View Full Version : Persistent Ladies Issues

17-01-11, 16:51
:meh: Suffering with persistent cysistis like problems; pain on weeing, an urgency to wee and itchy sore skin in that area. It's maybe also worth mentioning that every time I do go, there's a lot of discharge/pus like stuff (sorry if TMI) Doctor took swabs last Monday to test for infection like BV/Thrush, seeing her again next Friday - in the meantime she told me to take antibiotics (4 a day for 5 days and then one at night for a month).. They're not seeming to have any effect :nonono: and so am not sure now what to do. Not as bad I was around Xmas time but still not quite right, is it possible for a UTI to last so long? Doc felt my tummy ans that was quite sore as well but had period pain at the same time so not sure! Any advice appreciated x

Hazel B
17-01-11, 22:36
Hi, UIT's can be persistent and last a while if the bacteria is resistant to anti-biotics. Hopefully, the tests should show the bacteria, did you also give a urine sample? Anxiety can also cause frequent urination, but it seems more like an infection to me. I'm not a doctor but have know the suffering of non-specific infections.

Make sure to drink enough water, cut down on caffeine, use unperfumed soap and washing powder and wear cotton only pants. Also, try probiotics and live yoghurt, they help counteract anti-biotics and may help your immune system.

Hope you feel better soon.

17-01-11, 22:44
I did try with a sample however couldn't manage it at all - so they said just to leave it. Will try the live yoghurt though and see if that helps :) hopefully swabs will have some answers, have had problems down there (not always the same symptoms) since I was tiny and they aren't clearing up at all - one issue only seems to complicate the others so its not fun haha; already do the cotton knicks, no bubble baths etc - have prescribed stuff instead lol.. thanks for advice xx

18-01-11, 10:07
Hi daisy, I used to get chronic bladder infections. All the time, every month. It would happen so much and I put up with it for years. I had multiple tests done for STI's and then finally someone pointed out it might be thrush. I actually didnt have any of the traditional symptoms of thrush, so I was a bit skeptical. It seems my skin was badly damaged from having a constant thrush infection, so it would manifest in a bladder infection.
I was given a cream (gyno-daktarin) and its really fixed the problem! If i start getting that tell tale sting I use the cream and the problem is solved. I hope something like htat can help you too.
Oh and for other advice, try drinking cranberry juice and barley water squashes, they're both good for bladder health.