View Full Version : Couldnt do school run

anx mum
17-01-11, 12:14
Woke up sweating got kids dressed slowly was feeling anxious couldnt breath and chest was tight really thought i was gonna collaspe and die:weep: . Felt really dizzy by this point was sobbing kept my son at home. Went doctors felt so scared he examined me said chest sounded fine wasent convinced as felt awful has put me on another anxiety med which is in iiquid form never heard of it. This is awful feel like im in abubble.

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 12:25
Hi anx mum Sorry to hear this i had trouble going to doctors this morning did go now feel weak because of the fear

anx mum
17-01-11, 12:29
Hi anx mum Sorry to hear this i had trouble going to doctors this morning did go now feel weak because of the fear

Yeah feel weak and confused gettng horrible symptoms doc r saying is anxiety but feels like summat gonna happen to me. How r u today?

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 12:34
Aches in arms maybe more of a weakness weather not nice here raining

17-01-11, 13:07
Hi Bev
Sorry to here that you are not well again today
What medication has he put you on this time
have you still got to take the other one as well
Your doctor seems very good mine wont up mine I am only on 10mg of Citropram and he said that is enough
Have you still got your diazapam
Look after yourself


anx mum
17-01-11, 13:12
Hi Bev
Sorry to here that you are not well again today
What medication has he put you on this time
have you still got to take the other one as well
Your doctor seems very good mine wont up mine I am only on 10mg of Citropram and he said that is enough
Have you still got your diazapam
Look after yourself


hiya hun no feel awful in a right state given me another anxiety med but cant get it to 2moz not in chemist begins with q. No havent got diaz now wish i did. How r u today?

17-01-11, 13:28
anx mum,, i feel your pain and know how you feel i really do,, ive keep my daughter off school alot one because i couldnt take her and two i didnt wanna be on my own, i have got over this since but it was hard, the best ting you should do for yourself is except its anxiety , that would be one hurdle.

if you have diaizpma before and it did make you feel abit better then you know its anixety. and the doc has looked you over and said the same thing. if you were feeling that bad this morn , then you done ever so well getting up and dressed and your little one, and be proud of that give yaself a pat on back. you are fighting it and you need to keep going you can do it. nothen will happen to you just the awfull feelings ,, and thats just what they are, agreanline with no where to go. your mind is bluffing you, dont let it you are in control.

Take some nice deep breaths and really forcus on that and pratise that. i wish you well i really do ,, your the only one that can do with docs help learn you will be ok and can handle this things. you are strong and a fantastic person that wont put up with this. if your brave enough one day and that feeling rushes over you say bring it on, give me all you have got and cause your thoughts are fighting with your feelings it dosnt get anyworse cause you beat it,..

i wish u well,

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 13:30
Yeah feel weak and confused gettng horrible symptoms doc r saying is anxiety but feels like summat gonna happen to me. How r u today?
Anxiety yes got new doctor she is really good

anx mum
17-01-11, 13:36
anx mum,, i feel your pain and know how you feel i really do,, ive keep my daughter off school alot one because i couldnt take her and two i didnt wanna be on my own, i have got over this since but it was hard, the best ting you should do for yourself is except its anxiety , that would be one hurdle.

if you have diaizpma before and it did make you feel abit better then you know its anixety. and the doc has looked you over and said the same thing. if you were feeling that bad this morn , then you done ever so well getting up and dressed and your little one, and be proud of that give yaself a pat on back. you are fighting it and you need to keep going you can do it. nothen will happen to you just the awfull feelings ,, and thats just what they are, agreanline with no where to go. your mind is bluffing you, dont let it you are in control.

Take some nice deep breaths and really forcus on that and pratise that. i wish you well i really do ,, your the only one that can do with docs help learn you will be ok and can handle this things. you are strong and a fantastic person that wont put up with this. if your brave enough one day and that feeling rushes over you say bring it on, give me all you have got and cause your thoughts are fighting with your feelings it dosnt get anyworse cause you beat it,..

i wish u well,

Thank u hun so much hun its awful isnt it. Feel bad i kept my son of school. Its like the physical sypmtoms control me, terrifry me. No matter what the doc says i believe it for abit then it starts over again.

17-01-11, 13:45
Where do i start ....
i feel your pain i have 4 children and have anxiety and panic disprder also agoraphic tendencies :(
luckily for me i have a wonderfull husband wo takes the children to school, i dont no what i would do without him...
i have tried meds and cbt but the meds didnt work so i stopped all meds years ago.
The cbt does work but you have to fight it constant and its drained me so much i have lots the will to fight anymore :(
i no my post prob wont help you but just wanted you to no that you are not alone (((hugs)) xxx

anx mum
17-01-11, 13:50
Where do i start ....
i feel your pain i have 4 children and have anxiety and panic disprder also agoraphic tendencies :(
luckily for me i have a wonderfull husband wo takes the children to school, i dont no what i would do without him...
i have tried meds and cbt but the meds didnt work so i stopped all meds years ago.
The cbt does work but you have to fight it constant and its drained me so much i have lots the will to fight anymore :(
i no my post prob wont help you but just wanted you to no that you are not alone (((hugs)) xxx

Thank u how long have u felt like this? Do u get the physical symptoms too? Had this before keeps coming bk:weep:. How do u cope hun?

