View Full Version : stomach pain and breathing problems... fed up!

17-01-11, 01:55
I've had awful stomach pain at the top left under my bottom few ribs for the past 2 days now! it seems worse when I lie down and is keeping me up at night! Its like a pressure and heavy weight. I don't know what's causing it! I'm also still having trouble breathing and it's scaring me! I keep getting a winded feeling and can't actually take a breath in for a couple of seconds!

anyone know what might be causing these? I'm so fed up of worrying!

17-01-11, 03:27
Well if you have experienced anxiety before one of the symptoms is having trouble breathing or shortness of breath so no need to worry, also stomach pain is an anxiety symptom so if you do experience anxiety before than no need to worry, if this things suddenly happened out of nowhere, visit a doctor and check yourself.

17-01-11, 06:50
this is a different kind of stomach pain that I've had before. And the breathing is worst than I've ever had. I'm really scared!

17-01-11, 12:06
Don't be, I promise you, you are 100% fine. Just visit a doctor if you are not sure if this is anxiety, answer this to me: Have you ever experienced anxiety before or this stomach pains and breathing problems occur out of nowhere?

17-01-11, 12:32
The breathing problems I have had before, they just feel even worse at the moment. The stomach pain is new though.
I have suffered with anxiety for just over a year now and I've never had stomach pain like this. I don't know what can be causing it :(

17-01-11, 14:30
I went to the docs for this exact same thing, she said it was definitely due to anxiety. I'm totally with you, the breathing thing is very scary. I am now on week two of sertraline and I have to say that both of these symptons have improved massively. It is definitely anxiety... take care, I'm sure this will pass.

17-01-11, 16:07
Sry to hear ur going thru this. I too, have experienced unbearable stomach pains. Mine actually lasted for one whole yr. I threw up every single day, once or twice a day. The pains would range from right n the middle of my belly, to right n the middle between my ribs, the sternum area i guess, and under my left ribs. I finally had an endoscopy dun, after eating tums daily and even trying nexium twice a day for eight mnths. The results were...... anxiety! My gastro even told me that. There was no signs of nething else wrong. The problem we have, is thinking about our pain, and wat kind of pain it is, too much. Hope this helps, an good luck

17-01-11, 16:51
I went to the docs for this exact same thing, she said it was definitely due to anxiety. I'm totally with you, the breathing thing is very scary. I am now on week two of sertraline and I have to say that both of these symptons have improved massively. It is definitely anxiety... take care, I'm sure this will pass.

what was the breathing problems you had? Its sort of hard to describe mine, it's like someone squeezes my lungs and I can't take a breath in! it's happenin more and more and I'm so scared because of it! My doctor says it is just anxiety but I find it so hard to believe her! Surely it's not normal to be like this! It feels uncomfortable to breathe all the time!

17-01-11, 16:54
Sry to hear ur going thru this. I too, have experienced unbearable stomach pains. Mine actually lasted for one whole yr. I threw up every single day, once or twice a day. The pains would range from right n the middle of my belly, to right n the middle between my ribs, the sternum area i guess, and under my left ribs. I finally had an endoscopy dun, after eating tums daily and even trying nexium twice a day for eight mnths. The results were...... anxiety! My gastro even told me that. There was no signs of nething else wrong. The problem we have, is thinking about our pain, and wat kind of pain it is, too much. Hope this helps, an good luck

Did you stomach pain go away after you had the endoscopy? I have IBS so I'm used to getting pains but this is different and really uncomfortable no matter what position i'm in! I hope it goes away real soon!

17-01-11, 16:59
yes it feels like there is a tightness or a fullness, almost like there is a lot of trapped wind there or something, along with feeling the need to take deep breaths all the time, sometimes i feel breathless as well. I think it's because we focus soo much on our breathing that we are TOO aware of it, rather than allowing ourselves to relax and letting the breathing occur naturally, this in turn causes all the muscles to tense as well. I am sure that our doctors are 100 percent right. I had this for a few weeks and it's just starting to pass now. Take care you will be fine

17-01-11, 17:28
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is also found to be one of the most important causes of left abdominal pain under ribs. GERD is characterized by the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux , which is caused either due to the spontaneous opening of lower esophageal sphincter for long/short periods or improper closing of the same. This further results in the rise of the stomach contents up to the esophagus. The symptoms of such a reflux are burning sensations in chest region, what we refer to as heartburn pain in the lower abdominal region and acid indigestion.

