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View Full Version : petrified of bowel/ovarian/stomach/liver cancer etc.

18-01-11, 21:17
Hi, been having IBS and acid reflux symtoms for a long time now (not sure its that though as ive never been tested)
- burping
- bad stomach pain
- got twitching near ovary two days ago
- weird dischare (sometimes yellow) or clear and a lot of it
- Constipation sometimes
- One irreglaur period (two in one month, one was a light brown colour- looked like dirrrohea, was light and painless)
Also sometimes get a lot of discharge when getting stomach pains.
Had this for 6 months last year to and used to get thrush like stuff to. never seen a doc about it.
Have to go into surgery early tomoz to get an evening app. BUT im scared to death of them telling me they suspect cancer.

18-01-11, 21:40
The best place to start in at the doctors. You have to be checked out. It could be IBS, it could be the time of the month that you are ovulating. I get bad pains in my lower abdomen. The doctor will examine you and suggest the best next action. Try not to worry it doesn't change anything. It's a good thing you are going to see the doctor and move forward from this. The discharge sound normal to me, brown discharge usually means the very end of a period.

Hope this helps.

18-01-11, 21:57
thanks, i just cant help but think cancer :(

18-01-11, 23:00
get checked out but I bet your problem is not cancer, it's anxiety

like most of us on here you are fixated on getting a big gothic disease when it could be something quite straightforward and easily treated

Good luck

macc noodle
19-01-11, 11:00

I have just spent the last 12 months (yes, 12 months) convinced I had ovarian cancer or bowel cancer - it was resurgence of crippling health anxiety after 15 years free of it and the fact that I am terrified of hospitals doesn't help either LOL!

I have made myself physically ill worrying about this to the point of virtual breakdown. I have had lots of blood tests and exams (to put my mind at rest) and guess what - NOTHING ! IBS and anxiety is the end diagnosis - and do you know what I have a choice now accept that or keep going on in ever decreasing circles.

I know that I am feeling better now because I have decided to accept it and get on with it and I kinda feel that if it was ovarian/bowel cancer I would be really ill by now! (And I tell you something else too Emma - I have also "suffered" from breast cancer/brain tumour/heart attacks and every damn thing else that anxiety throws at you when you are at your lowest ebb and hooray I have survived. AND SO WILL YOU HUN!

Please make a list of your worries and go to see the doc with them - they should be able to try and help you see that it is anxiety causing all this and nothing catastrophic (and that is not to say that suffering anxiety isn't catastrophic because it is a real pain in the bum).


19-01-11, 14:27
I've been having a lot of problems with my IBS lately as well, so I know where you're coming from on this. It has been playing up for most of three months, and of course this has sent my anxiety through the roof. My (extremely good) GP is convinced that it is a combination of IBS and anxiety, as he said my symptoms aren't consistent with any of the "horror" diseases as they're too variable.

However, convincing myself of this is another matter!!

19-01-11, 15:33
thank you :) seeing my GP in 2 hours.
if i say i have yellowish discharge will she want to do any tests?
also a couple of days a week a sweat a lot in the evening and the following morning from this (another thing that convinces me of cancer)
also going to bring up my sinus/ear issues with her :D

19-01-11, 16:29
really nervous about going though this time. never been like this before.

19-01-11, 18:01
Went to see GP... she doesnt suspect anything. They took a swab from down below to send to the hospital to see if i have an infection BUT i knew i would forgot to mention something and i forgot to mention that every week or so i get my throat closing up for about 5 of seconds and i can take any air in or out :( i also forgot to say sometimes my stools are weird :@. I had so many things to mention and i was nervous that it slipped my mind.

19-01-11, 18:14
also after visiting gp i now have a feeling/ not to painful in my jaw on one side :( she thought my ear problems were from a virus but she never looked in them or anything

19-01-11, 18:25
also got a headache on either side now :( i was wearing an elastic band to tie my hair up earlier as i had no other hairband on me and needed it back. can this cause headaches because it was really tight and pulling on my hair sometimes

19-01-11, 19:19
also getting pains at back of head sometimes (i had it tied up at the lower back of head for some of the day) my head also feels funny when i move it

19-01-11, 20:41
my head feels all stretched inside when i raise my eyebrows- like an elastic band round it... which is what i used on my hair :@ scared of hemmorgae :( but i dont know why lol

macc noodle
20-01-11, 07:45

Do you think that you could start writing a diary of these feelings ? It may help you and also it may help your doc if you could show it to them next time you see them.

