View Full Version : Hi. I Feel like I am the only one.

16-01-11, 21:29
Hi. I am a 43 year old male and have just been diagnosed with High blood pressure. I have been put on Lisinopril an ACE inhibitor to control it. My HBP was found when I went to my GP's after my first Bad Panic attack in two years, two weeks ago. I have had bad side effects with the BP meds including dizziness tightness in the chest, flu symptoms and to top it all anxiety. I had another medium type Panic attack yesterday, I just sat down to eat my tea and bang it hit me. This time I managed to control it a little by going to bed, laying down and listening to some soothing music and sucking on a couple of rescue remedy pastles . I hate feeling like this and to say I have been clear of panic attacks for two years. I feel a failure!:lac: The last bout was two years ago in winter 2008/2009 after I nearly killed my family in a car trip in the bad snow. (slid down a hill backwards with steep drops on either side) My panic attack starts by a wave of fear running over me, then been unable to breath and having unwelcome thoughts running through my head, things like I am dying or their is something seriously wrong with me. The last bout in 2008/2009 my GP put me on Cit but I had a very bumpy ride with them for six weeks or more I started on 5mg and progressed to 20mg eventually I did get used to them in a way but they some how changed my moods I became very snappy with my wife and kids. I had to choose either the meds or my anger (for the want of a better word.) So after three months, with the GP's help I weaned myself off them. I was back to my normal self within a few weeks.
I am reluctant to go back to the GP's again in fear that he wants to put me back on Cit. I don't think I can do the roller coaster again. Anyway enough from me for the time being but any advice is very welcome.


16-01-11, 21:30
Hi buster_uk1967

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-01-11, 21:40
Only joined tonight and can,t be of any help i,m sorry , but it looks like theres some great peeps on here .
Just started the cit myself three days ago and it makes me feel weird and on edge and very emotional although i feel better the last hour .

I,m sure someone will offer some great advice .

16-01-11, 21:51
There are at least 25 different anti depressant medications so discuss it with your gp, I'm sure they will try you on another one. It's trial and error when it comes to medication i'm afraid, i've had years of it but without it I can honestly say I wouldn't be here now so stick with it!

17-01-11, 10:02
Thanks for the welcome and advice so far. Well, after posting this thread last night I had a relaxed evening knowing I have found others who suffer from this health issue and I am NOT alone. I am only sleeping for maybe four hours a night though I try and stay awake for as long as I can in the hope that I sleep for longer. Sadly this does not seem to be working. I awoke this morning at 6.00 am after getting to sleep at 02.30am. I don't feel as anxious at the moment but know this may change as the day goes on. So I suppose I am in that mode of depression of waiting for it to happen. Well Breakfast time for me now. Back later and thanks for reading.

17-01-11, 14:13
Hi Buster sometimes we get setbacks but dont feel dispondent go and see gp who will find right meds for you im sure.

17-01-11, 14:17
hi I am also new to this board and I am sure you will find a lot more advice comming your way.

I would also make sure your doctor knows how you are feeling, it can be hard to share but he/she is not a mind reader.

Vanilla Sky
17-01-11, 14:20
You are not alone. Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

17-01-11, 16:16
Hi Buster,

Welcome, to NMP. Like others have said there are many other anti depressants out there and even other treatments such as counselling and things. Have you tried writing down how you feel after doing certain things, so you can give the dr a good idea of what is happening.


17-01-11, 18:18
Thank you all, There are some great replies here, I will try and keep a diary on my feelings day to day in the hope I can see a pattern. Although I do know that in the end only I can sort myself out but I hope to do it with the help of you on here if that's OK. I have noticed that teas time over the last few days have become a problem I hope I am not over sensitizing things and looking more into things than there need to be. I don't think the HBP meds are helping me in the anxiety department at the moment but they do seem to be working in their primary role. Why can't life be more simple?:blush: I am at the GP's for a kidney scan on Wednesday I have had urine and bloods taken and I also have an appointment to see my GP this Friday.

17-01-11, 20:18
Hi Buster

Why do you think the HBP meds ain't helping with the anxiety. Is it because of the side effects ?? Or other reasons. Is your blood pressure back to sort of normal now, or are they trying to balance it out for you.

I have hbp myself. They are trying to balance the thing out at the moment(upping the meds when appropriate), so its a case of regular checks on my bloods and keep checking my blood pressure.

I wish you luck with your appointments and things.


