View Full Version : Panic after visit to Hospital

27-03-06, 19:01

although i still suffer with anxiety my panic attacks have pretty much disappeared apart from this weekend when i woke up two nights with panic. i went for a colonoscopy examination of Fri and because i'm a coward with meds i decided not to take the sedative through the procedure. Boy, i wished i had. it was sore and uncomfortable. The thing is i have felt like in a trance and very weak. I think i'm mabye traumatised, any advice as i'm a bit worried about how i'm feeling as i was pretty anxious before i got there. Everything looks clear though. I have a family history of cancer and get a routine check every 5yrs.

Take care

27-03-06, 19:46
Hi Maggs,

Sorry to hear about your experiences over the weekend. I know my anxiety is worse if I have anything else going on so hopefully this is what it was. It was obviously playing on your mind before you even got there.

Hopefully now that it is over with you can start to forget it and move on. Glad to hear everything was clear.

Tammy x

27-03-06, 19:59
Hi Maggs

I to have an history of this type of cancer in my family only I have to go for the treatment every three years so i know where you are coming from. Its painful and very intrusive, ( A nurse once suggested i hold her hand whilst they did the examination, that was a mistake on her part) Like you I have tried it by not having the aneastesia, mistake it took me a week to get over it. So I think what your expereincing is just the tramua of the examination, and i understand perfectly why you felt anxious before the examination, the things i try to get out of it


27-03-06, 22:11
hi Tammyg and keitharcher

Thank your for your replies. Yes, i squeezed the nurses hand too!!! Poor women. Keith you described my experience to a tee and tammy thanks for your support. Feeling more relaxed tonight.

Take care

28-03-06, 20:22
Glad to hear you're feeling better.:D

Tammy x