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View Full Version : Really dont know how much i can take

anx mum
18-01-11, 19:07
I hope u guys dont mind me posting another post really am at my wits end:weep: have been stuggling with health anxiety for as long as i can remember had times when ive been free from it. Got a lovely family recently had a baby girl,yet i feel so unhappy anxiety and panic bk and cant cope everyday is a struggle just wanna be myself again. Physically i feel drained. Been put on various meds but havent upped my mood yet.

18-01-11, 19:12
I know how you feel. I have every reason to be happy but I am not. My wife is very supportive but doesn't get it and there are days when I just don't have the energy for even the basics of parenting. I just feel like I am emotionally strung out at best and consumed with fear at worst. I wish I had an answer for you but at least you are not the only one.

18-01-11, 19:17
No hun, ur not the only one thats feeling this way, unfortunately. I too am a mom, of 3 children with a bf who im soooo tired of explaining myself too about why im feeling this way. Everyday is a struggle :( my therapist told me to make out a schedule for each day. Do as much as u can on the schedule in that day, and as u do that, ull b able to do more... i, myself have not been able to follow thru with my schedule, but thought u culd try it. I have no desire to do nething nemore, not even play with my children. Good luck, and we will get bettet!!

18-01-11, 20:04

I hope you will not be offended by my post but it seems that all the ressurance that you are getting isn't helping to alleviate your fears at all.

I remember when you used to post on here a while back, in fact I answered a few of your posts myself. Do you ever go back over the posts that you made before?
If you do you will see that you posted with many of exactly the same symptoms that you have now..they were harmless then and they are harmless now, honestly.

You suddenly seemed to disappear off the site and it seemed like you finally had your fears under control. :)

Of course you can post as much as you want but I have got to be honest..unless you consider other ways of tackling your worries as well as meds then this is going to continue to be a problem.

You are just going round in circles.

Have you asked your GP about getting some other treatment for your anxieties as well as all these different meds that you have been given?
To be honest hun, as you are a new mum I'm horrified that your doc is giving you so many different meds and swapping them around all the time without suggesting doing something to work with the meds.

You will still be very hormonal after the birth of your wee girl (only a month ago?) and for them to be just dishing out the pills smacks of irresponsibility..also sounds like he can't be bothered to do anything else.

There is nothing wrong with reassurance (well, some think there is) but if it's not helping..and it doesn't seem like it is, or only for an hour or two, then it is time to look at other ideas.

I'm sure you mentioned counselling in the past but what about some other type of therapy..have you spoken to your GP about that?

anx mum
18-01-11, 20:30

I hope you will not be offended by my post but it seems that all the ressurance that you are getting isn't helping to alleviate your fears at all.

I remember when you used to post on here a while back, in fact I answered a few of your posts myself. Do you ever go back over the posts that you made before?
If you do you will see that you posted with many of exactly the same symptoms that you have now..they were harmless then and they are harmless now, honestly.

You suddenly seemed to disappear off the site and it seemed like you finally had your fears under control. :)

Of course you can post as much as you want but I have got to be honest..unless you consider other ways of tackling your worries as well as meds then this is going to continue to be a problem.

You are just going round in circles.

Have you asked your GP about getting some other treatment for your anxieties as well as all these different meds that you have been given?
To be honest hun, as you are a new mum I'm horrified that your doc is giving you so many different meds and swapping them around all the time without suggesting doing something to work with the meds.

You will still be very hormonal after the birth of your wee girl (only a month ago?) and for them to be just dishing out the pills smacks of irresponsibility..also sounds like he can't be bothered to do anything else.

There is nothing wrong with reassurance (well, some think there is) but if it's not helping..and it doesn't seem like it is, or only for an hour or two, then it is time to look at other ideas.

I'm sure you mentioned counselling in the past but what about some other type of therapy..have you spoken to your GP about that?

Thank u for ur advice. And no i havent taken offence your etitled to your opinion yes i used to post on here before as suffered with anxiety and panic for many years have had good years. I do actually remember u from before remember u giving your opinion.

18-01-11, 20:31
hi hun
i no how your feeling chick im going therough a rough patch too we all do hun we all go through it. you wll come out the other end you got your children think f ther smiles whne your better thats what i keep thinking.

remember its all thoughts hun thoughts cause the symptoms.
pm if you ever need to unload or anything im not medically trained but im a health anxiety sufferur too so would love to help if i can xx

anx mum
18-01-11, 20:35
hi hun
i no how your feeling chick im going therough a rough patch too we all do hun we all go through it. you wll come out the other end you got your children think f ther smiles whne your better thats what i keep thinking.

remember its all thoughts hun thoughts cause the symptoms.
pm if you ever need to unload or anything im not medically trained but im a health anxiety sufferur too so would love to help if i can xx

Thanks hun how u feeling 2nite?

