View Full Version : panic attack webb scared me!!!

16-01-11, 17:48
Hi everybody,

Have just been on another panic attack website and it says that panic attacks never last over an hour. Well my panic attacks do my heart pounds for an hour my bp was 168/108 for at least one hour does this mean there is something wrong with my heart?

I wish i had never gone on it.


16-01-11, 17:58
I don't think this would be a panic attack as such - they rarely last more than 20 minutes.

I think what you have is an prolonged anxiety attack.

16-01-11, 18:22
Yes it sounds like the stress from anxiety caused your BP to increase - although it could have started out as a PA.

It doesn't mean there's something wrong with your heart though - it's the fight or flight response going haywire.

16-01-11, 18:22

thanks for reply. This has happened to me twice before and for about the same amount of time my first one was three years ago. Then another one after 8months then another one after two years. They are horrible.

They do usually come after a build up of stress or worry.


17-01-11, 03:57
Hello Lorraine,

There is not specified time on that how long panic attack can last but it's usually up to hour like that website suggested. But because of the thought that something is wrong with your heart you trigger the anxiety after the panic attack so your heartbeat was still above normal and this can last as long as your are thinking and wondering about it. There is no need to worry, believe me, but if it makes you feel better you can run some test and get this thoughts out of your head, maybe it's better to run the test (not that something is wrong) because you will free yourself from some next thoughts as well, I suggest you to run a complete health test if you think will relax you, better now then later when more worried thoughts appear in your head over nothing. It's your call after all, I am 99% sure that this is anxiety but nothing wrong if you run some tests, right? I was having the same anxiety problem (heart worries).

17-01-11, 11:44

yes i had ecg, echo, calcium score and treadmill stress test and bloods done after i had the first attack three years ago that was the same as the one i have just had my panic attacks always seem to last about one hour of this terrible heart thumping. Everything was fine. I think its just me finding something to worry and stress over.

thanks for your reply

