View Full Version : Anyone else have Gastritis?

16-01-11, 19:00
I was diagnosed with mild gastritis about 10 years a go (age 13). I have tried PPI (found them too strong) and H2's (ranitidine) which I find works the best. I have also had an endoscopy, biopsy and H.Pylori test (negative).

I have not touched alcohol for over 5 years. I have tried cutting our various foods but there doesn't seem to be a trigger, sometimes I can eat high fat or acid foods and drinks, sometimes I cant.

Can anxiety cause a flare up?

So confused.

16-01-11, 19:04
Yes, I pretty certain anxiety can be a cause of gastritis. I also sometimes get it after I've had an IBS-D flare-up.


Frozen in fear
16-01-11, 19:09
I was diagnosed with mild gastritis about 10 years a go (age 13). I have tried PPI (found them too strong) and H2's (ranitidine) which I find works the best. I have also had an endoscopy, biopsy and H.Pylori test (negative).

I have not touched alcohol for over 5 years. I have tried cutting our various foods but there doesn't seem to be a trigger, sometimes I can eat high fat or acid foods and drinks, sometimes I cant.

Can anxiety cause a flare up?

So confused. Hi i had a endoscopy and said it was mild gastritis

16-01-11, 19:20
I was diagnosed with mild gastritis about 10 years a go (age 13). I have tried PPI (found them too strong) and H2's (ranitidine) which I find works the best. I have also had an endoscopy, biopsy and H.Pylori test (negative).

I have not touched alcohol for over 5 years. I have tried cutting our various foods but there doesn't seem to be a trigger, sometimes I can eat high fat or acid foods and drinks, sometimes I cant.

Can anxiety cause a flare up?

So confused.

I,ve only just joined mate , but i can tell you anxiety kicked off my acid stomach , it was on fire , like a piece of coal stuck in the middle and it burned not stop for 7 weeks . I,ve been on 30 mg of lanzoprazole and 3 x 150 mg of ranitidine and it just settled last week . No endo scope as the doc said if the meds cleared it we will see how it goes . My Doc said anxiety can bring it on instantly and my stomach is burning now but a ranintidine will make it go away now . I,m extremly anxious at the moment thats why its kicked off today .

16-01-11, 19:37
I should also mention that when my mum went to the docs with acid pain and he suspected gastritis, one of the things he asked her was whether she was stressed or anxious at all.


16-01-11, 21:43
Thanks for the replies so far, I dropped my ranitidine down to 150 a day as that was helping, maybe I should go back up to 300/450.

What do you find helps to calm it down?

16-01-11, 21:57
Mines nearly gone after seven weeks , at the time nothing calmed it down , i ate bland food , no beer , small meals , no chocalate and no hot drinks . I,m still not perfect but it is nearly gone .

I,d guess what worked for me was takeing more ranitide , i had up to three aday (150 ones) plus the ppi

I really thought it would never go , i also found getting out and about seemed to help as the more i thought about it the more it burned . i also used milk of magnesia aswell .

Just a thought ....you do leave the ranitidine at least three hours after you take the ppi ?

Taken together the ppi doesn,t work aswell apparently .

Does yours burn just after you eat ?

Hope this helps

16-01-11, 22:08
I have an hiatus hernia so take H2 inhibitors for that otherwise I have evil acid reflux - I still have to be careful what I eat but sometimes like you nothing makes any sense food wise - I cannot even have a sip of alcohol or I get severe acid reflux.

I have had quite a few gastroscopies over past 15 yrs and every single time the only finding is the hiatus hernia and very mild tiny pathc of gastritis- I have been told that nearly everyone who has a camera gets told they have very little patch of mild gastritis its almost normal!

So it depends on how bad your patch of gastritis is????

You can stay on the H2 tablets for good if they work - in fact if you try to come off them you could find you get rebound acid that is twice as bad as it was originally - this is also a bigger problem with ppi so best to avoid them if you can although again I know people who have taken ppi for over 20 yrs and are still okay.

16-01-11, 22:15
This is how my anxiety started back in the summer of '08.

I was diagnosed with mild gastritis(went away), acid reflux(still have :mad:) and ibs(controlled with diet).

Its funny cuz due to these stupid illnesses I developed palpitations and when I started feeling better with the other 3, my health anxiety shifted to my heart. :mad:

All three were caused because of too much stress/anxiety from school and a poor diet at the time.