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18-01-11, 19:13
Hi, 3 months ago I went to the doctors as I felt like something wasn't quite right with my body whilst I was out running. He did a blood test and it came back that my B12 (cobalamin) levels were high at 2000 when they are meant to be a maximum of 900.

So he said change my diet as I had been eating 5 chicken breasts per day and 5 protein shakes per day for the past 7 years (gym fitness freak) and this should bring my B12 levels back down in time. I had a liver ultrasound and all was fine.

I went back to the doctors yesterday for a follow up blood test and I am hoping that the B12 level will have come down a little due to my diet change.

I now eat carbohydrates which I hardly ever used to eat and loads of veg and fruit. Since my diet change I have been urinating a lot and I mean a lot (upwards of 14 times per day) so I reduced my water intake but I am still urinating everthing I am drinking?

Does anyone know if side effects of new diets are common and if they can last this long? AND would such a dramatic diet change make me urinate a lot?

I am a 27 year old male if this helps

Thank you for your opinions guys


18-01-11, 19:21
Hi, I'm not a doc, but I know if my diet changes my 'toilet habit' dramatically changes x

18-01-11, 19:28
not a doctor but yeagh im pretty sure it does happened to me last year when i was deting and changed everythging just peed all the time lol x

18-01-11, 19:34
Yes probably, but now you're thinking about it, it's probably making you want to go more! I've done that before, you can give yourself symptoms. Just try not to worry about it and I'm sure it'll pass.