View Full Version : sleeping in the daytime

18-01-11, 13:51
does anyone find that daytime naps make your anxiety worse when you wake up i am partial to afternoon naps about an hr most days i can still sleep most nights aswell is daytime napping and too much sleep a contributing factor in anxiety.i was doing fine the other day felt a bit tired so had a sleep for about an hour and ten minutes in the afternoon when i woke up i felt like crap anxiety was up and so on what does anyone else think?by the way with being up early for my job (which i am away from due to anxiety at the minute) i always have a sleep in the afternoon and have done for about 12 years.

18-01-11, 15:30
Hi personaly i wont sleep in day i would sooner go to bed, say an hour earlier than normal.I find im left rather sluggish otherwise.and its just not worth it.try a short walk or try and keep busyHolly:)

18-01-11, 15:39
Too much sleep lowers my mood but thats all i can do when I'm low so a bit of a nightmare. I wake up in the morning feeling really anxious, tense and heart racing quite a lot.
Are you aware of what you are thinking when you wake up feeling like that? Or what you were thinking of before falling asleep or dreaming about?
Because maybe if you know what you're thinking you can tackle that which will hopefully help your mood. x

mr badger
18-01-11, 15:48
Personally a snooze generally makes me feel better though I do wake up in an anxious state most mornings.

each to his own I guess

18-01-11, 16:09
I do love an afternoon nap in the summer when the suns shining on you and you feel all relaxed-not the same when it's cold and dark tho.

I hate the waking up anxious thing, do you just get up and on or try to relax when you feel like that?

18-01-11, 16:28
I am the same wigglywoo12, I often have a nap during the day and always wake up feeling crap! Today for example I got up was a little anxious but usually am first thing on a morning, took my little one to school fine, went to cbt fine, went to the supermarket fine, came home had a nap and now feel shocking. I find it hard not to nap during the day as I dont sleep very well, and because of my job I often have to get up at 5.30am, I only work part time though thank goodness. I wake up feeling shakey and weak.

mr badger
18-01-11, 21:34
I hate the waking up anxious thing, do you just get up and on or try to relax when you feel like that?

Personally Ii get up to leave Madame in peace and install on the sofa with a sleeping bag over my legs and watch crap on telly or read for a while. Staying in bed sends me spiralling down.

Frozen in fear
18-01-11, 21:40
Stayed in bed most of today now got headache

19-01-11, 12:17

i sometimes think negative thoughts before i sleep its when you first close your eyes and your like day dreaming abit before you nod off dont suppose that helps i dont always do it tho when i wake i try to carry on as normal but is does feel odd as about an hour before hand you felt ok so its quite hard but i muddle on

thanks for all the replies