View Full Version : Head discomfort, head rush or smth...

17-01-11, 00:22
Today and yesterday strange feeling popped in and it was more like physical thing about my head and brain, it was like I felt uncomfortable in that part of my body, at top of my head somehow inside it... Then also like a mental problem arrived like feeling something... I can't explain... like uncomfortable thoughts in my head for like 2-3 seconds, then gone, then after like 2-3 hours again for 2-3 seconds then gone, really really strange, I linked that with my physical feeling, I felt really uncomfortable in my head don't know how to better explain it. I was linking it that somehow that something is wrong physical inside my brain that maybe I got stroke. I am now worried that something will happen inside my head and not only that it will but that IS happening at the moment, because I felt very very wired and it was like I feeling my brain, like discomfort in that area (top of my head). Sometimes I feel like a pain from sides of my head and I don't know is this is linked with my anxiety problem or not. The stuff that I got worried about usually are very real and they're always linked with something physical. Don't know what how to handle this stuff, after I got over something another more scarier things are appearing in my head. Should I ignore this physical and mental feeling like I did till now, trying to concentrate about what I am doing and stop thinking about other stuff? Don't know what to do, I felt better than this strange discomfort in my head popped in. I read about head rushes linked with anxiety but I don't know the meaning in English... Could you explain what's a head rush in more easy-to-understand way?

EDIT: I found out what's head rush and I am not experiencing one, so what I am dealing with here... :S
P.S. I am dealing with anxiety like 4 months now (first it was heart problem, then going insane, now it's this)

Thank you in advance,


17-01-11, 16:14
Anyone can help?

17-01-11, 22:07
I feel like my head is empty, and like I feel the top of my head very uncomfortable, like something is happening there really strange physical symptom, never happened to me before, like I am feeling the blood running through my head (the top of it) or smth like that. It makes me scratch my head all the time and also touch it and the feeling is passing a little bit, also I feel tightness in that area, don't know what's wrong and the scary thing is I can't describe how I feel, it's indescribable feeling. Please Amy do help in any way you can, I feel like something is happening in top of my head and to add more I feel very wired and some indescribable thought are happening from time to time and they seem very linked with my physical problem/symptom. What the **** is happening!?! I am kind freaking out here, don't know what's wrong and not that I got some anxiety symptoms or anything, it's very real shit. Should I check my blood pressure to see if anything is linked with it or should I do some brain scan... It's really ****ed up.


18-01-11, 10:22
take a few deep breaths and calm down.
What you are expirenciing sounds anxiety related.I have felt all sorts of weird things in my head for months and im still alive. The fact that you are freaking out and concentrating on it will only be making it worse.