View Full Version : breasts enquiry

17-01-11, 10:07

For last few days, I have had highly sensitive breasts and nipples very sore, unbearable to touch, or have any kind of clothing touching them. I usually get sensitive nipples, not breasts too. I'm a bit worried and anixous about this.

any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


17-01-11, 10:22
Yvonne, are you pregnant? or is it the time of the month, and it just so happens you're more sensitive? Or have you changed your washing powder?x

17-01-11, 10:34
Yvonne, are you pregnant? or is it the time of the month, and it just so happens you're more sensitive? Or have you changed your washing powder?x

Hi garron,

no not pregnant, not anywhere near my when evers, I no longer get them monthly. I have not change my washing powder. I have googled the problem, and none of the advice online fits. I ran out of questions to search online.

going to make an appointment with my gp. she usually sends me for a mamogram. when before it was just my nipples were so sensitive.

now it both breasts and nipples.

thanks, very much appreciated, thanks.


17-01-11, 10:37
It'll be something and nothing Yvonne, but make your appt with the gp just to ease your mind. Put something comfortable on for this afternoon :flowers:

17-01-11, 10:43
thanks garron, thanks for your advice, I very much appreciate this, I've been worrying about this for the last few days. wish I kept the nursing pads. I had to buy them last year to help with the highly sensitive nipples.


17-01-11, 10:50
cottonwool? :)

17-01-11, 10:52
cottonwool? :)

thanks garron. very much appreciated, thanks.

18-01-11, 02:27

this sensitive breasts are so painful, finally found something that links to why my breast are so highly sensitive and my nipples. menopause. I'm going through early menopause. hopefully my gp will give me something for this pain.


18-01-11, 06:14
been up most of the night, with this pain, it's too much. wish could take them off, not a chance. I was not expecting this to be so sore like this. Im so tired, maybe iff i lie down, maybe get to sleep, dont know how gonna manage to go to sleep and wake up soon to phone my gp.

maybe try and stay awake. this is a night mare.


18-01-11, 06:26
what do you mean by sensitive?
all i have to compare is when at that time of month my breasts get very tender and are easily hurt.
what your describing, sounds very uncomfortable :-(
sorry your in pain :hugs:
what time does your gp open?

blue moon
18-01-11, 06:29
Hi Yvonne:)
I know what that feels like,I used to get sore nipples and breasts It was hormonal and going through menopause.The doctor will reassure you,hope you get some sleep.
Love Petra x:flowers:

macc noodle
18-01-11, 07:42
Hi Yvonne

I am 49 and going through peri-menopause and I get sporadic bouts of really sensitive nipples - could cry even when I am getting dressed - it passes though and, yes, I must admit it feels a bit like mastitis I had when I had my first child and tried fruitlessly to breastfeed!!

Am sure the doc will put your mind at rest.


18-01-11, 15:47
what do you mean by sensitive?
all i have to compare is when at that time of month my breasts get very tender and are easily hurt.
what your describing, sounds very uncomfortable :-(
sorry your in pain :hugs:
what time does your gp open?

Hi Mishel,

I'm going through early menopause, I never did get monthly's, mine were every two weeks, now they come when ever, I just dont know, can take months before I get them. that why I call them whenever's. yes it is very uncomfortable, I wish I could remove them for a while, there's no chance of that. cause of it being constant right now, driving me up the wall, highly sensitive breast and nipples.

My gp's open at 8 am, have to phone by 8.30 am. I woke up late, so I phone and got an appointment for tomorrow morning, dont know how I'm gonna get upp for that, now that I've been up all night.

then gp she examine them, bloomin sore, thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.


18-01-11, 15:47
I had this problem too, when I was perimenopausal. I went on HRT for a short while and the problem disappeared, it didn't even come back when I stopped taking the HRT just a few months later.

18-01-11, 15:56
Hi Yvonne:)
I know what that feels like,I used to get sore nipples and breasts It was hormonal and going through menopause.The doctor will reassure you,hope you get some sleep.
Love Petra x:flowers:

Hi Petra,

thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.

I got some sleep, I have an appointment with my gp for tomorrow morning at 9am.

took me a long time to get comfortable, as soon as I was comfortable, I managed to get to sleep.

I'll just have to manage today, maybe I can just manage to get through today. I dont cope with bad pain.


18-01-11, 15:59
Hi Yvonne

I am 49 and going through peri-menopause and I get sporadic bouts of really sensitive nipples - could cry even when I am getting dressed - it passes though and, yes, I must admit it feels a bit like mastitis I had when I had my first child and tried fruitlessly to breastfeed!!

Am sure the doc will put your mind at rest.


Hi jan,

thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks. and sharing. thanks.


18-01-11, 16:03
I had this problem too, when I was perimenopausal. I went on HRT for a short while and the problem disappeared, it didn't even come back when I stopped taking the HRT just a few months later.

Hi Tish,

thank you for sharing, very much appreciated, thanks. I'm allergic to HRT. thanks again. I'm glad that HRT helped you. though when I was on HRT it did help, though with such a bad allergic reaction, I had to stop HRT.

at the time I was on HRT, it helped with the hot flushes to keep them at bay.


19-01-11, 11:54

went to see my gp this morning, my gp examined my breast and took a swap from my right nipple, at present treating it as an infection. gave me cream and tablets for an infection, she says if when infection clears and hopefully the pain should go. then we defo know it was an infection that caused the pain, if not then we do a hormone test to see what's happening, then after that, if need further investigation, she send me for another mamogram.

just to be on the safe side of things. I'm glad I went to see my gp. will get the results next week from swap, let you know about results next week.
