View Full Version : Paying the price for an evening of Mischief:-(

18-01-11, 12:09
Hi there...... I have been suffering from Health Anxiety ever since I had my kidney removed unexpectedly 4 years ago. I take 20mg Citalopram, although just recently they are not working as well as they were.

If I am 100% honest, on saturday night, I took Mephedrone, not for the first time either.....It is only every now and again, and was not a lot, 1g between 3 people is nothing by some peoples standards.....however......now the anxiety is really hitting me hard, and I know that it is that.....I have made vows to myself that I will not take it again, I fi can just get through this bout of symptoms.....only problem is that I am constantly worrying that what if it is not just the Anxiety and I have actually done lasting damage??? ....My head feels cloudy....and heavy, like it's in a vice almost......(you all know what the first thought we have there is) ...brain tumor:-( I hold my hands up and say it was a silly thing to take considering how I can be....but I assure you it is not a problem, not even a habit..I can tell you for damn sure I wont be taking anything ever again!! Just need someone to tell me everything is oging to be alright I guess...... a lot to ask when it's self inflicted I suppose but, I don't know how strong I can be at the moment!

Thanks xxx

18-01-11, 12:41
Hey Stephie,

I can somewhat relate...but more on the booze front. Being in uni and living with a bunch of lads makes it very difficult not to have the odd heavy night at the pub! But whenever I do, I wake up with horrible anxiety, and I think the worst - why do I feel like this? What if its something seriously wrong? This headache?!? It must be something sinister! And then once the hangover passes, its okay again - although sometimes it seems to last for days.
That's one thing I keep telling myself - just because we have Health Anxiety, doesn't mean we don't still get hangovers, whether its from alcohol, Mephedrone or anything else!
You'll be fine, trust me! No long lasting damage, especially as you said you don't do it very often.

Stu x

p.m. me if you need to chat :)

18-01-11, 13:10
Thanks Stu, that's definitely reassuring....... why do we do it to ourselves hey? lol
Mind you we only live once I guess.....but I am still definitely only sticking to wine & beer from now on!!


18-01-11, 13:22
I pm'd you some advice..

Everyone has done something stupid at some point or another, it's how you learn :)

18-01-11, 14:53
A friends son has had a terrible experience with this drug - he ended up in a psychiatric unit because he was so paranoid and terrified like the worlds worse panic attack. My friend was out of her mind with worry and it took 10 days before he was back to normal - they kept him in a week.

Everyone is different and reacts differently and it sounds as if you are suffering from the side effects which should lessen in time.

I'm not preaching to you we all have done things when young although at my age 49 drugs weren't an issue it was drink the trick is to learn by our experiences and mistakes as I am sure you will. My friends son has a he says he never ever wants to feel like that again.

18-01-11, 15:48
Thanks CountryGirl.......I can definitely aggree with him, that I will not be doing it again! I feel awful.....and all for a bit of a laugh, I can have that without drugs!!

I am still at work at the moment, but as soon as I get home I am hoping i'll feel a bit better. This saturday I have reserved a table for 2 for me and my other half, and it's strictly NO substances!!

Thank you again!! --I really just hope I haven't "buggered myself up" for want of a better phrase......

xx Take Care xx

18-01-11, 15:49
I pm'd you some advice..

Everyone has done something stupid at some point or another, it's how you learn :)

Thanks for your email, I will reply back to you as soon as I get in from work, I just wanted you to know I had received it:-) xx