View Full Version : Another panick food stuck

17-01-11, 19:58
Everytime i eat i feel like theres some food stuck in my back , like i need to burp , i have been on meds for over acid stomach thats clearing up , i,ve also had the lump in throat feeling but that comes and goes the more anxious i am so i,m not worried about that .
Sometimes the feeling in the back is there without eating then goes . I,m not sure if this is anxiety related or not .
It feels like trapped wind but i know its not . I,ve had it for two weeks .
Its been one thing after another for three plus months ,as one thing goes something else makes me worried sick . I had a habit of clearing my throat over xmas and it used to make me gag/cough , i,m wondering if its sore due to this . Sick of going to the docs but due back in 2 weeks anyway as just started cit 20 mg for anxiety . It doesn,t hurt to swallow it just feels like someone is pressing on my back .

Any ideas before i pop a valium and some beer as i,m really stressed again .

17-01-11, 20:18
dont worry i get this to. i heard anxiety can flare up symptoms of acid if you do have it :) take care

17-01-11, 20:28

Thanks for the reply , does yours feel in your back like food going down slow and a need to burp (sorry for being graphic)

17-01-11, 20:51
mine feels like a big lump in my chest and the need to burp x

17-01-11, 21:02
Thanks emma , mine was in my chest, now feels like my back , must be the acid i hope , i,m sick of all these symptyms the last three months .

17-01-11, 21:05
GERD signs and symptoms include:

A burning sensation in your chest (heartburn), sometimes spreading to the throat, along with a sour taste in your mouth
Chest pain
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Dry cough
Hoarseness or sore throat
Regurgitation of food or sour liquid (acid reflux)
Sensation of a lump in the throat

I have suffered this for many years and I take omeprozol with controls it. Mine is caused mainly by a hiatus hernia and made 10 times worse by anxiety/panic.
It sounds to me like you need to ask your dr about this - he may send you for tests or may want to try you straight on meds for it to see if it helps.
You need to calm down and try not to panic about it.
Also watch what you eat, caffiene, spicy foods, citrus etc all aggrivate it.

take care

Judi xx

17-01-11, 21:11
Thanks Judi

I,m on lansoprazale and raninitidine , the heart burn etc has all but gone , just this stupid last thing . I,ll mention it to the doc again in 10 days when i go .

18-01-11, 11:41
that is what i get, so upset by it. Just want it to go. just read the link above going to try it now x

18-01-11, 14:56
did it help??

20-02-11, 10:59

I too have this feeling at the moment. mine is on the left hand side and i can feel my food going down and getting to the bottom near my bra strap. and then it's there all the time - i can easily pintpoint i! and i'm burping alot too - i feel like i should have my back patted all the time!

is this what yours is like?

hayley x

20-02-11, 12:17
Hi Hayley

I replied to your pm :D

Yes i,m still the same !

02-11-12, 11:17
Yep this is how i am right now but now the feeling is just below ribs in center and wont budge :( only ate a blooming sandwich yesterday & god was in so much pain in my chest feel like i need to burp but wont budge at all & the burp wont come out x

08-05-14, 21:48
Hi Mel,

I know this post is old now but I'm hoping you see this.
I've just stumbled across this forum whilst looking for a cause of the pains I'm having.
It's exactly like you described, I feel like food is stuck in my lung/back, every now and then it feels like it's trying to push down (like when it's stuck in your throat).

Did you manage to find out what caused yours?
All I'm finding on Google when I search pain in right of back is lung cancer, lung cancer & more lung cancer!

Anyway, here's To hoping you see this :) :)