18-01-11, 09:30
Hi Buster

Why do you think the HBP meds ain't helping with the anxiety. Is it because of the side effects ?? Or other reasons. Is your blood pressure back to sort of normal now, or are they trying to balance it out for you.
Hi Shygirllajb, Well that is the question. One I am not sure of the answer too. I had a big panic attack before I was put on them but have had really bad anxiety while taking them, this is my 14th day of using them I am on 10mg per day and my bp has been reduced to around 119/79 stable (for now) from 195/115 I had a lot of side effects from them and one of them it says is anxiety.

I have hbp myself. They are trying to balance the thing out at the moment(upping the meds when appropriate), so its a case of regular checks on my bloods and keep checking my blood pressure.
I do hope they manage to find the right dose for you. What are yours called?

I wish you luck with your appointments and things.
Thank you.


18-01-11, 10:38
Hi Buster and welcome, best of luck for dr visit. I had very high bp at one stage 160/110 but didn't need meds to correct it just worked on relaxation and walks etc and now I'm consistently around 117/75

18-01-11, 22:25
Hi Buster.

Aww I hope your side effects ease off or something. Its good that your blood pressure has come down, something must be working.

At the moment I am on 5mg, of ramipril. I go to the drs on Thursday to have my blood pressure checked and then have my bloods taken. My blood pressure before I took any meds was like 160 over 100.

I hope you are ok.


19-01-11, 13:27
Hi Anita, Thanks for your post. Please let me know how you get on. I have been shopping this morning and I feel a little better up to now. I am at the GP's at four o'clock for my scan. I need to go with a full bladder.:blush:. I felt a little anxious yesterday afternoon and up to tea time but settled after that but I did lay awake until 1.15am before I could fall to sleep. My BP was 195/115 two weeks ago hence the BP meds. I hate taking tablets but needs must. I will keep you all updated with how I get on later.


19-01-11, 17:14
Well just back from the scan. Bladder, Spleen and kidney's a routine one that they do for anyone with High Blood Pressure, they said. The radiologist told me everything was normal size and no signs of any abdomalities. So that's one step out of the way. Gp's on Friday morning for blood and urine results. I feel better knowing the scan seems clear.

19-01-11, 17:49
Well just back from the scan. Bladder, Spleen and kidney's a routine one that they do for anyone with High Blood Pressure, they said. The radiologist told me everything was normal size and no signs of any abdomalities. So that's one step out of the way. Gp's on Friday morning for blood and urine results. I feel better knowing the scan seems clear.

Really, crikey, no one has asked me to have one of those scans yet. I wonder if it was because your readings was very high, I mean before the hbp meds.

I am glad that everything is clear and normal. :)

19-01-11, 20:11
Hi Anita. I am glad too. I just hate the anxiety and panic I am hoping it's a temp side affect of these meds. I can't seem to get any answers from anywhere. I was feeling great all today until 6pm then I felt it coming on again it has now subsided again although I have had to come lay in bed.

19-01-11, 21:36

Awww sorry to hear that, hope you are ok now. I wonder what you are panicing about . Any ideas whats so ever??.

Like you were doing something, watching tv that could have triggered something.


19-01-11, 22:48

You are not, i repeat NOT a failure, you sir have had a highly distressing experience and it is obvious you care immensely about your family (i can tell by the way you are selflessly stopping your meds for their sake) and in my book that makes you a top bloke.

Don't let it get you down, anxiety like all mental health is an illness, sure its not short and acute like the flu (if only you could have vaccine!) it is nevertheless an illness and you need to view it as something that is affecting you now but something you can recover from.

Have you asked your GP about CBT? i think also that with your experience in the past maybe a bit of counselling would be beneficial, somewhere safe where you can go through what happened and help it make sense to you. Other than that try some relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation or guided imagery it is all about exercising that link between your body and mind and getting yourself in full control. It also all about accepting that we all are who are there is nothing wrong with being ill - its not like you asked for anxiety is it? if you are not keen on meds then there are loads of exercises you can do and even if you do go on another course of meds then the exercises are the long term solution.

All the best mate. Keep your chin up :)

20-01-11, 10:04

Awww sorry to hear that, hope you are ok now. I wonder what you are panicing about . Any ideas whats so ever??.

Like you were doing something, watching tv that could have triggered something.


Hi Anita, I don't know what I am panicking about I wish I did The first panic attack I had this time around was while I was just dropping off to sleep on a night time while in bed, The next one was while I was sitting down to start eating my tea and then anxiety most of the time while I was doing everyday things, like watching the TV or doing the hoovering I can not seem to find what is triggering this bout off, But I will. Hope you get on ok at the doctors today. Fingers crossed.:)


You are not, i repeat NOT a failure, you sir have had a highly distressing experience and it is obvious you care immensely about your family (i can tell by the way you are selflessly stopping your meds for their sake) and in my book that makes you a top bloke.

