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17-01-11, 18:07
hi, anybody experience the sensation of tiny bubbles of the feeling of crackling in there left chest (its like its in my boob) it comes and goes! only wen i twist to the side or strain. or breathe really deep. had this for months now and ignored it. i can go a couple of days without it flaring up. cud it be a symptom of anxiety?? im getting concerned now :( anybody please can u help

17-01-11, 19:15
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek anybody?? any ideas????

17-01-11, 19:42
I feel crackles in my chest and under ribcage. Nothing to worry about. we focus more on bodily sypmtoms than other people x

17-01-11, 19:45
phew. relieved to know someone else gets this feeling! been goin crazy with worry! ive read it cud be gas or ibs or acid reflux related. but of course i was thinking either breast cancer, lung cancer or heart related :( boooooooooooooo

17-01-11, 19:48
I to suffer with what i think is IBS or Acid reflux but i think stomach cancer/bowel cancer/liver failure/kidney faulire lol. :)

17-01-11, 19:59
its always the worst we think, its never simple :( and wen we know for sure its something simple we still think oh maybe its not and it goes on and on. i hate it wish i didnt worry so much

17-01-11, 20:09
I feel the same as you x :) i hope you feel better soon :D

18-01-11, 22:11
I get this sometimes...... Like a tiny little crackling or popping deep in my chest. Don't know what it is....

20-01-11, 20:06
oh no i feckin googled!!!! :( now i think ive a heart problem :( its there again today it wont go away sometimes it does. im hoping its just ibs or indigestion but cant be having that all the time right? gonna see the doc near end of feb but oh the worry anybody have any ideas??

20-01-11, 20:14
From your profile pic you certainly look very healthy :D

Not had this but have had 50 odd other concerns over the last months .

If you otherwise feel well you will be fine , nip to the docs for peace of mind

20-01-11, 20:25
:hugs: hhaha thanks. well i generally feel fine like not sick or anything apart from a bit of upper back pain. decided to just bite the bullet and go doc tomorrw dont think i cud live a nother month with all this worry its driving me and everybody else craaaaaaaazy

20-01-11, 20:38
Good decision :yesyes: It will put your mind at rest you,ll be fine .

21-01-11, 13:51
went to the docs today told her what i was feeling etc. she done breast exam and she said she felt something and ive to come back in a month to see if it changed or got bigger :( she did however re-assure me that my heart and lungs were fine which is good another less thing to worry about i suppose

21-01-11, 16:49
I had this felt like something under my left rib popping, excruciating pain in my back at times. Turned out to be acid reflux. Doc said I had got some acid in an upper part of the digestive system and it was bubbling away. Reflux is a hereditary thing in my family. Its not directly cos of anxiety but it sure makes itworse! Omeprazole controls mine and tonic water is good for getting rid of the gassiness...if you can cope with the loud burping!! :D

21-01-11, 17:02
sometimes i puke in my mouth aswel oh i know gross but it goes back down and it really burns my throat like real bad.