiety not for depression .

Any comments appreciated . I,m new to all this and i,m confused and want some peace of mind back .

16-01-11, 18:01
Hi mel2, firstly welcome to NMP x Is this your first time posting?

16-01-11, 18:47
Did your Dr explain that the tablets she gave you to replace the valium can make you much worse for the first two weeks???? Alot of people find that in the first weeks they make their anxiety and symptoms much worse before improving greatly - some people they just make worse and they have to come off them.

Maybe if you can tell yourself that all these symptoms lack of sleep etc are just a side effect of new tablets and you have to wait and see if they improve and if no better after 14 days then go back . You really need to give them at least two weeks to see if the side effects subside as if they do work then they are great but only time will tell.

A few posts on here from people who cannot take thsi drug and other posts from people who think they are wonderful - everyone reacts differently.

If you can't bear the worsening of symptoms and thoughts then do go back to your Dr and explain they may try something else instead. Remember its not you getting worse just side effects of your body adjusting to the medication.

16-01-11, 18:57
Hi Mel
Just wanted to say your going to be ok, let the meds have time to work if you still dont feel right the doctor can change them for you, they can take a few weeks to make you feel better.
I really feel for you as i felt the same when i first started with anxiety but meds helped me alot as i hope they help you and try your best to do things you find relaxing i know its hard but when you get the knack of it its worth it, i was on high alert all the time and my anxiety was sky high but i did get better over time and you will too, all the best

16-01-11, 19:10
Hi Thanks for the replies . Yes it is my first post .

No the Doc never said they might make me worse , i,ve got another appointment on the 27 th of this month so i,ll guess i have just got to stick it out .
I,ll have to try a 2 mg of valium near bedtime again and hope it takes the edge off things . I feel so depressed . Keep sweating like mad and paceing about its awefull , cant concentrate on the tv , a book or nothing .



16-01-11, 19:17
Hi Mel2, I'd stick them out. When I first took them I felt slightly worse, but I put that down to the fact I would have got that way anyway, and not down to side effects. Are you able to go for a walk in the 'fresh air' as maybe that'll help at the moment. Take care x

16-01-11, 19:25
Yea i can go out when i like , i,m lucky that way so will try a few hours outside at work tommorow .

Also my jaw feels stiff in the last hour , just the r/h side , something else to worry about unless its just as i,m so tense .

16-01-11, 19:53
definitely tension!x

16-01-11, 20:02
Thanks Garron

Its gone into my ear now and ear feels blocked and i,ve got a headache on the r/h side , my ear pops when i swallow , another symptym to worry about all night , i know its wrong but i can,t wait for my 9 pm 2mg of valium .

17-01-11, 22:12
day 4 on the cit , was really depressed today and couldn,t leave the house but i was able to sleep on and off for most of the day . Cried three times for nothing ???? I,ve only had 1 mg of valium tonight and a few beers and i feel much better , i hope its not just the beer doing this .

Shall i keep you posted on my progress , incase it might help someone else ?

I,ve got full intentions of forceing myself to get back to normal tommorrow , as in get up and get back to work . I usually fail like today but feeling sorry for myself is makeing me worse .

The cit 20 mg can,t kick in one day 4 / 5 can it by any chance ?