Don't let it get you down, anxiety like all mental health is an illness, sure its not short and acute like the flu (if only you could have vaccine!) it is nevertheless an illness and you need to view it as something that is affecting you now but something you can recover from.

Have you asked your GP about CBT? i think also that with your experience in the past maybe a bit of counselling would be beneficial, somewhere safe where you can go through what happened and help it make sense to you. Other than that try some relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation or guided imagery it is all about exercising that link between your body and mind and getting yourself in full control. It also all about accepting that we all are who are there is nothing wrong with being ill - its not like you asked for anxiety is it? if you are not keen on meds then there are loads of exercises you can do and even if you do go on another course of meds then the exercises are the long term solution.

All the best mate. Keep your chin up :)
Hi Whatsgoinon, Your post has lifted me, thank you, Yes I do care very deeply about my family, My Wife and three children are ALL wonderful and very supportive. I am back at the GP's tomorrow morning and I am going with my wife's support I am not embarrassed to ask for help because in life some people just are not strong enough to do things on their own I beat this once I WILL beat it again Thank you again for your advice I will ask the doctor about cbt and maybe counselling I really do not want to start on the cit again, I wonder if there is anything else not so severe?

20-01-11, 11:50
Hi, Buster,

Hope you are ok today, not having a good day myself, hmm. Been to see the nurse and my blood pressure was like 165 over 96 , :ohmy: . Not sure why its so high today. Had my bloods done. Ment to be going to my English Course but going to cancel as my head cold is still kind of bad.


20-01-11, 16:34
Hi Anita,

Sorry your not feeling too well today. Do you think your high BP is anything to do with why you feel off? Or maybe the cold is making you feel worse, it does take it out of you. I hope you feel better tonight and have a nice day tomorrow. I have been and bought some quite life tablets today I will try anything once. I will see how they go.

20-01-11, 17:05
Hi, Buster,

Not really sure, im going to see my dr next week. I will mention something then. I think the bad head cold is something to do with the blood pressure being high but there again im no dr so hmm. At the moment I think something wants to escape my brain, and through the back of my eyes. hmm. I guess thats sinus pain for you.

I wish you luck with your tablets. Good luck tomorrow morning.


21-01-11, 09:23
Thanks Anita, Counting the seconds until my doctors appointment. I will update here when I get back.

21-01-11, 16:25
Well, back from the Doctors, and all my bloods and urine test came back within normal ranges in fact he said my cholesterol is 5.1 which is lower than his.:) My BP is down to around 130/84, I have lost 15lbs 3oz since just before Christmas, (I have been dieting) just another 3 stone 7 pounds to go.:blush: I told him about my anxiety and the panic attacks and he said that I can only help myself (I know this), He did offer me ssri's but I said I would rather try without if I could, although I know this path is not for everyone, it's just that I had a tough time on them last time and it has put me off. it is going to be hard but I WILL do it. He has referred me for CBT, But has told me that the wait in my area is around seven months.:huh: He then logged onto the internet pulled a page up on amazon and pointed me in the direction of a couple of good help yourself cbt books. I have come home and ordered them I want to give them a go. They are being delivered tomorrow. Not feeling to bad today but my trouble usually start after tea time and carry on until I finally fall to sleep after midnight. Thank god for csi reruns on sky!

Any help I can give anyone else I will try and give maybe we could help one another.


21-01-11, 17:38
Hi Buster

Aww im glad that they have come back normal. Well done on the weight loss. Good luck with the CBT books, hope they help you.


22-01-11, 12:06
Hi Buster

Aww im glad that they have come back normal. Well done on the weight loss. Good luck with the CBT books, hope they help you.


Hi Anita.

Well I woke up this morning feeling very anxious, I don't know why? Anyway after 20 mins there was a knock at the door. My two books have arrived. I can't wait for a quite time so I can start to read them. How have you been?

22-01-11, 16:48
Hi Buster,

Sorry to hear that you woke up really anxious. Happy reading. Oh hopefully im not the mend, got given some antibiotics for the sinus infection. The pain is still here so getting really fed up of it all. I guess it just takes time now. hmmm. Oh well, not to worry, lol.

Hope you are ok this afternoon.


24-01-11, 17:31
Hi Anita. Hope you are feeling better. I am going to make another appointment with the doctor asap, I can not go on feeling this way. I am anxious most of the day now and well into the night. I was trying to stick it out but I don't think I can. I do believe that the lisinopril is making things worse my anxiety has gotten a lot worse since I increase my dose of lisinopril to 10mg a day. That's the only factor I can think of.

