View Full Version : Hypnotherapy!

18-01-11, 18:16
Hi all,

I thought i would start my own thread on hypnotherapy because iv had a few people say they would like to keep updated with how im finding it etc..

Hypnotherapy is my last resort - iv tried councelling, CBT twice, EFT, facing it myself and nothing has worked.. i suffer from panic attacks daily, generaly anxiety, health anxiety and emetophobia (fear of vomit)

I was recommended this from a friend who had seen this lady and it had completely changed her life - she went from hardly leaving the house due to her anxieties about travelling too far and was hardly doing anything because of the fear and now after only 4 sessions of hypno she hasnt had a panic attack since - has just been on holiday! and got married and she hasnt looked back...

I was sceptical of trying this, wondering how an earth it could do anything... iv had this for 11 years, surely someone talking to my subconcious mind cant stop it!! But i thought id give it a go.... i had nothing to loose...

I went for my first session yesterday morning and came out feeling so positive and different! My view towards vomit has changed and my thoughts and view on panic attacks and my though process around it has altered... and this was only my first session and plus we only did abit of hypno... most of it was just talking so the hypno must be very effective to have had an impact already!

The majority of the session was talking so she could learn my background with everything and then we tried alittle EFT which is emotional freedom technique, where you think of a vivid situation you've had in relation to your fears... mine was on the first day of high school 11 years ago where i was sick infront of the class... you then play that video in your head and then tap different areas of the body which are most receptive..... it sounds strange and definitly looked weird tapping away but i felt it worked!

We then did abit of hypnotherapy.. i didnt have to do anything for this, just sat back in a nice big comfy chair and reclined it back, had headphones on so i could only hear her voice and the soft music playing in the background... i didnt have to visualise anything or even think about anything - just sit back and relax...
I was nervous about this because you see all sorts on the tele but please dont let this put you off... you are still very aware of what is going on, you can move if you want too, you can still get up if needed etc.... you just feel calm and relaxed...

I came away from the session very positive - i felt different immediately and cant wait for my nest session where we're look more deeply into hypno etc and do more of it because yesterdays sessions was only abit...

I wanted to share this with you incase you've thought about doing it but were nervous after seeing things on the tele etc - please dont listen to all that, its completely safe, you dont feel anything, you are fully aware of everything that is going on and if anything, its just nice to feel completely relaxed and calm for abit!!

My next session is Tuesday morning so i will continue to update this with how i get on!

I forgot to mention - she recorded the hypno session we did so iv now got it on a cd to do at home which is really good because i can get alot more relaxed and into at home which is very beneficial xx

18-01-11, 18:57
Glad it went well for you :)

I've tried hypnotherapy before but because my dad was in the same room it didn't help as much as if he wasn't. Was anyone with you? It worked for a few months, but since it didn't work that well I didn't feel as positive.

I'm going to book a session with a different hynotherapist who seems better within my area and see what he says. :)

I'm glad your near a cure!

18-01-11, 19:03
I went alone which i think is best because you can really 'let go' and relax without thinking someones watching you who may be thinking the whole thing is a waste of time lol - definitly try it again, i hope you find more help from it next time x

18-01-11, 19:10
My dad came with me since my boyfriend didn't want me to go alone.. also my dad paid for it last time and fell asleep plus snored which took me out of relaxation. I was scared mostly about revealing stuff that might scare my dad since he didn't know how bad I was until 2 weeks prior to that (why he paid for it)

I'll ring up the man tomorrow and see how much of a quote he can give me or if I can book it in soon. Hope the next session goes well, look forward to hearing what happens in the next session.

25-01-11, 20:33
Well, had my second session today - we didnt do any actual hypnotherapy today, we focussed more on the EFT (emotional freedom technique) and teaching me how to do it etc... i had to think about any situations that stood out clearly as a distressing time for me i.e, when iv been sick in the past, bad a bad panic attack in a certain place etc and i had to think about the situation in my mind and run it through like a video i was watching, then we did the tapping sequence, and then i had to replay it again - i have NO IDEA how it works, but eventually the scenarios that were once distressing to think about for me seemed to feel different and not as important anymore.... we did that for quite a few sitauations and she'd taught me some things i can do whilst out an about if i start feeling anxios etc and shes going to email me the script of what to say and which points in the body to tap etc..

I have another appointment booked for next tues where we will focus more on the hypnotherapy and she'l start talking to my subconcious mind and delving more deeper into my phobia/anxiety etc to try and stop it....

