View Full Version : pain in my lower left abdomen

16-01-11, 22:50
Hi I am not new on here just haven't been on in a long time. :blush:

Going through a bad time at present. Lot's of horrible stuff around me. I suffer from severe health anxiety that show's itself whenever there is bad news etc.

My ex-husband just died of lung cancer, his sister, my ex sister in law is currently dying of soft tissue sacoma, she has days to live.

Since hearing this news i have had a bad stomach problem. Been to GP an she examined me and confirmed that everything in my stomach feels fine. It may be IBS. I am still obsessing about it. If I have any lump, bump, pain it always cancer to me.

Do I go back to the GP again? She will eventually refer me for a scan and that really scares the living daylight out of me. I am 51 menopausal, had a hysterectomy 10 years ago, have one ovary left. Still living in fear of getting some form of cancer. It really interferes with living a normal life as I get obsessed with a syptom, stop eating, stop sleep properly, it really is awful.

16-01-11, 22:51

16-01-11, 23:10
will move to a more appropriate forum for you

16-01-11, 23:58
I know i,ve posted alot tonight seeing as i,m new , but i do get ibs and have had it for years . It can come on with stress and be very very painfull . You,ve been the docs and been checked out , with all the stress you have at the minute i,m not surprised something has had to give .

I get pains all over the stomach area , really intense ones when i get an attack and have done for 15 years or so . Try not to worry you,ve seen the Doc , just go back in 2-3 weeks to put your mind at rest if no improvement .

Take care x

17-01-11, 00:02
Also forgot to say that the first place any stress hits me is stomach related , used to be ibs , now its more hyperscidity .