View Full Version : After anxiety episode, left with depression

16-01-11, 19:20
Hi there everyone

I joined this site recently as we don;t have anything where I live (S. Africa), so it has been really useful to find this.

Around 15 years I was originally diagnosed with GAD and depression.

The reason I joined the site was as a result of yet another anxiety episode that lasted almost the entire length of the Festive Season. I had a sore throat which would not get better, and despite 2 GP consults which confirmed it was just an infection, I was convinced it was something sinister.

Of course I thought that as soon as I was past it, everything would get back to normal and how wrong I was! What followed has become what I can only describe as a very "grey" time. Most of the time I battle to find anything positive, despite having a good job, a settled family and not much in the way of financial problems.

I have had my dosage of Molipaxin (Trazodone) upped from 50mg a day to 100mg, with little sign of change (about 10 days into the new dosage).

I'd really like to hear from anyone who either has the same history (anxiety which follows depression) and/or someone who is taking the meds I am.

Thanks for reading

The Musicman

16-01-11, 19:40
hi musicman, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling rough at the moment. Anxiety and depression can be related. I haven't taken the meds you're on, but those that I did took a while to 'kick in'. If you've got a follow up appt with doc explain to him/her if you're not feeling any different. If not, are you able to ring and ask how long the increased dosage takes to feel its affects. Take care x

17-01-11, 15:14
Hi Musicman
Sorry to hear how you are feeling. How you describle the feeling as 'grey', is definitely right! I always see everything as a greeny grey colour when depressed.
Depression and anxiety are very closely related.
I suffer more with anxiety than depression, but if I go through a bad time with depression than I know anxiety will follow, and it does, and the same with depression following anxiety.
I take medication but not the same one that you are taking, but there are others on this site who do.
Take a look at the Medication section on the forum, and there is a sub heading for Trazadone there, which may help you. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=68
Maybe your medication is not the right one for you? Could you speak to your gp about trying a different type, that may help you better? Sometimes when the amount gets adjusted it can make the original symptoms worse for a while, before they start to get better.
There are a lot of people on this site, who go through exactly what you do, and I am sure they will give you a lot of help. You are not alone.
Hope you soon feel a bit better.

17-01-11, 17:31
Hi there

Thanks for the replies! Poppy, I will read the link that has been provided. This is not my first "round" of medication, as I have tried various different kinds - from Zoloft to Manorix and Wellbutrin.

Honestly, I cannot remember any more what works and what doesn't, but it seems to me from everyone else's experience that anxiety follows depression and not the other way around.

I am due to see my psychologist on Friday and hopefully we'll get some clarity and be able to move forward.

Right now I am kind of autopilot, but I feel like people know there is something wrong. I have only been in my current job for 15 months (although I have nearly 30 years experience) and yet I feel terribly insecure and that they will know something is up.

Thanks again