18-01-11, 20:43
Thank u for ur advice. And no i havent taken offence your etitled to your opinion yes i used to post on here before as suffered with anxiety and panic for many years have had good years. I do actually remember u from before remember u giving your opinion.

I'm glad you understand :hugs:

It's great to be able to talk to others who understand and of course that goes for all sufferers of anxiety not just those with HA.

I think it's safe to say that all any of us want is to see others troubles diminished and sometimes it takes a fresh outlook to change things, which is why I posted.

Trouble is unless we try and bring about the change that we need, nobody else will do it for us and we are stuck. Only you can bring about the change again hun, you have done it before.

Try and work out a little plan for yourself, maybe look into therapy or do something else..just something very small to aim for.

I'm going through a slightly dodgy patch (got a lot going on) but know that it won't last..it will get better again.

Take care :flowers:

18-01-11, 20:50
Hi Anx Mum,

I’m sorry you’re struggling at the moment.
Congrats on your new baby girl! :flowers:

It’s not really surprising that you’re still under a lot of stress and that emotions are probably all over the place. And when under stress, that’s when anxiety tends to be worse, so it does make sense that it’s returned at this time.

I don’t know if this would work but think about when you have something like a cold. It would be nice to be feeling yourself again but at the same time you accept that you’re gonna be feeling a bit off for a while. So you take it easy and treat yourself kindly, and don’t expect too much for a while, because you know that things will get back to normal given time.

Would it be possible to look upon this spell of anxiety a bit like that too? Try to accept it for the time being, but know that it will pass – just like it did before. The thing is that stress and anxiety tends to cause more stress and anxiety, so if you can cut out one source of it – the worrying about it – that’s gotta help a bit, don’t you think?

Take care :)

anx mum
18-01-11, 21:02
Hi Anx Mum,

I’m sorry you’re struggling at the moment.
Congrats on your new baby girl! :flowers:

It’s not really surprising that you’re still under a lot of stress and that emotions are probably all over the place. And when under stress, that’s when anxiety tends to be worse, so it does make sense that it’s returned at this time.

I don’t know if this would work but think about when you have something like a cold. It would be nice to be feeling yourself again but at the same time you accept that you’re gonna be feeling a bit off for a while. So you take it easy and treat yourself kindly, and don’t expect too much for a while, because you know that things will get back to normal given time.

Would it be possible to look upon this spell of anxiety a bit like that too? Try to accept it for the time being, but know that it will pass – just like it did before. The thing is that stress and anxiety tends to cause more stress and anxiety, so if you can cut out one source of it – the worrying about it – that’s gotta help a bit, don’t you think?

Take care :)

Thank u nigel guess im sick of it reappearing in my life all the time. Had all sorts of therapy in past, maybe its somethin il always suffer with. I wish there was a magic pill we could all take:wacko:

18-01-11, 21:09
“I wish there was a magic pill we could all take”

If only... :unsure:

It’s probably not humanly possible though. I bet even the most calmest person in the world goes through periods of anxiety from time to time. I guess the secret is to allow for them and see them as a little inconvenience rather than a huge disaster. It’s all the worrying about it that give the thing such a hold over us.

Can you think about what helped in the past?

Hope you feel better soon :)

18-01-11, 22:11
ive learnt that alot of my friends are suffering or have n mild ways or not so.

but basically one of these people gave me the best advice ever and mean ever and im now tryng to use it

believe in yourself if you truly want to get better you willl believe in your own mnd not your anxiety mind.

im dong better went and seen doc had my chest checked nothng there but do have a viral in fection in my sinus so mang me feel crappy feeling better now. I NO I CAN BEAT THIS AND SO CAN YOU xx

18-01-11, 22:20
ive learnt that alot of my friends are suffering or have n mild ways or not so.

but basically one of these people gave me the best advice ever and mean ever and im now tryng to use it

believe in yourself if you truly want to get better you willl believe in your own mnd not your anxiety mind.

im dong better went and seen doc had my chest checked nothng there but do have a viral in fection in my sinus so mang me feel crappy feeling better now. I NO I CAN BEAT THIS AND SO CAN YOU xx

Thank you for that, scared, I find it really helpful xx

18-01-11, 22:23
thank you hunn
hard going though but im personlally even though ive posrted on here just trying to keep myself there in the back ground i will beat ths cos i want to xx