View Full Version : Ovulation pains

16-01-11, 20:42
Am I alone with this or does anyone else get bad ovulation pains?

I just feel really heavy low down, like I've been kicked in my bits, and then a throb on one side and bad windy IBS type feeling.

16-01-11, 20:44
Ps I've had an ultrasound, GP says its all normal;)

16-01-11, 21:03

You are not alone. I get ovulation pain every month too. Only ever on the left side but really achy and my ibs is worse then too.


16-01-11, 21:19
Hi, i have been getting weird twinges (painful ones) :)

16-01-11, 21:49
It's like bad IBS but heavy too:(

16-01-11, 22:14
I had bad ovulation pain nearly every cycle from being a teenager to mid 40;s! I called it my walking on eggs pain because everytime I went from sitting down to standing up I got horrible pain over my right hip bone and again if I sat down other than gently and I also got horrible pain just before I urinated. It only ever affected my right side and until I became perimenopausal it lasted 1-4 days getting worse and worse but always always ended on day 14 of my cycle.

I then became perimeno and all hell broke loose - the pain could last up to 2 weeks and come at any part of my cycle - I ended up in hospital on a few occasions with suspect appendicitis.

I then had 3 yrs ovulation pain free but awful bleeding issues. I am now getting the ovulation pain again :wacko:.

If you have had an ultrasound and all was normal then its just another horrible part of being a female and will go away on menopause - if your only a teenager don't even think of how long that is!!!!!

16-01-11, 22:22
I get this pain on my lower left side. I don't know what it is as I only have one ovary as I have had a hysterectomy. I am 51 and menopausal. Is it IBS or what. I have had a few ovarian scans and always normal??? Anyone help. GP is saying she thinks it's Ibs but after examining me she said it all feel so normal. Do I just accept it? I suffer badly from Health Anxiety.

16-01-11, 22:38
Thanks. I'm 31 so a while to go yet;)

16-01-11, 22:40
im 17 and cant wait till my periods stop lol x :D

16-01-11, 23:31
im 17 and cant wait till my periods stop lol x :D

I take the combined pill - three packs back to back (which is absolutely fine to do), so I only have a period every 9 weeks! It's bliss!


16-01-11, 23:46
I take the combined pill - three packs back to back (which is absolutely fine to do), so I only have a period every 9 weeks! It's bliss!


Jealous :winks: I'm not really advised to take anything hormonal as they send my system nuts - irregular bleeding, bad mood swings, dizziness and swelling of my boobs, they went from a C to a DD in a week! Mind you could well have been down to one GP giving me Primulate, next GP putting on me on combined pill and then Gynaecologist putting me on the mini pill. All in the space of three months :roflmao:Periods are hell haha, but they are sort of reassuring, show you that your body's working the way it should...

13-02-11, 01:04
I have this too, it's horrible. I am having one at the moment!!! It is at the left side of my ovary area, down below near my privates. I realised it is 2 weeks since my last period, so it makes sense. Also today I have been full up easily, and had a panic attack while eating!!! I will be fine, I was OK for 2 weeks, with minor panic attacks but this came on tonight - strange... no bleeding but pains only. Also my nose runs when I am panicking - is this normal?? Sneezing too....

I am glad that I am not the only one with this. I know it's ovulation, I used to worry a lot when I was younger that it could be cancer.

Starry xx