So all in all its going very well - iv listened to the CD she gave me last week every day since and its got me so relaxed, my sleeping has improved and i feel more awake! So its definitly doing something :)

Will keep updating this after each session xx

25-01-11, 22:19
Wow ur experience with hypnotherapy sounds so so positive! I have actually been thinking about trying it, but I'm a bit wary :S from reading ur posts tho, I am having second thoughts! Glad ur getting on so well, keep us updated!


Martin Burridge
27-01-11, 15:07
You are right that hypnotherapy is nothing to be afraid of. What you see on stage is nothing to do with hypnotherapy. Stage hypnosis is more about showmanship, peer pressure, magic tricks and careful selection of personality types.
Hypnotherapy is about relaxation, learning a different way of thinking, and putting things into perspective. It usually uses systematic desensitisation while in a relaxed state and can be very effective particularly with specific phobias.
However hypnotherapy is not the panacea to all anxiety disorders. It is a very effective tool available to the psychotherapist but there are others. In some cases it is the best tool to use, in others it is not.
As with any therapy having an open minded and positive attitude to it helps enormously so well done for taking the right approach.
I am a clinical hypnotherapist and it would be easy for me to claim it solves all problems but I know it is not as black and white as that. 80% of my clients have responded well to hypnotherapy but I find some are more suited to CBT or a combination of both. It depends on the personality and the severity and type of condition being treated.
There are many therapies out there so I always recommend that people research the evidence for their effectiveness before trying them. Wikipedia is a good source of information.
Don't get me wrong, I think you are doing the right thing and will continue to see improvements but I just like people to understand that there is no one size fits all therapy.
One thing I am clear about though is that therapy is the best solution and I am saddened by the number of people only offered SSRIs which in my opinion do not address the root cause.

07-02-11, 20:38
Third session of hypnotherapy last week (forgot to write on here! Sorry)
It went well although i found myself feeling anxious whilst i was in the chair doing the hypno - i think it was just because i was concious of her watching me and also had quite a bad day before i went.... she taped the session again so iv had another CD to listen too this week - this one has all been about being in control and able to relax myself by breathing etc...

Iv had abit of a bad week this week - i felt really low and down but the last couple of days iv felt better again (i think i feel worse around the time of the month)
My panics are decreasing though and i feel more energised to face the day etc...

I would still highly recommend it - forth session in the morning! x

10-02-11, 10:29
how did the forth session go fairy/ x

10-02-11, 17:12
Forth session went well - alot better than the last where i felt anxious etc...

This time she concentrated on my claustaphobia (sp?).... i panic alot in enclosed spaces and i feel trapped if im in a busy place etc and always feel the need to run away and escape to somewhere quiet and open.... she was going to focus on the vomit phobia in this session as she didnt realise about the claustophobia.. so she decided to work on this as i struggled being fitted for a bridesmaid dress at the weekend as i felt trapped.. and considering il be needing to go back to the shop to be measured for the dress etc, we both felt itl benefit working on that...

During the actual hypno i felt more relaxed - i did feel my muscles shaking and twitching which was weird.... probably letting go of the anxiety!
She went through a relaxation sequence at the start to get me relaxed then i had to visualise being in a tiny room, firstly with the door wide open.. then she taught me through closing the door bit by bit.... we also did some 'anchoring' with this, which is where you do something (for me it was touching together my thumb and forth finger) and whenever i do that in everyday life, i become relaxed and positive and to my special place which i had to visualise too.....

She taped it again so i got the CD to listen too at home which im doing - im beginning to notice a big change!!

I pulled my back in work yesterday - i was in the middle of nowhere in Derbyshire, i couldnt move and had to be helped back into my car.... i would have got into a full blown panic before the hypno as i didnt think id get home and thought id be sick from the pain etc, but i stayed relatively calm and managed to drive myself home carefully... so something must be working!

So now im stuck on the sofa with my back, so cant really test it whilst out and about at the mo but as soon as im better, il be off out again :) xx

16-02-11, 16:20
you seem to visit less these days fairy... hope that means you are doing well :hugs:

16-02-11, 17:16
Yee, im doing ok thank you :)

I still panic etc but much less now.... i do still freak out if i feel unwell etc but i try to think logically..

One of the things my hypnotherapist told me on the first session was to close that chapter of my life now.. im not 'claire with panic attacks' anymore... i need to stop thinking about it and focussing on it and asking people for support, i have to be strong and start fresh.... i found that difficult at first, but it seems to have stuck in my head and iv just tried to focus on getting better and doing things.. and just forget about panic really!

I know its awful only being on here asking for help and helping others etc when im struggling.... i think iv just started to focus on my life abit more and try to not be brought down by panic.... i do still use the website and check it more or less everyday to see if theres anything i can help/support with.. but sometimes, if i read someones story about being ill etc, it puts it back in my head and i then start to worry about that and being ill myself - sounds strange i know :blush:

This site has been my lifeline for the past 10 years or so, and i think itl always be a part of my life because its so reassuring if im having abit of a blip!

Hypno again on fri (had to prospone tues session because of back!) Will let u know how i get on xx

16-02-11, 19:09
Yee, im doing ok thank you :)

I still panic etc but much less now.... i do still freak out if i feel unwell etc but i try to think logically..

One of the things my hypnotherapist told me on the first session was to close that chapter of my life now.. im not 'claire with panic attacks' anymore... i need to stop thinking about it and focussing on it and asking people for support, i have to be strong and start fresh.... i found that difficult at first, but it seems to have stuck in my head and iv just tried to focus on getting better and doing things.. and just forget about panic really!

I know its awful only being on here asking for help and helping others etc when im struggling.... i think iv just started to focus on my life abit more and try to not be brought down by panic.... i do still use the website and check it more or less everyday to see if theres anything i can help/support with.. but sometimes, if i read someones story about being ill etc, it puts it back in my head and i then start to worry about that and being ill myself - sounds strange i know :blush:

This site has been my lifeline for the past 10 years or so, and i think itl always be a part of my life because its so reassuring if im having abit of a blip!

Hypno again on fri (had to prospone tues session because of back!) Will let u know how i get on xx

Thank you for your honest and open post. I too am in this same situation(sp) I have only had one session of hypno myself, my second one is this Monday. I too am finding it really useful. I also have CBT booked for this time next week so hopefully the two therapies combined with positive thoughts and a great family for support should see us go a long way to beating this.

I wish you good luck and I am sure you too are on the right road.

Kindest regards Ian.

17-02-11, 16:52
Great to hear it fairy... yes please do let me know how you are getting on with hypno as really interested in it for my phobia. how did you find your hypnotherapist?? XX

18-02-11, 17:31
Thanks for your support guys - it means alot!!

Had my next hypno session today and it was all about regression.... when she said we were going to do this i was alittle wary as iv seen people on the tele getting incredibly upset and disorientated when they were being regressed.. but what she told me today was not to take in anything you see on the tele as they want the programme to be entertainment so its probably staged... so i went along with it with an open mind.....

It wasnt really any different from normal hypno sessions - i was lay back in the chair like normal, with the headphones on, listenining to her words and the calming music...

She started with a relaxation technique first to get my relaxed and calm... and then she just told me to go back in time through the years to a moment that pops out at me regarding my phobia/worries.... i initially thought nothing would come out, i thought i know when and where my phobia first started and that was that..... but, during regression another scenario came into my head... one where my mum was really poorly when i was younger (before my anxieties started) she had tinitus, balance problems and was incredibly poorly after a long-haul flight... she couldnt lift her head off the pillow, was violently sick and dizzy for 7-10 days, numerous doctors came to the house and i just remember everyone telling me she'll be ok, but then overhearing conversations from the doc to my dad saying its serious etc so as you can imagine as a child i was very scared throughout this situation..... it turns out that this is where my phobia came from! Not me being sick at school as i first thought.. but the fact that i witnessed my mum being incredibly poorly and sick that i now relate anything to do with sick and illness to that horrible time...

It makes perfect sense!!

As i was remembering this situation as i was regressing back, i felt my body shaking and i was anxious.... but as soon as she was talking to me about looking at it in a different light and re-run the scenario how you would deal with it now, then the shaking stopped.... something happened and i suddenly felt sooo calm and like something had gone from me!

It was strange, but amazing...

She taped the session again so i have this cd to listen too at home a couple of times to strengthen it in my mind..

Im having one more session with her, focussing on what we discovered today then im leaving it a month to see how i get on!

All in all, still VERY positive xx

18-02-11, 19:08
fairy this sounds really really great. are you finding yourself less anxious? how much are your sessions, and how did you find your therapist?

so happy for you. funny how the memory is routed so far back without even knowing.... x x

19-02-11, 13:31
Yeah - its great to know where my phobia started from and work on that rather than thinking it was from something else for years and years so never actually working on the root of the problem.. its very strange how she brought it out of my subconcious mind.

I sat down with mum lastnight and we worked out what year etc that she was really poorly and it was just before i started highschool..... so when i was sick after eating something in the canteen on the first day of highschool that was the first time i was sick after my mums illness so it would have been the first time i freeked out and that is why that situation has stuck in my head rather than my mums illness..

I found my hypnotherapist after a recommendation off a friend of a friend - she had panic attacks and phobias for 11 years like me and went to see this lady and it completely changed her life and now she has no panic attacks, no phobias, goes out and lives a 'normal' life with no worries what so ever... so after meeting up with her and listening to how she was and seeing how she is now i had to make an appointment!

Id tried sooo much in the past like cbt, councelling etc and had given up hope of finding some relief from the anxieties, but after speaking to her i thought id give it a go.

Im not sure where you live in the UK but she works in Wilmslow, cheshire.
She does have a website though with videos of her patients talking about what happens etc and useful information so that might help? Its www.karenashley.co.uk (http://www.karenashley.co.uk)
If you dont live near there, im sure your doc would no of some hypnotherpists? Or theres somewhere you can be recommended too?

My hypno sessions at £60 an hour... sounds expensive but i would pay thousands if it was going to help me feel better, which it has!

Im sleeping sooo much better, feel calmer, more relaxed, like a weight has been lifted... its a nice feeling! :) xx

Martin Burridge
19-02-11, 20:23
If you are looking for a hypnotherapist in your area you can search on the General Hypnotherapy Registers website. They are the biggest regsiter of hypnotherapists in the UK and ensure that the minimum training standards have been achieved.


22-02-11, 16:35
Hi fairyclairy,

I wanted to say a quick thank you for taking the time to document this on the forum. As a quite short term but severe anxiety sufferer at the moment, I'm seeking anything I can do to help myself out of this. Hypnotherapy has been recommended by lots of people but I'm quite nervous about what it could involve. Hearing someone explain it like this has helped - obviously not every therapist will be the same, but the ideas should be.

Really pleased to hear it has helped you and made a difference, I hope it continues to do so.

Thanks again, take care.


23-02-11, 16:46
Thanks Maks - yeah i thought it might be useful for some people, because i was very nervous before i started too and didnt know what it would involve, so i know something like this would have helped me in making the decision to go and do it, so im glad its helped you :D

Had my following session yesterday - it went well!
After the regression brought out the real reason why my phobia first started, we did some EFT work on this (not sure if i mentioned before but EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique - you tap specific areas of the body, mainly face and arms/hands and you try and erase or change the memory you are focussing on)
So that helped alot - we went through the time my mum was very ill and whilst she was doing the tapping sequence on me, i had to repeat everything she was saying and also imagine i was in the situation doing the tapping sequence on the younger me that was there dealing with it - sounds complicated but it did change my viewpoint on the situation and made me look at it in a different way.

We also ended the session by doing abit of hypnotherapy - it was a more positive hypnotherapy this time, focusing on the positives and up-beat 'new' me.. and how il get better and stronger every day and iv got nothing to worry about etc...

We are leaving it now for a month to see how i get on, so im not back there till the end of March, so hopefully everything will continue getting better but obviously if i need to go back beforehand then il ring her.... so fingers crossed!!

Il continue to update this a couple of times before my next appointment to let u know how im getting on :) xxx

23-02-11, 16:54
Yes please keep me updated on your progress and how you get on the next month. I'm interested cause I'm not sure these techniques would work for a phobia, but yours is a phobia isn't it fairy?

23-02-11, 17:08
Yep - mine is emetophobia (fear of being sick and others being sick around me)

Iv heard hypnotherapy is the best form of therapy to treat phobias, where as CBT is more used for the anxiety/panic attack side of things.. so id defo recommend you look into it xx

23-02-11, 17:13
Thanks hun. I have just emailed a lady who is close to me and on the recommended hypno website. I think I just need to bite the bullet, I guess it is the money that I question, she is £55 a session, but hey i'd pay that to get a new haircut and I feel like my mind is just being stubborn with the last hurdle of my phobia....

Thanks for all your writings on here.. they're so interesting and helpful x x

23-02-11, 17:15
Hope she replies and good luck for it if you decide to go for it....

Look at it this way - what have you got to loose? Either stay this way feeling panicky/anxious and drained all the time, or do something which could make you feel so much better!! Thats how i looked at it when i was deciding whether to go for it or not... and i have no regreats!!

Good luck and let me know how you get on if you do decide to go xx

28-02-11, 17:34

just wanted to say thanks again for this thread - I've bit the bullet today and gone to see a highly recommended local hypnotherapist for a consultation and short session today and am now going back tomorrow for a full session.

It was such a strange but positive session today that I can't wait to go back tomorrow. Very expensive but definately money well spent.....

I hope yours has continued to help.

28-02-11, 21:11
Great to hear Maks - it is a weird feeling isnt it, but a very positive and amazing feeling too :)

I hope it continues to be great for you and you can find some relief from your worries, keep us posted xx

Im going to the trafford centre tomorrow - something iv not done in about 3 years!! and the last time i was there i had a massive panic attack and ran out after 10 minutes, so we'll see what happens tomorrow!! x

02-03-11, 16:57
Just a quick update...

Trafford centre yesterday was very successful!! We were there for about 2 and a half hours - i tried on clothes, i went in all shops, i walked around relatively calm (i knew i wouldnt be as calm as my mum in there because iv always had a negative feelings towards the trafford centre after the other times iv attempted to go there) but i didnt have a panic attack, i wasnt very anxious.... i was fine!! :)
After the couple of hours i was starting to feel tired, and abit irritable and just wanted to sit down and have a rest but i think thats normal with anyone doing lots of shopping!

Work today has been fine - i havnt been in for a week because i booked it off so i knew it would be a test getting back in, as it always has been in the past.... but nope, i was fine! I woke up looking forward to go to work..... it was a very stressful morning due to the work-load and problems etc but i coped with it, didnt get into a panic attack and maintained calm.... one of my colleagues and my boss actually said how different i am now-a-days and that theyv noticed a real change and theyre so proud of me and what iv done.... part the reason they said this was because we had a meeting this morning and usually id just sit there, quietly, wishing for it to end but i was chatting away and voicing my opions.. which i think pleasantly surprised them! :)

Off to Nando's tonight for tea..... and it was my suggestion we go! I dont think iv suggested going anywhere in about 6-9 months!!

All in all, very positive... dont get me wrong its not completely gone! I still have the thoughts of 'what if im sick' etc but im trying to ignore it.... i still have bad days, but im trying to get over them... but i know and can feel im going in the right direction.

I think when i go back at the end of March i will suggest a couple more sessions on the actual sick part just as a booster, but then think that will be it :) :) xx

15-03-11, 16:46
:hugs:Great to read fairy!!! Well done you. x x

15-03-11, 16:55
Really enjoyed reading your experiences with Hypnotherapy. I am going for my second session tonight. I really did enjoy the first one and felt really good after it. I still been having the anxiety but not as much as I did. x

15-03-11, 17:05
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I am in the process of saving up to see a hypnotherapist. She thinks she can help me in just a couple of session, as there really isn't too much to my anxiety, panic and phobia. I'm very excited to finally feel a little more normal!

17-03-11, 08:29
am looking into hypnotherapy going to ring around today and hopefully book an appointment you sound like your doing really well xx xx

(am also emetophobic )

17-03-11, 09:05
this sounds amazing- i also wish to see a hypnotherapist but i feel lost at how to find out who is any good. Is there an 'official' list of them on the net anywhere (i'm looking for south wales area) that anyone knows of? I'm concerned at ending up with a 'fraud' and being put off- its quite a bit of money per session..... but I at least wanna know i'm giving it to someone with the skills... even if it doesnt help me! x x x

17-03-11, 14:08
this sounds amazing- i also wish to see a hypnotherapist but i feel lost at how to find out who is any good. Is there an 'official' list of them on the net anywhere (i'm looking for south wales area) that anyone knows of? I'm concerned at ending up with a 'fraud' and being put off- its quite a bit of money per session..... but I at least wanna know i'm giving it to someone with the skills... even if it doesnt help me! x x x


try this x

18-03-11, 17:28

try this x

thanks for this!!xx:)

19-03-11, 20:53
Hope everyones hypnotherapy sessions are going well.... stay positive and believe in it

Im doing well - a very very stressful week at work (which included being trapped in a family supports house as they wouldnt let me out an were going hysterical at me) however i coped and didnt get into an attack even in that situation!!!

Have had a couple of bad ones but they are few and far between which is good.... im going back a week on Tues to let her know how im getting on and prob have a couple more sessions just to boost everything xx