View Full Version : heavy chest cany breathe

18-01-11, 12:11
i am really struggleing with what feels like a weight on my chest, my nose feels like it got smaller and cant get the air into it and my throat feels tighter. help

anx mum
18-01-11, 12:28
Ah hun this is horrible this is what i get feels like im suffocatting try blowing into a paper bag. Or some slow deep breaths

18-01-11, 12:30
i get this too hun
try to calm down think rationally go looka t yourself in a mirror and tell yourself you are fn you are fine its my new techenique it seems to be working for me.

18-01-11, 14:14
This is the one symptom I HATE! You feel like you chest cannot get enough air in and it can be really scary. I just keep trying to tell myself I will not stop breathing and try to occupy my mind with something else although it is really difficult. Just writing this now it is starting again! It will go although I always find it is the last symptom to go when having an axiety episode. Lots of sleep helps, I find it worse when I'm tired. If I find the magic cure I will be the first to let you know! I have been getting this symptom on and off for 20 years and guess what I'm still here and going strong! Just be strong and know that you will be ok and it will subside! xxxxx