View Full Version : kidney problem?! help

becks xxx
18-01-11, 19:28
Someone help im so scared
I'm only 16
And so certain i have a kidney problem :'(
Past few days been getting an ache where my left kidney is
But im sure ive had it before?
Yet so scared, really think its my kidney.. What if it is
Am i gonna die
I can't go doctors no way!!!!
Or could it just be trapped wind?
The area feels tight
I'm so scared can't be dealing with this :'(

18-01-11, 19:32
ok hun.
stop focusinmg too much hunn easier than done i cant but im learnng hopefully lol
you could have pulled yourself their or somethng hun.
im scared of docs too i hsave panic attaxks in them but if its goimng to ease your mind hun then better to go x

18-01-11, 22:59
Hi Becks, Is the pain still there? I had my kidney removed 4 years ago, and have Chronic Kidney disease so maybe I can put your mind at rest.

I don't mean to sound crude, but are you peeing ok....no burning, or pain when you try to go to the toilet? If you do have this, don't panic.....go to the dr's they will ask you for a sample, but it is more than likely a water infection. Easily treated with antibiotics....trust me I've had loads!

Take paracetemol, not ibuprofen....

However, if you don' have any issues with peeing then it may just be a strained muscle...you could have just twisted funny.

If you want to pM me then feel free.....always here....

A good tip for aches....hot water bottle andan early night

Let me know how you feel tomorrow

becks xxx
19-01-11, 10:08
Thanks for the replys!
Yes i am peeing fine, it's more just an all over tightness in that area
So im hoping that it is just a pulled muscle, fingers crossed
Or maybe it could be ovulation? Could that cause that?x

19-01-11, 18:20
HI Hun, glad you're ok.....

Tightness sounds muscular, it will be in your lower tummy region if it's ovulation, if it's kidney it will on either side round the back.

When your kidney is infected it's more of a dull ache, makes you wanna bend that way to be comfortable if that makes sense so, although im no dr....I think you're fine!!:-)

Nothing to worry about, but if it gets worse or you get other symptoms get down the dr's or call NHS direct, they're really helpful, then you dont have to go through the stress of going to the dr's!:-)

Always here if you need a chat xx