View Full Version : Please please help - panicking about a bleeding mole on my son

16-01-11, 21:13
Hi there

I wonder if anyone can help to reasure me as I am a mess at the moment :weep:

Tonight when I took off my 6 year old sons vest there was blood on it. I look on his back and there was dried blood on his back. when i wiped it off i saw that it was coming from a mole.

The mole isn't big but is slightly raised. There is a bit on the top of it thst looks like he has caught it or scratched it (but he couldn't have scratched it himself as he can't reach that part).

He is a very active child and we have been ice skating today and then he played football outside, so he has fallen over about 100 times.

He hasn't ever had sunburn and I always use suncreen on him on holiday and I googled skin cancer in kids and it says it's pretty rare but I am still really really stressing myself out.

Should I take him to the drs tomorrow? Would they be able to tell if he'd just scratched it or if it was something else?

Please please help reasure me.

Thank you!!

16-01-11, 21:18
kids have inguries like this all the time. If you would like piece of mind then take him to the docs. Did you ask him if he had fallen/scratched it?
I am sure your son is 100 per cent healthy :) as you said its very very rare and your always really careful with him :D

16-01-11, 21:23
Not had moles myself , but my wife has three quite large raised moles , one of which went crusty for the want of a better word and got larger. She got them checked and was told she was fine , but they don,t look normal if you know what i mean , this was ten years ago and there still fine .

Relax and just get the Doc to check it for peace of mind . I,ve got myself into a right state useing doctor google NEVER AGAIN .

I,m sure i wouldn,t be on here if i,d not googled my concerned .

It will be fine

17-01-11, 10:24
Thank you for your replies :)

I am a bit calmer about it this morning and I think I'll wait and see if it heals for a week and if not, then I'll take him to the dr.

Thanks again!

17-01-11, 10:55
My 6 year old picked the top of his mole on his chin in bed one night. Made a right mess, took about a week to heal and now looks normal again.