17-01-11, 13:52
I have had this for 8 years :(
i dont cope if im honest i just try and get through each day as best as i can i cant go shops or anywhere its so frustrating and im wasting my life away :( :( xx

17-01-11, 13:52
physical symptoms are bad i could write a massive list lol.
but the mains ones are passing out and sweating :( :(

anx mum
17-01-11, 13:56
I have had this for 8 years :(
i dont cope if im honest i just try and get through each day as best as i can i cant go shops or anywhere its so frustrating and im wasting my life away :( :( xx

ah hun big hugs to u xx

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 13:57
physical symptoms are bad i could write a massive list lol.
but the mains ones are passing out and sweating :( :(
I wrote a list and it went on and on

17-01-11, 13:59
I wrote a list and it went on and on

i no exactly what you mean :ohmy:

17-01-11, 14:00
anx mum,, dont start to worry u will start passing out ,, cause i was same as you few years ago anyone said anything they got i would worry, some people do pass out cause they get so worked up and hyperventilate but you can control it,, big deep breaths and positive thoughts, breath in to count of 4 and out to count of 6,, use your fingers,, when u can do that then try in to count of 5 then out to 7,, none of us breath properly and even have to learn to ,, funny as that might seem you gotta fill your belly right up and really feel it cause you can take in more air if you try.

anx mum
17-01-11, 14:05
anx mum,, dont start to worry u will start passing out ,, cause i was same as you few years ago anyone said anything they got i would worry, some people do pass out cause they get so worked up and hyperventilate but you can control it,, big deep breaths and positive thoughts, breath in to count of 4 and out to count of 6,, use your fingers,, when u can do that then try in to count of 5 then out to 7,, none of us breath properly and even have to learn to ,, funny as that might seem you gotta fill your belly right up and really feel it cause you can take in more air if you try.

Never passed out but feel like it have had sweating, pins and needles, racing heart, chest pain, arm pain, cant breath

17-01-11, 14:07
lol,, and you gotta laugh somtimes,, i could make that list so much longer and sure you can, but we still here. i hope you get reasurance here,

17-01-11, 14:14
Hiya, i know just how you feel. I couldnt take my kids to school for nearly 2 months. I have just started again now, but everymorning i get the tense throat upper chest pain, but i know i have to do it. I am longing for the day i get up and feel today is ok ! But i think that is along way off for me. Please dont beat yourself up over it, whats a day off school ? You will be fine Chick and tomorrow is another day. feel free to email if you ever want to chat Jayne xxx

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 15:10
Hiya, i know just how you feel. I couldnt take my kids to school for nearly 2 months. I have just started again now, but everymorning i get the tense throat upper chest pain, but i know i have to do it. I am longing for the day i get up and feel today is ok ! But i think that is along way off for me. Please dont beat yourself up over it, whats a day off school ? You will be fine Chick and tomorrow is another day. feel free to email if you ever want to chat Jayne xxx
we all miss out on so much each day because of this anxiety we fear of every symtom every day because of our thoughts

17-01-11, 15:23
exactly, i think that is what hurts the most, knowing we are missing out on things especially when it is to do with our children x

Frozen in fear
17-01-11, 15:43
exactly, i think that is what hurts the most, knowing we are missing out on things especially when it is to do with our children x

its been hard for my girl because they see something is not wright but she did pass her 11 plus now in grammar school i miss taking her out

17-01-11, 17:27
Hi all,

Have you ever had CBT? They teach you to accept how you feel and stay with the anxiety, it will then eventually pass. Easier said than done :)

When you seek reassurance you perpetuate your anxiety as it only makes you feel better for a short time.........that's the theory anyway, I still keep giving in and seeking reassurance :weep:

Maybe worth you trying :)

anx mum
17-01-11, 18:00
Hi all,

Have you ever had CBT? They teach you to accept how you feel and stay with the anxiety, it will then eventually pass. Easier said than done :)

When you seek reassurance you perpetuate your anxiety as it only makes you feel better for a short time.........that's the theory anyway, I still keep giving in and seeking reassurance :weep:

Maybe worth you trying :)

no never had cbt, same here i keep seeking reassurace:weep:

anx mum
18-01-11, 09:51
Well today been abit different so far felt anxious when woke and dizzy got kids dressed and managed to get my older boy to school feel so glad i did it:ohmy: bk home now looking out window sun is out

eternally optimistic
18-01-11, 10:13
Well done anx mum, glad you managed school run.


Take care and be kind to yourself, no beating yourself up, it wont help.

Enjoy your day.

18-01-11, 11:11
Well today been abit different so far felt anxious when woke and dizzy got kids dressed and managed to get my older boy to school feel so glad i did it:ohmy: bk home now looking out window sun is out

well done you :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:
i hope your proud of yourself, you shoud be :D

18-01-11, 11:17
Well done Bev, glad you are having a better day xxx

anx mum
18-01-11, 11:36
well done you :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:
i hope your proud of yourself, you shoud be :D

Hi hun how r u today? Just been bk to school my son not very well abit anxious now.

18-01-11, 14:19
Hi hun how r u today? Just been bk to school my son not very well abit anxious now.

hi hun im not to bad thank you.
i pushed myself and made myself go with hubby to take my daughter to nursery was very anxious but managed to do it so :yesyes:.

take a few deep breaths you will be fine, i hope your son feels better soon :bighug1: