View Full Version : broke up with the mrs 2day =[

17-01-11, 19:33
i just feel really drained so tired i can hardly keep my eyes open my head it all spaced out and i feel like crap, now im scared to go to sleep incase i dont wake up :/ any help people?:emot-crying::frown:

17-01-11, 19:39
it's your emotions that are causing you the anxiety.
hmm maybe talking to someone would help :hugs:
why are you afraid you won't wake up? it's only a thought, it's not real, you will be ok and you will wake up x x

17-01-11, 19:55
i dunno im just being a helmet lol and cuz i havent eaten anything all day untill about half an hour ago so felt even worse, like i just feel like im gonna black out so it makes me scard to sleep :/ stupid i know but im guessign you can see where im comeing from, and yeh i have alot of support form my friends so talkign to them

17-01-11, 20:07
Sorry to hear this my friend , try and look at it as a new chapter in your life that will open .

17-01-11, 22:28
:/ i dunno im the kind of reader where i get to a certen point then stop lol

17-01-11, 22:47
Yea i know what you mean , but your a young fella by the looks of your avator , i only met my wife in my late twentys , which put all the other relationships into perspective . I,d hate to be single at my age , but i,d be loveing it at your age :D

Hope you feel better soon , you will and be a better person for it .

18-01-11, 01:16
fair enough well im trying to sort things out with her so hopefuly in the next couple of days i will be back with her =] she means the world to me so its always worth trying =]

18-01-11, 01:23
sorry for ranting on about this on here but you know was in need for some support :/

18-01-11, 01:36
thought the video might make you smile x
how are you feeling after eating?

18-01-11, 01:38
don't be too hard on yourself it's ok to feel sad,anger,hurt, confusion. dont minimize your pain. you would be amazed at what you can learn about yourself from going through bad experiences x

18-01-11, 02:28
lmfao that video is funny aha and im feeling better but im just drained and feel exhausted think i need a good sleep, and i supose but i mean i guess there a few people who have no time for this kind of stuff, but its somewhere that i can vent as it where not like facebook as every1 i know will see lol just sometimes good to write it all down init and then insted of doing or saying something stupid you can have a propper think about it... lets just hope the next coupple days go well... thanks for the support to toughs who wrote to me =]

18-01-11, 02:34
I think everyone else is asleep :)
yes resist the urges to update your status, texting calling etc......
although it can be so hard lol and once you press send you can't undo it!