View Full Version : Reassurance on a work situation needed

17-01-11, 18:37
Hi Guys,

I work in IT and my company are getting a new CMS which staff need training on. I am the successful candidate that has been chosen by my bosses to go on a three day course to learn the system and although I'm very much looking forward to it I'm terrified as I have no idea what to expect.

Has anyone been in this situation before? I'm just wanting some reassurance as to what to expect as I've never done anything like this before. Maybe someone could share their experiences here, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

17-01-11, 20:30
Firstly - well done, your bosses must think highly of you to send you on such a course. So be proud of yourself and believe in yourself - they obviously do.

It can be daunting to do such courses but everyone else who is attending will be feeling exactly the same as you so please try not to worry. I am sure at the start of the course there will be some games/team building exercised to help everyone relax.

Go with an open mind and you will really enjoy it, if it helps take a notebook and pen although I am sure they will be supplied. And take a bottle of water on the first day and maybe some sweets and some Rescue Remedy if you are really worried.

But in my experience, such courses are great fun and everyone is apprehensive but that is part of the fun.

You will make new friends and you are gaining new skills that your Company is paying for. Not many of us can say that just now!!

Have a great time and let us know how you get onx

08-03-11, 23:17

Just wanted to let you know how the course went. As usual I was worrying for nothing. The course, if not a little scary at first was really good fun. There was only a small handful of us which was great and it was in an area I know which was even more reassuring. So overall, it went well.

Thanks for listening,