View Full Version : This really is a tug of war

17-01-11, 22:25
I seem to see-saw. I did something yesterday that I had previously avoided. I had climbed a tall tower and got to the open aired viewing platform at the top. Half-way I wondered whether I should go on but my son was with me and I didn't want to let him see my fear, but also I Bl**dy well wanted to get to the top anyway. I got there and it was good...only stayed 5 mins and was slightly happy to get back to the ground again. It was a success and I actually thought that maybe I wont need this forum (I silently read and absorb from here and it has been the best help)

Today, nightmare on train... felt sick when I woke, bad tummy problems..lost my car/house keys, felt tightness around chest on the station platform..but boarded my train and it stopped between stations...arrrrgh. Will this ever ever ever really end? I am a tough cookie and changelled myself but will I always have to be this nervous wreck of a person! I really understand PA but it still sits on my shoulders even when I ignore it.

18-01-11, 11:21
it will and does get easier i remember from when i recovered previously.
keep fighting your doing eally well :) xxx