View Full Version : one other thing

17-01-11, 16:01
Sry im postin so much...... i drink 1 cup of coffee a day, as well as smoke cigarettes. I get real shaky from wat im assuming is the caffeine and cigs, so shuld i take a xanax during this?

17-01-11, 16:09
Take something for caffeine shakes?

Seems a bit daft to me, if you know it affects you then why not switch to decaff coffee? :shrug:

17-01-11, 16:50
U cant stop.drinking caffeine all together, thats why im down to one a day. Its just like u cant stop smoking all at once, u cant stop taking antidepressants at once, u cant stop taking benzos at once. Again, is my xanax going to help with the overly excessive shakes from caffeine?

17-01-11, 17:00
My reply seems to have offended you so I will let somebody else answer your question re taking medication for caffeine shakes.

I will however disagree with your comments re caffeine, cigs and antidepressants..it is possible to stop all of these at once.

Not everyone chooses to take the slower withdrawal methods.

I hope someone will have the knowledge to give you the answer you want.

17-01-11, 17:06
No u didnt offend me. I appreciate ne response. Alls i was saying, is that for most people, u have to take ur time with stopping sumthing uve started or the withdrawals will b worse than actually doing or taking wat u started. Everyone is different n that sense. I went from drinking three cups of coffee a day to now only one. So much improvement. I just didnt kno if xanax has a calming affect from even caffeine shakes. Sry for the confusion and thanks for ur reply