View Full Version : Medication??

18-01-11, 19:56

I've had HA/Hypochondria since I was 9 years old. I used to be obsessed with my heart, convinced I was going to have a heart attack, and only eating certain foods and exercising constantly. I had panic attacks, but they stopped after I saw a psychologist and managed to control my HA better.

Lately I've started to worry about brain tumors and CJD and other neurological problems that can't really be tested properly. The Hypochondria is worse this time, I constantly think about my symptoms and am always looking them up and consulting Dr Google etc. I'm older now and it seems it's harder to get psychological treatment.

The problem is that my Dr seems reluctant to give me any medication, but I feel I can't cope anymore. I constantly think about ending everything just because I can't cope with feeling like this. It doesn't help that other things arent going well in my life - I'm probably going to be made redundant and I'm in alot of debt. I just wondered how far along the HA path you have to be before you get some treatment? I've tried "talking therapy" and I was referred to a (awful) CB therapist. I suppose I basically want a quick fix, which I assume is medication.


18-01-11, 20:04

I can only think of going to the docs again , write everything down and have another chat with him .
I got valium pretty quick , only 2 mg a day and have now been put on citalpram 20 mg a day , to give me a break as the doc put it .

Its an awfull thing to have :weep: but you are not alone .

18-01-11, 22:22
I have an appointment next week, it seems ages away. So long that I wonder how I'm going to get there. I tell him about the anxiety + constant symptom checking but he seems to ignore that + says I'm fine. I've tried everything, chamomile tea, rescue remedy, kalms, exercise, yoga, meditation... I'm running out of things to help me calm down! I feel like I'm giving up taking medication but it seems the only option left.

Thanks for replying!