Glad to hear the doc suspects nothing!


20-01-11, 14:37
thanks. today i notice when i press over my tummy its soar but it wasnt yesterday when i went to the docs. my main worry though is the closing up of my throat (havnt had this for four days but im scared of it happening again) forgot to mention it to the doc :(. its really scary when it does happen because its not just an anxiety kind of thing. its really bad and i cant actually take any air in or our for a few seconds.
also another thing that happened today was on my right hand my fingertips were hot and tingly also still getting really bad achy/sore/stingy eyes. :\

20-01-11, 15:26
also scaring me as i get lumpy stools... i had about 20 things to mention to doc yesterday and forgot this one to haha.

macc noodle
20-01-11, 15:51
Hey Emma - why are lumpy stools a bad thing ??? :shrug: Better than the runs LOL!

20-01-11, 15:56
its like little lumpy balls all together (tmi i know) i dont know but i know its not normal and with every other syptom and the stomach/chest/throat rumbling it makes me worry.

macc noodle
20-01-11, 16:21
Rabbit poos! Yep, had them and then I get the runs and then I get constipated - yep anxiety and possibly IBS.

You need to try really hard and stop looking for problems all the time - you must be spending hour upon hour fretting over things that you are feeling and, whilst doing this, you are magnifying the feelings because hun you are anxious.

You need to trust what everyone on here is telling you about anxiety and fear and panic - we all know - we have all been there!

20-01-11, 16:30
thanks i agree that most things are most likely anxiety but yesterday i was wearing my hair up tiighly with an elastic band and i could feel it pulling sometimes and i have headache everywere on my head today and i have some pain in my cheeks sometimes.
the most worrying thing for me though is the breathing problem i get maybe twice a week.

macc noodle
20-01-11, 16:43
Instant facelift with the band then????? :D

You know Emma I bet you are getting bored with me :D - so you wore a tights elastic band yesterday and it made you feel tender round the head ? OK - now you have a headache and sometimes your cheeks ache - WHY - because you are getting anxious about the tenderness from wearing your hair up with a tight bad - that's why!!!

Listen, many many moons ago, when I was young these silly plastic apple cores on like shoelaces were all the rage (yep, back in the day when David Dundas pulled on his old blue jeans HA HA HA) - I really wanted one - mum bought me one - I wore it go out and it was so damned heavy it gave me a neckache, headache and made me feel sick !!! At then tender age of 11 convinced myself it was a brain tumour - but no just a stupid heavy piece of junk jewellery.:doh:

See what I mean - we are all as guilty of feeling the way you do from time to time and letting it get on top of us !

20-01-11, 17:36
thanks. i also wore it at the bottom of my head for a while and its sore there to aswell.
also another thing that worries me is the nausea i expirence and the pressure in my nose at the moment and the weird things that happen to my eyes. also i think i pulles a muscle behind me knee yesterday but i know idea how. and on my left leg(bottom half i had a pain there for about 5 mins today) i have so many worries its not funny BUT today i got a phone call from counseeling place and i have an app. for mid feb yay :D

20-01-11, 17:54
today i got a phone call from counseeling place and i have an app. for mid feb yay :D

:yesyes: Good news, not too long to wait then - hope it goes well :hugs:

20-01-11, 18:34
thank you :) i hope it does to..... just got a ringing in my ear for about 10 seconds :(

macc noodle
21-01-11, 00:35
YeeHa :yesyes:

Not long to wait for an appointment then Emma - that's brilliant news

23-03-12, 17:56
You poor thing. Been there on all of them. Health Anxiety is an awful illness, you have to find a way of dealing with the health anxiety and not the sypmtoms of what you think is cancer. Have faith in your doctors.

23-03-12, 18:50
]Hi all I did a video about tummy probs when stressed. Hope it's useful


HA sufferer of 15 years

23-03-12, 18:55
Thanks Rob :)
this post is quite old now but thanks both x

23-03-12, 19:07
So just out of interest em.ma because im having these worries at the moment, what was the results from the doc. I take it eerything was ok? x

23-03-12, 19:10
honestly cant remember what he said now but im still here over a year later after this post was made.
proberly IBS/anxiety etc x