View Full Version : Flashback - help me stop them pleeeeeeeeze

Little Nicky
17-01-11, 00:53
Can anybody pleeeeeeeeze tell me what I can do to stop myself from slipping into flashback of something I just can't cope with or see anymore. I'm trapped in it everytime and I can't get out of it. I know some may say it's not really happening in the here and now but it really is - I don't just see what happened to me - It really happenes to me all over again each and every time and I can't cope much longer like this. I can't breathe and I can't talk out-loud - it's just consuming me and I'm scared where these feelings will take me.x.:weep::wacko::unsure:

17-01-11, 01:23
Little Nicky, how horrible. Is there anyone with you? :hugs:

Little Nicky
17-01-11, 18:03
Hi Gaaron, They are horrible and very scary but they have calmed down today and my anxiety is less too. Just have to work out what my triggers are so I can avoid them.x.

Thank-you honey.x.:winks:

17-01-11, 18:31
Hi Little Nicky,

sorry you have problems with your flashbacks, it's awful when they crop up, and feels like we are going through the horrible ordeal, and though it does not happen anymore, it's is hard to push aside, if you can focus on one of them, then tell yourself that your inner child is not hurting anymore, this does not happen and that what happened back when it happened. the inner child is now save. no harm coming to the inner child. this works, though it's hard work to try and change our thought patterns. I have flashbacks and they are so real, like going through it all over again, even though I'm not going through it now. I had to do this through counsellig, this helped, though hard work. it's only a suggestion.


17-01-11, 18:33
Hi Little Nicky,

I’m so sorry to hear about the flashbacks. I’ve never experienced them myself and hope I never do. I used to think they were just vivid memories, but my friend tried to explain it to me and described it exactly as you have. That it’s not simply a vivid memory but actually going back to that place and time and reliving it as if it was happening again at this very moment.

Flashbacks are usually linked to a traumatic past experience, and the term PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is often used. Have you read any of the posts in the PTSD section (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=27) yet?

Counselling or therapy can often help to come to terms with the traumatic event, and there’s something called the Rewind Technique (http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=rewind+technique) that can be very effective at dealing with flashbacks and PTSD. It doesn’t make a person forget what happened but it removes the painful and distressing emotions that accompany it, and it’s those that cause the problems. The person is still left with the memory, but it’s just like any other fairly neutral memory.

Take care :)

Little Nicky
17-01-11, 20:20
Hi yvonne, can I ask is the 'inner child' the same as my councilor talking about the 'little me'? She talked to me about the little me some time ago but we are supposed to be doing something with it this week!
It's a relief to hear someone else has experienced these kind of flashbacks too and what you have said kind of makes sense.
I hope you can find some kind of peace with you and yours too honey and thank-you so much for your suggestion - it has really helped.x.:bighug1:

Hi Nigel, The Rewind Technique? I'm intrigued - I'v never heard of it. I am going to check that link out now.x. Thank-you for explaining it to me.
I have read the ptsd section and found some good, useful stuff in it that I can identify with. thank-you honey.x.:winks: