View Full Version : need serious help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-01-11, 18:49
hi it all started when i was about 8 having nightmeres and couldent get to sleep now at the age ov 19 it seriousley effects me i think im dieing of some sort of fatal ilness one day it could be a brain tumor the next a hart attack i think iv got internal bleeding throat cancer every illness i think iv got it. it realy effects my life i dont plan for the futre i take it day by day. i get chest pains and tingleing down my arm iv been to the doctor he says it muscalar but i dont think it is when i get an headache i think its a tumor im just so conviced that i have symtoms but no matter how much people reasure me i dont believe them it just scares me so much does anyone else feel the same way i need advice some medication or somethink i dont like to talk to many people about it because they might think im going crazy many thanks tom

18-01-11, 19:04
Hi Tom123
These are all classic symptoms of anxiety. I have been like this but I am now on medication and it is not so bad. I suffer with anxiety/panic attacks but I am much older than you and if I'm honest I have been like it for a long time but only put on meds just over a year ago. I still have feelings like you say, imagine all sorts of things at every pain I have, mine is a bad heart at the moment!!! Maybe have a word with your dr about going on some meds to help you through this. I am on citalopram 40mg and they have helped me sooooo much. You will get so much advice on here with this, don't think you are alone in feeling this way. It is easy for me to say you will be fine, but I promise you that you will be. It is absolutely horrible while you are feeling this way, so it is best to get some help with meds from your dr.
I wish you all the very best, but there will be lots of people to help you on this site.
Jannie x x

18-01-11, 19:15
You are not alone will never be judged here. We won't trivialize any fear and we will always listen. I don't have an answer for your fears except to tell you that you are not alone and that your fears really do seem anxiety based.

18-01-11, 19:17
thankyou for your addvice i have made an appointment for the doc i just cant seem to put my mind at rest i avoid going to bed at nigh it takes me until about 4 or5 in the morning to get to sleep many thanks tom123

18-01-11, 19:45
Hi mate

I,ve only just joined myself , people do get better from this , your first port of call is your doctors , welcome to the forum .