17-01-11, 17:48
Thanks cookie10, I'm feeling a bit reassured now! I've had this breathing problem for a year now, it's just been getting worse and worse! I think I need to stop focusing on my breathing so much and try and drill it into my head that it's nothing to worry about!
Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's much appreciated! Take care xx

17-01-11, 17:59
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is also found to be one of the most important causes of left abdominal pain under ribs. GERD is characterized by the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux , which is caused either due to the spontaneous opening of lower esophageal sphincter for long/short periods or improper closing of the same. This further results in the rise of the stomach contents up to the esophagus. The symptoms of such a reflux are burning sensations in chest region, what we refer to as heartburn pain in the lower abdominal region and acid indigestion.

Hi judipat, can GERD also cause breathing difficulty like I've described? I've never had any problems with indigestion/heartburn before, is this somethin that can just suddenly start happening frequently? I've also had what feels like a tight throat and difficulty swallowing. I've been finding it hard to eat due to all these symptoms and it's driving me nuts! x

17-01-11, 18:01
you're welcome punkprincess. It's hard isn't it but acceptance really is the key. The one thing that helped me was that this didn't happen when I was asleep, which even more goes to prove its anxiety. My big thing before the breathing issue was my heart, palpatations all the time. Since the breathing issue my heart seems to be ticking along quite nicely cause I've stopped focusing on it. Try to keep busy, thats the best thing for distraction.

17-01-11, 18:23
Ironiclly, yes, my stomach pains disappeared after i had the scope done. It assured me i had nothing to worry about. I thought surely, that my throat was irritated at least some, but it wasnt, not even from throwing up everyday for that yr. I just had my scope about 3 mnths ago, so it hasnt been. that long. As far as the breathing issues, there are days i yawn over 100 times to try an catch my breath. Everyday i struggle with a tightness around my chest and sum sort of pain n the chest area. Its n9t fun, but the more i focus on not being able to breathe, the worse it is.

17-01-11, 18:26
Hi princess

you need to read up on GERD - there is loads on the internet. I have had GERD for many years and I too have the breathing probs, partly due to GERD but also it is an axiety symptom I have also had.
I read somewhere that due to that discomfort with your stomach, throat etc, you tend to overbreath and also swallow constantly due to to extra saliva you produce - this all upsets to regular chemistry/balance, if that makes sense!!.
I will try and find the article for you, but be assurred, this is all anxiety related and very treatable so please dont worry about it.

take care


17-01-11, 18:53
Hi judipat, can GERD also cause breathing difficulty like I've described? I've never had any problems with indigestion/heartburn before, is this somethin that can just suddenly start happening frequently? I've also had what feels like a tight throat and difficulty swallowing. I've been finding it hard to eat due to all these symptoms and it's driving me nuts! x

I always got a tight throat due to anxiety.
But as i Get acid reflux (due to to much stress over the years) it also makes your throat feel tight, and also when i swallow. but i also get the burning throat, like a sore throat. It affects my breathing at times, as if someones squeezin my stomach and chest, but it's due to the acid getting into the lungs, but it's ok it can't harm u. i had tests, cam down the throat, nothing wrong, just stress they said. You might have mild acid reflux, which all comes down to to much acid or not enough acid in the stomach, all coursed by stress.(which is what i get, even tho they say your stomachs fine) it's worse if i am stressed out. when i have been very calm, its not been there, comes and goes... it's a pain, but just one of those things. the more i think about my breathing, the worse it gets, as it makes me nervours.. but nothing can happen to you.
I was chatting to a friend who suffers like i do, on both counts, and they had 4 sessions of accupuncture for both things, as they said it's link to stress. and she swears by it, and feels millon dollors. and has not had an anxiety attack for ages. not sure if it would work on everyone..
i want to try it, but i hate needles lol have this thing about needles, even tho there meant to be very small... worth a try, worked for her. I just have to get my mind over the needles before i try lol.

Good luck x :)