View Full Version : Promethazine For Night Time Slumbers?

18-01-11, 03:56
Hello out there

I had a consultation with my Psychiatrist last week. At my request he has changed the Mirtazapine, which I was taking at night to help me sleep, to Promethazine (Phenergan).:sleep:

I've been taking it for 8 days now and it doesn't seem to be having any noticeable effect. I was hoping it would suppress my appetite. This was something that Mirtazapine seemed to stimulate. Sadly, this is not the case. I'm still munching away into the wee small hours which is not good for my waistline!
It doesn't seem to have any appreciable sedative effect either.:unsure:

Has anyone else had any experience with Promethazine? Positive or negative? I'd appreciate someone else's point of view.

I've been managing to go out and do a bit of shopping despite feeling a bit peculiar and self-conscious. I really would like to go out more though, and spend more time away from my home.

Sometimes it can be two steps forward and three steps back... discouraging to say the least. Rather than a relatively smooth progression towards a more confident and assured self, it's more like a jagged struggle with a lot of confusion which muddies the view.:scared15:

Please excuse the grumbling. I'm just trying to get at least one of my irritations out of my system by turning it into words.

Please reply if you can relate to any of this.:)

Regards and best wishes...

18-01-11, 13:38
Hi, I have used it to help me to sleep and found it very useful, what dose are you on?

19-01-11, 17:16
Hi Paul. Thanks for responding. I'm taking 50mg. I realise we are all different. I'm a few stone overweight at present and don't know if this may have any influence on the size of the dose or it's effectiveness.

Take care

20-01-11, 09:47
50mg will certainly help you sleep, you will prob feel very drowsy the next morning. I take 30mg when needed. As far as I know its only for short term use because the drowsy feelings wear off if you take it everyday.