View Full Version : felt so strange last night, help!

17-01-11, 10:28
Has anyone experienced this before....

I had a really good day yesterday, went to work and didnt feel anxious at all was calm all day and wasnt checking for any symptoms of various illnesses! Anyway i was sat looking on the laptop when i suddenly thought it felt a bit hard to breath, i just ignored this and carried on but then i felt a bit dizzy and off balance, still i tried to ignore this too. Anyway i stopped looking at the laptop and lay on the sofa and watch TV. By this time i was having what i can only describe as racing thoughts, like really strange thoughts coupled with lots of memeories popping into my mind. It felt like i was dreaming but was awake.

I then decided to try and go to sleep but then i felt like i was just suddenly falling asleep out of my control so would wake myself up again, now this is a bit embarrassing as the reason why i kept waking myself up was because i was actually thinking that this werid sensation of falling asleep suddenly was actaully me dying :blush:. Added to this i kept feeling these weird tingley rushes through my body. It was like everytime i calmed down i got this rush and it was making me really anxious again.

Ok im sorry it all sound strange but do you think it was this:

I was over breathing without noticing and this led to me being dizzy, which then led to me feeling anxious which led to the racing thoughts. Then i tried to fall asleep when my body was tired but my mind was in overdrive so when i was falling asleep my mind was waking me up. Then this weird tingle rush was adrenalin that then kept feeding the anxiety/panic?

I just cant understand why this would happen after i had had a really good couple of days??? This is what makes it so hard to accept my rational explanation!!!!

Thanks in advance, sorry for the long post (that may or may not make sense!)


17-01-11, 10:48
Mary3, you've answered your own symptoms. Staring/working/playing or whatever on a laptop can make us forget about our breathing (properly), posture and can cause tension in the shoulders,jaw,neck,eyes etc. So add all that up and it makes an unhappy body. Hope you're feeling better this morning xx

17-01-11, 20:18
Thank you. Feeling much better today but a bit spooked out by last night. I hate that feeling when falling asleep and my mind panics that im dying, no wonder i was full of adrenalin! Had a good read of my Dr claire weekes book and that seemed to help so will read it again tonight!