View Full Version : pms/pmt and anxiery symptoms

april tones
27-03-06, 20:11
hello all! i know this affects us all!
as you all know i have felt stressed and anxious last few weeks and started coming back on here as needed support., even thiough my partner is good
I have had awful skipped beats leading up to periods and till yest, i on 2nd day now and ok! phew!
i cant cope with that every month! doctor said its anxiety, which is true but wont check my hormone levels as said it be normal. why am i getting pms so bad? have ecxessive sweating underarms,acne on chin etc,anxiety really bad before period! this points and feels like hormonal imbalance etc!! thanks x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

27-03-06, 20:18
Hi April,

I went for years with mild periods. Then about 6yrs. ago it was hell. I had the symptoms 2 weeks before I was to start...the backaches, the sore breasts, the leg pains..oh, and lets not forget the moodiness. I thought something was seriously wrong with me.
I finally went to my doctors last year for it..yes, it took me 5yrs. She put me on Prozac and diagnosed with me PMDD..Premenstraul disphoric disorder? Something along those lines. It was weird for it to come outta the blue like that...after many years of not suffering.

Good Luck April,


april tones
27-03-06, 20:35
hiya tina, that sounds os true to me! just looked into it!
i am grinding my teeth still but feel so much better than days ago!
its even worse as when i come on im usually late so its even more agonizing with the symptoms as they are here for ages! x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

27-03-06, 20:57
april i think it is a catch 22 situation. anxiety makes pmt worse and pmt makes anxiety worse . there are many posts on pmt and how it makes everthing worse before during and sometimes after the bloody things over

does this make sense

27-03-06, 22:08

It's bad enough that you are having the symptoms to begin with and then to top it off you're late!! I understand how you feel...I wish I didn't bud I do[xx(]

I hope you go back to the doc and tell them you need help for this. Having this plus other issues is something you do not need right now. I wish you luck. If you have any questions or just want to rant...msg me.
