View Full Version : Food Poisoning

18-01-11, 20:41
hey all
bit of a panic
last night i cooked 5 breaded chicken steaks and the instructions were for them to be cooked for 25 mins, so i cooked them for an hour to be sure, only to discover all the chicken was still pink inside, upon talking to everyone who gladly ate the chicken i was told it was just the colouring but im paranoid everyones going to get food poisoning/salmonella.

How quickly after consumng the chicken would we all be ill?


18-01-11, 20:46
hi, if it was food poisoning you would have been ill last night. I think it takes approx 4hrs to digest food. I really can't understand that is was pink after cooking them for an hour..unless it was flavoured with a spice. x

18-01-11, 20:57
If you cooked them for an hour that really should have killed anything inside, remember chicken can be cooked when pink sometimes, it doesnt always mean its undercooked.

Also cooking for an hour instead of 25 mins is 99% likely to kill ALL bacteria inside the chicken, technically you can eat raw chicken if there is no bacteria inside it (might not taste very nice though).

One more point to remember is that only about 3% of the UK chickens actually have salmonella, they are the safest in Europe.

If you have Waitrose near you by your chicken from there, its salmonella free (says that on their website and customer services phone number).

18-01-11, 21:59
I had food poisoning from an undercooked chicken kiev once (my own fault!) and I was very sick within about 12 hours. Sickness lasted a while too - if you haven't been ill yet, you won't! Plus that's a very long time to cook chicken steaks. I agree it must have been a colouring to do with the coating.