View Full Version : Another bad night

18-01-11, 11:35
I posted a week ago about completely sleepless nights due to getting a falling sensation and pounding heart just as I was dropping off to sleep.
Everyone one here was great - they made me realise that my panic was making things much much worse. I calmed down alot and for 7 nights I slept well without any meds - I would still get the horrible sensations but only for a short while and not badly and thought great I have got a handle on this BUT last night I went to bed and the sensations were really bad and didn't subside for about 2 hrs and as soon as I woke up this morning after about 6 hrs sleep they came back so I had to give up on moe sleep.

Wondering why had the symptoms back with a vengeance - I had had a dizzy do yesterday morning when I leapt out of bed to switch the alarm off and had alot of pain and aching in my neck and left arm ( I have bad neck) and of course the dizzy do did make me panic at the time but thought I was fine in the day.

I do have a brain mri booked on 27 jan and although i was thinking of cancelling it I just know that if I do I will then worry and worry that I should have had it so will probably go ahead with it.

I hate the way the Drs say its "probably" I want a definitely!

18-01-11, 11:57
sorry you have had a bad night , i,m new to all this so can,t really help but have one of these :bighug1:x

hope you have a better night tonight .

18-01-11, 12:10
Hi Countrygirl, sorry to hear that you had a bad night and the old symptoms are back, maybe the dizzy spell you had yesterday morning was just enough to send your system into the old feelings, we seem to have to be ultra aware and strong mentally to stop ourselves going on a downward spiral, I know it is easy to say and less easy to do, but do your very best to keep away from negative feelings. If I were you I would definitely keep the appointment for the head scan, it will stop a lot of worry in the long run.
We seem to be very much alike as I had much the same as you last night with ectopic beats that woke me at 2am and then I was awake for hours.
I have had sinus/cold/cough on and off for weeks, but the sun was shining yesterday so I decided to do some gardening, I was shaking so much after half an hour that I had to go indoors and I felt so tired and I am pretty sure that that was what was wrong with me. It doesn't take much to throw my system out of true, but then I am in my 60's and expect to feel
able to do what I used to. I have suffered with anxiety since I was 17 yrs old and always have to be on guard, and like you, I am struggling today.

Hope you feel better soon and let us know how you get on with the scan.:hugs: