View Full Version : great website

18-01-11, 19:05
I have suffered or been recognised as suffering anxiety since 2007. It comes and goes, seems to rear its ugly head when Im under stress or when sleep wvades me. I have a two year old and strangely throughout my pregnancy, birth and postnatally I was fine, even now the one thing that doesnt stress me or give me those horrible anxiety feelings is her. The anxiety seemed to start again when I gave up breastfeeding her just before her first birthday, returned to work and then I lost my very dear grandad. Having been to the doc and had the health visitor round to assess me for postnatal depression (I knew it wasnt that..I love my daughter to bits and do everything I can for her, I get up everyday and get myself and her ready for the day ahead). Its gradually crept up on me, the familiar silly aches and pains, lying awake at night, palpitations and worry about my health and every little niggle..then the stress of Xmas looming whilst working and doing everything at home including all the finances and organising worrying about money and jobs etc and now I find myself back on Citalopram and just starting to lift that dark cloud!

I just wanted to say having read a few things on here Im feeling like I am not the only one (I dont think people understand unless they have been there, even my family probably dont really get it) with all the silly health niggles.

Anxiety is a horrible illness tricking your mind and body.

18-01-11, 19:06
Hi AnxiousEm

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-01-11, 20:29
Hi AnxiousEm, you'll find loads of support on this site..

18-01-11, 20:31
Welcome :D this is a wonderful website, I have been given so much encouragement and advice since I joined, and u will receive this same xx

Vanilla Sky
18-01-11, 21:20
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

18-01-11, 21:35
HI Em, welcome, You will find this place to be very supportive:)