View Full Version : Racing heart.

18-01-11, 11:58
Here i go again, its back the heart thing, yes its like hey your not going to rest im back for good.
Ok lets start form the begining im 42 years old yes i smoke dont drink Dieabetic type 2 on metformin 2 twice a day, ive been worried about my heart for well over 1 year now, when i go to bed it will flutter skip and even feels like its stoped, i will jump so high when this happens i feel like im going to die, i find that this will happen most nights, in the morning after ive fallen asleep i will get up and my heart will be racing like 130 beats a min, i will go and sit down in the front room checking my pulse, it will slow down but i find by checking it it will race, ive got to say i hate it it will race for no reason.
The other symptom i hate is feeling light headed if i stand still and talk to somone i feel like im going to fall over so have to hold onto something, im always feeling my pulse and hate it as i know its racing and yes it is ive had it upto 160 beats a min, ive had tests ECGs ECHO, XRAYS, BLOODS taken, and guess what all normal....so what i really wnat to know is what will calm it down ive tried everything from bearthing to cold water to even taken a Beata Blocker, i get pains in my chest the list goes on, even when im driving it will race for no reason, i cant even have sex anymore because of it racing as it will go faster, i had to call 999 when i was doing it lol, sorry didnt mean to put that in here but im hoping people undestand.
i have alot of wind thats another problem i hate that to, i will burp alot of the time, i worry now that i have cancer as ive lost alot of weight, 2 stone in just over 1 year, but im told so many times by my GP im fine, but i dont feel fine i feel ill.
well i hope someone out there will understand me and know what im talking about....thanks for your time Ian

18-01-11, 14:45
ah ha glad you mentioned the burps as your stomach could be the reason for all your heart things as the vagus nerve runs across the top of your stomach and when it is irritated it gives ectopic beats and racing heart etc. Are you breathing too fast or eating too fast or breathing through your mouth as us anxious people tend to do as this causes air to become trapped in our stomach???? Worth a thought.

I sympathise with you completely as I have had ectopic heartbeats for over 20 yrs and if I am at all anxious cue anything medical then my heartrate can go up to 145bpm. Few months ago after a big meal and leaning forward over a table I got prolonged flutters in my chest that despite coughing and taking deep breaths would not go - I think I was getting multiple ectopics due to irritation of a full stomach and I felt fiant not sure if it was just panic. I then had a racing heart like 140bpm, the people i was with called an ambulance - when they arrived my pulse was 90 but within 5 seconds of paramedic touching me it was back up to 120bpm. In casualty my husband said if he was talking to me and I was occupied my pulse went down to the 90's but when the Dr walked through the curtain both my husband and Dr burst out laughing because as the Dr got nearer to me my pulse raced up to 130bpm.
I have had another couple of these do't always always after I have a full stomach and am bending forward slightly.
I am being delicate here but always remember that sex for a man will give him a racing heart even for someone who never gives his heart a second thought - not sure you can stop it doing that!

18-01-11, 15:42
hi country girl
I felt so much bettet after reading you to suffer with ectopic beats.and i often find its a vicious circle whereby i scare myself by worrying it could be something more serious.