Regards Buster.

26-01-11, 16:12
Hi buster.

No still have the sinus infection :(. I am sure it will go eventually, its just very painful. I hope they can give you something else that doesn't make your anxiety worse. hugs.

Hope you are ok.

26-01-11, 16:28
Hi Anita. I finished the BP Meds yesterday morning but I am told they stay in your system for a week or two. I have been feeling very anxious all day today. I wish it would go. I hope you feel better soon.

26-01-11, 18:18
Oh no, hmmm, what are you going to do about your high blood pressure instead???. Oh I think I know the reason for my high blood pressure other day, it was because I was taking sudafed and the decongestion in that raises the blood pressure. hmmm.

I didn't realise and was taking them whilst they checked my blood pressure. Hmm only found out when someone stopped and asked are you taking any prescribed meds and mentioned that its very dangerous to take sudafed whilst having high blood pressure.

I am seeing dr tomorrow so, will get her to check again.


27-01-11, 17:54
Ho Dear! I hope that that is the reason for your high blood pressure. I have been to the doctors again today and he has given me some anti depressants I told him I have not started the new BP meds and he said I must so I guess I must. Keep me updated.


29-01-11, 13:01

I do think the sudafed did raise my bp. I stopped taking it and went to my gp on the thursday and it was 144 over 94. So any things like sudafed with the decongestion in its a big no no for high blood pressure. What anti d's this time and the BP meds ??

I hope you will be ok.

30-01-11, 17:36
Hi Anita. That's good news about the sudafed. He had given me Fluoxetine, I don't want to start on them though. I had a good day on Saturday but today is horrible. I feel dizzy and horrible. Hope tomorrow is better.


03-02-11, 21:47
Hey Buster,

How are you baring up? just read a few of your posts - anxiety is usually worse in the morning due to the increased cortisol levels that we experience at these times, it is normal (though they can often take us off guard), you will notice you will improve during the day so stick at it, when it happens just ride with it, remind yourself it is the anxiety making you feel that way and it is nothing to worry about (i know it is hard) but this is the way its baby steps remember, a journey and not a magic bullet, as time goes on and your body learns again that you are not in danger it will fade more (it takes time and then some) - good idea to distract yourself with the books focus your mind on something else and when you are calm make a mental note about this, examine how this feels, enjoy this and always look forward and not back (i have know people to pinch themselves quite hard (not too hard!!) to remember these times) another person i knew took up origami, it is tactile and very distracting - it is all about breaking the panic cycle and remembering your old self even when it feels you can't. Don't beat yourself up about having any mini or even major attacks it is all part of the journey...you'll get there!

ps ask your gp whether you can get any professional help with this CBT could be a real benefit

Best wishes mate :)

04-02-11, 11:29
Thank you so much Whatsgoinon.

I have started the Prozac, I am on day three today, I have another thread going in the medication forum. When you say ask for professional help to go with the CBT what do you mean.? I have notice my anxiety is around in the am and then goes a little then back again towards the night. I don't know why it reappears?


06-02-11, 21:35

CBT is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - it has been found to be very effective at reducing a range of mental health problems - it is nothing to be worried about - it is used in sport for training atheletes and the military - it works on exercising your minds control over your body - it is very similar to "working out" for the mind - i was wondering if your gp could refer you to someone they would then coach you through some exercises that you can then take home and practice.

Re: the am and evening thing there are several reasons for this - firstly as i mentioned your asleep in the morning and your body has to wake up so it secretes cortisol (a hormone siimilar to adrenaline) in the waking process which continues after you wake - (maybe this is due historically sleeping was dangerous when we where living in the wild so being full of this energy makes us more aware and ready to fight or flight) as the day progresses this cortisol stablises and reduces therefore we generally feel less stressed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortisol_awakening_response

The evening is a little harder to explain - but when you are anxious you have andrenaline pumping through your body at elevated levels this can make you quite wired in the evening - this combined with the mind becoming tired makes thoughts harder to control and hence we will tend replay this in our mind, find it harder to focus or remove mind chatter, we may also worry about the next day or sleeping itself. Your body needs to produce another hormone called melatonin in order for your body to sleep - melatonin directly contradicts cortisol and adrenaline (i.e. when cortisol and adrenline are up then melatonin is down) hence we struggle to sleep. A good way to combat this is to exercise in the early evening and try not to eat late - this should tire you out and burn off excess andrenaline and also remember you cannot will yourself to sleep your body puts you to sleep when it is ready - so lots of good distractions such as reading help take our mind of this. (hey you may find due to the extra adrenaline you are lot fitter than you thought you where - pro atheletes would love this abundance of adrenaline to help with their training!)

