View Full Version : Advise Please :)

17-01-11, 18:25

I'm mark from london :)

I have had anxiety for 5 years. I'm 35 now, and it's not been easy.
I would always get a bloated stomach when I had to go out the house due to being anxious. over time i didn't relise it was due to the anxiety, till i stared getting stomach pains, cramps, my throat would burn, due to reflux.
Had lots of tests, and a camara down my throat into my stomach.
nothing wrong they said.. saw 4 different doctors, the last one said it's due to stress and anxiety. and come to think of it his right.
I was always over weight, and loat 3 and half stone..
I have been on 20mg 2 x aday of omeprazole for 6 months now, and they help a little, but seems to make my anxiety worse. so i have been cutting them down each week due to the side affects and i relise it's all due to my stress and anxiety. i did stop them but u get a rebound affect, and u get bad cramps etc.. not nice.. so i went back on them and now weening my self of them. she also put me on domperidone 3 weeks ago. 10mg 3x aday.
and from the side affects i been getting, I.E makes u more nervours them lol the list goes on. makes u feel like u are so sensitive to anything that makes u jump. what an evil tablet for me anyway.

So what i wanted to ask is, i orderd this book to give it a try, as i really feel my nervours system is so weak!! has anyone read this book?
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Essential-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcome/dp/0722540132/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Essential-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcome/dp/0722540132/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t)

I also orderd some of these b complex vitamins
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230461257526&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230461257526&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en)

And some of these Codliver oil which they were doing at £3.29 :)
http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=881&prodid=640 (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=881&prodid=640)

And as i take diazepam at night!
Would this be a better thing to take in it's place?
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=74&products_id=285 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=74&products_id=285)

Also if i'm out, meeting a friend or new friends, i get so nervous that my body feels shaky, and like my sugar levels feels low. horrible feeling.
is there a quick pick me up i can use which will help?

i also read other had wrist bands, does this help? and when will there be some in stock :)

Anyhelp would be great.
Thanks very much :)


17-01-11, 18:36
Hi Mark, Just wanted to say that I have that book too by Claire Weekes it is fantastic, and I have referred to it time and time and time again. It is a VERY reassuring read indeed, a definite must have :)
I also take a good quality fish oil every day and also a magnesium citrate.
With regards to the shaky feeling when your out, bananas are great !
Also invest in some chamomile tea, it's perfect for taking the edge off anxiety..

17-01-11, 23:18
Hi Mark, Just wanted to say that I have that book too by Claire Weekes it is fantastic, and I have referred to it time and time and time again. It is a VERY reassuring read indeed, a definite must have :)
I also take a good quality fish oil every day and also a magnesium citrate.
With regards to the shaky feeling when your out, bananas are great !
Also invest in some chamomile tea, it's perfect for taking the edge off anxiety..


Thanks for the reply :)
I take chamomile tea, but dont seem to work for me! I heard green tea is good for both stomach and anxiety.. so might try the decaf one.
I'll try the banana rout every day tho :)
I hope the book helps!

Has anyone else tried that Bach Rescue Night Liquid ?
And is there something to take when out if i get an attack, like a quick calming fix?

Thanks :)

17-01-11, 23:41
Hi Mark

Have you tried ranitidine for the acid ? The ppis (the one your on) are slow release , the ranitidine cuts down acid within an hour or so , so you could take them as and when needed . ppi,s don,t suit eveyone .
There the same as zantac 75 you can get otc , but prescription ones are 150 and called ranitidine amongst other names .


also tried a month of the domperidone with the lanzoprazole but not had them since , i,m convinced the ranitidine at the night time helps tremendisly as it stops the acid at night .

18-01-11, 00:23
Hi Mark

Have you tried ranitidine for the acid ? The ppis (the one your on) are slow release , the ranitidine cuts down acid within an hour or so , so you could take them as and when needed . ppi,s don,t suit eveyone .
There the same as zantac 75 you can get otc , but prescription ones are 150 and called ranitidine amongst other names .


also tried a month of the domperidone with the lanzoprazole but not had them since , i,m convinced the ranitidine at the night time helps tremendisly as it stops the acid at night .


Yes i have tried ranitidine lol hated them, made me ill, very depressed on them.. horrible feeling.. im coming off the anit acid tabs now, the meds give me to much side affects.. maybe it's just my body hates chemical lol
Got to change my diet etc really, and work on my stress.. as that's the main issue.. my friend have accupunchure and swears by it.. so when i can get my head over the thought of niddles lol i will try it..

Thanks for the raply :)

18-01-11, 09:08
hi mark
First of all, the book is brilliant, she makes a lot of sense.
I am a little puzzled reagrding the omeprazol - I have been on it for a few years now as i have GERD plus a hiatus hernia - I certainly could not live without it. But, you say it makes you more anxious?? I think it is probably the taking of medication that makes you anxious rather than the omeprozol (or any other drug)itself - it can however cause other side affects, mainly stomach cramps, headaches etc. Omeprozol is a PPI and is slow release so you do not get immediate relief, but i take mine morning and evening and it works.
I think you need to distinguish whether the drugs really do not suit you, or you get more anxious because you are taking the drugs.
You say you have been suffering anxiety for 5 years - I have been for over 30. Most of that time I have been well and have not needed to take meds. But there are times when I have "blips", that I know I need something to help me through - to see the light through the trees!!
You seem to be doing all the right things Markie to help yourself - its a case of finding out what works for you - we all cope in different ways.
Good luck

18-01-11, 10:25
Totally agree with the above about the acid meds .

19-01-11, 21:14
hi mark
First of all, the book is brilliant, she makes a lot of sense.
I am a little puzzled reagrding the omeprazol - I have been on it for a few years now as i have GERD plus a hiatus hernia - I certainly could not live without it. But, you say it makes you more anxious?? I think it is probably the taking of medication that makes you anxious rather than the omeprozol (or any other drug)itself - it can however cause other side affects, mainly stomach cramps, headaches etc. Omeprozol is a PPI and is slow release so you do not get immediate relief, but i take mine morning and evening and it works.
I think you need to distinguish whether the drugs really do not suit you, or you get more anxious because you are taking the drugs.
You say you have been suffering anxiety for 5 years - I have been for over 30. Most of that time I have been well and have not needed to take meds. But there are times when I have "blips", that I know I need something to help me through - to see the light through the trees!!
You seem to be doing all the right things Markie to help yourself - its a case of finding out what works for you - we all cope in different ways.
Good luck


Well since i have been on them, i have never felt right. my arms feel so stiff most days, never had that before... i just feel so strange. i have always had anxiety, but latey i cant even go up the road now,My nerves feel so sensitive latley. i just dont feel right. had blood tests etc. everythings fine.
I read alot of people have had same reaction. maybe its them, maybe it's just me. gonna try the B complex, as i read the Omeprozol can give B12 insufficienc. Gonna try out the book. do some fittnes stuff on the wii, which i hope dont flare my reflux up lol!! i also get so much trembles... more so since i was on the domperidone which i stoped 2 days ago, not sure if im having a rebound effect on them... there side effects say can make u more nervours lol, stiffnes lol great... not sure how long it takes for them to get out the system.?

What did you do to get better ?
Thanks for you're help :)

19-01-11, 21:16
Totally agree with the above about the acid meds .


What that it's in my mind :)
Maybe it is.. the more i think about it, it could of been the other meds... as i was just reading the rest of the side effects, and i have them :(
Evil feeling, just hope it gets out my system soon... :)