View Full Version : :( need help again :@

17-01-11, 18:30
At college today got banged on the head a few times with a thick load of paper lol- now i dont feel as if i can keep my eyes open (felt this last night to) my ears also hurt sometimes and i have a headache.how long does the after affect of a cold last because i cauught it on xmas day- had it really bad, extreme dizziness (sinus pain and bad headache) not to much of a runny nose or cough though. :\ scared. thing is my sinus pain got better and now its a lot worse today.
Also had a real bad centre stomach pain today along with lots of gas :\
also was in bath last night and kept getting loads of water in my eyes even though i had them shut- the were aching when i got in bed last night. whole of my head is hurting today aswell along with ears sometimes. (scared of ear infection.)
Also i think i suffer with IBS/reflux/// i get rumbles in chest/throat/stomach i get pain in tummy/gas/consipation. Im worried because earlier on i felt a twitch under my ribcage and now its hurting along with my breast aswell :(
I also expierence things in my throat (i cant brethe for a few seconds sometimes) i think its because of reflux but im scared of suffocating. Also this evening been getting a twitch in my head. my head jolts.

17-01-11, 19:14
At college today got banged on the head a few times with a thick load of paper lol- now i dont feel as if i can keep my eyes open (felt this last night to) my ears also hurt sometimes and i have a headache.how long does the after affect of a cold last because i cauught it on xmas day- had it really bad, extreme dizziness (sinus pain and bad headache) not to much of a runny nose or cough though. :\ scared. thing is my sinus pain got better and now its a lot worse today.
Also had a real bad centre stomach pain today along with lots of gas :\
also was in bath last night and kept getting loads of water in my eyes even though i had them shut- the were aching when i got in bed last night. whole of my head is hurting today aswell along with ears sometimes. (scared of ear infection.)
Also i think i suffer with IBS/reflux/// i get rumbles in chest/throat/stomach i get pain in tummy/gas/consipation. Im worried because earlier on i felt a twitch under my ribcage and now its hurting along with my breast aswell :(
I also expierence things in my throat (i cant brethe for a few seconds sometimes) i think its because of reflux but im scared of suffocating. Also this evening been getting a twitch in my head. my head jolts.

I get same feelings! mines of course is due to stress.. which can give you acid reflux, breathing problem feeling, pains, cramps under the breast bone etc.. try not to freak out, as i did, but i got used to it now to a point. you wont suffocate! the more u worry about it, the worse it gets.. when i saw my doctor, he straight away said acid relfux, take these pills.. side affect i hated them, still weening my self of them. he didn't think what could it be giving me this affect, stomach cramps, etc etc. just take this pill they say.. even if u have a cam down ya throat, which i had to, and they found nothing wrong. which i then saw a good doctor who said yes u have reflux due to stress, change ya diet and get your stress under control, easy said then done.. so now i have stoped chocolate :( as i suffer if i eat crap i real crap.. i have just last week changed my diet, more fruit i be having also...
it's not nice i know, and when u have this problem, u might think it's not stress, but alot of time it is, as i really thought something was wrong, gave me more panick!! as i thought something is wrong with me.
just go see ya doctor. I wished i had the cam first, then i would of know not to take them evil tablets.

Good luck!

17-01-11, 19:17
thanks for the advice. i am going to book app. for doc tomoz :) did you expirence larygospasms- it feels like you choke?
also ears feeling terrible at moment (not pain, just discomfort) when he looked around in my ear two weeks ago it was really painful to but the other one wasnt. and this ear is the one affetced at the moment. also inside ear is a little sore. i also feel nauseas aswell and the ear has a feeling like there is nothing there :(
if ive had this for two weeks becaus my doc said he could see something like there last time i am in trouble if it is infection and its spread?

17-01-11, 19:51
also just read that sinus issues "spread to the brain and can cause meningitis" :( ive been like this for weeks now and its not passing but now in my ear :@:@
i cant decide whether its all anixety related but i feel like im about to puke. Im sure the pain in my nose/ear is not anxiety though :( also had bad sinus issues (dizziness and migranie type headaches) scared out my mind :( have pressure in forehead, around eyes as we speak. also been suffering with extreme achiness in eyes (struggle to keep them open sometimes. and some fuzziness sometimes)

17-01-11, 20:23
really paincky at the moment- hyperventalting. hoping a bath will calm me down a bit. tight throat- feel as if im going to suffocate :(

17-01-11, 20:37
Hi Emma

I,ve had alot of the above , the Doc said i had a viris , it started with a sore throat and all the other things i got , acid stomach , ear ache , chest pains , neck ache etc i,m convinced when i looked back some of it was anxiety . The viris lasted nearly a month.

17-01-11, 20:49
thank you. x just had a quick shower and my ears were crackling when the water was flowing. :\
i think a docs. app either tommorow evening or wednesday is in need to put my mind at rest at least for a little while lol. :D

17-01-11, 21:53
actually a it frightened to sleep tonight. got a weird feeling on throat/mouth to which have had for days

17-01-11, 22:00
and pain in nose/headache/feeling sick at moment.

17-01-11, 22:35
Emma , i really think its anxiety plus the virus . I did my first post on here last night in a panic , part way through my time on here last night my jar ached and my left ear was blocked , it was gone to day , the more i learn , the more i know most of my problems are man made so to speak .

Get to the docs for peace of mind but at your age its just a viris .

macc noodle
17-01-11, 23:41
Emma - me thinks that you have been consulting Dr Google again???? :weep:

You have anxiety hun and need some help with dealing with it as it does appear to be overtaking you and becoming a major focus in your life.

This virus that has been going round for a couple of months now is horrible and can last for ages - I am still all "snotty" and having sinus issues and watery feelings in my ears, plus backache from the catarrh (shall I go on.......................) and I first started with it mid-December! You certainly sound as if you have had similar plus lots of anxiety.

Hope you get a peaceful night's sleep - you know what I think you should do ? Nice warm bath, nice warm drink and a trashy magazine and relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


18-01-11, 10:06
went down docs this morning at 8:05 about 5 mins after it opened. saw my doctor get out her car and i suddenly felt really anxious and panicky and i felt stupid walking in to the surgery as she could see me so i walked the other way :( will have to make my self go in there this evening though

18-01-11, 18:02
:( also at the moment tip of tounge feels burnt and i feel like inside of my mouth is bleeding internly.. scared.. i have just brushed my teeth though and they bled quite a bit :( but got dentist app. in two weeks. Is it possible your mouth can bleed for ages after brushing your teeth. i know my gums are terrbile because my anxiety has made me not brush them often at all.