You can see through this how what you experience is cyclical - it is not just lots of random attacks but they tend to cluster around times and certain things we might have to do in our lives - the trick is to break these cycles so that the body can relax into its normal rhythms (again this is the useful thing about meditation as it can act to relax the body and reset its responses - unless you believe in the cosmic energy - erm well you can never rule anything out 100% but i'm pretty sure that there is no such thing :))

So i hope this helps - it is a bit like a giant hiccup, your body is kindof stuck in a cycle and you need break this to stop this but just like hiccups you can get control back but these things leave us when we are not paying attention to them - this is the trick to master not letting the panic - panic you anymore than it does so the cycle is reducing and not increasing - hope that last bit makes sense

All the best to you and your family :)

07-02-11, 11:05
Thank you whatsgoingon, It makes a lot of sense.

I am now on day six of prozac and it is tough. I have been given a few diazipam from an emergency GP on Saturday.

07-02-11, 11:31
Hi mate, firstly I am glad you have realised that you are not alone. I do not have experience of the blood pressure tablets, however I am now 38 and have had experience of depression, panic attacks and anxiety on and off from about 16 years old. The advice about speaking to your G.P. is only good if he/she is a good doctor, or it can be counter productive. Most G.P.s even the good ones have a limited knowledge in these mental health related areas and certainly what impact certain medication has on an individual. The good news is that there is plenty of good information out there online, books and C.D.s. As has been alluded to by another member, there is an element of trial and error, but I have no doubt you will find the right combination of medication, lifestyle and most importantly your thinking as you have no reason to feel ashamed or stigmatised. How we think is linked to C.B.T. Cognative behavioural therapy, the idea being that if we change how we think, it follows that we change how we feel and behave also.
In summary, try not to be too critical of yourself, take your time to breathe and find balance, peace and ultimately joy in your life once again, know that you are not alone and that things can and will improve. All the best, Stephen.

07-02-11, 14:25
Hiya Buster, how are you today ?


07-02-11, 15:06
Thanks Stephen. I have a CBT appointment on the 23rd of this month.

Nutty, Not been out of bed today believe it or not. I am looking at the diazipam and I don't know whether to take one or not? I don't want to be floating in the air. Does anyone know the average it takes for the increased anxiety side effect to subside?

07-02-11, 17:36
Hey Buster,

just wondering whether you had the option of going on propanolol before diazepam? propanolol is a beta-blocker that negates the affect of adrenaline and relaxes your heart, most people get very few side effects yet a reduction in anxiety.

Benzo's (Diazepam) affect people in different ways so it is hard to say how long side effects may last if they occur at all - but remember these drugs are only temporary fix - i would not use them myself as i think just sedating someone does not deal with the problem but masks it for a while but that really is only my opinion so you do what you gotta do - but believe me as dark as it may seem now you will get through this and it will be you that does it not the Diazepam.

07-02-11, 17:41
Hi Whatsgoingon. No, I was not offered propanolol, maybe due to the fact I am also on a blood pressure med.

09-02-11, 13:34
Aww buster, are you any better today? xxxx

09-02-11, 14:36
Hi Nutty, on day 8 today. It's still tough, not sleeping much. Feeling anxious too. Had to take my wife for a hospital appointment this morning. I managed though. I would love to be able to sleep well. How are you?

10-02-11, 13:28
Thanks everyone, Just an update.

I have just got back from an emergency appointment with my own usual GP. He asked me what the problem was. I told him I saw another GP 12 days ago and told him I was suffering with High anxiety and had two panic attacks in the space of a month. I told him that I could not use cit as I had a bad reaction to it 26 months ago so he prescribed prozac. I then told my my own doctor today that for the last eight nights I have had hardly any sleep and this morning I could not sit still as I was that agitated I have to keep getting up and moving about. He looked at me and said PROZAC is not the correct drug to use for anxiety or panic attacks and it is that drug that is making me agitated to the point of being uncontrollable. He told me to stop taking PROZAC immediately as I have only been taking it for nine days I should be ok????? As soon as the drug leaves my system I should settle down.

I have two questions.

1. Is it right I can just stop it like this after taking my nineth one this morning before the doctors visit?

2. How long before it leaves my system?

I am starting cbt on the 23rd of this month and I am booking a session with a hypnotherapist this weekend.

Sorry for the multi posts but I wanted to update everyone who is following these threads.