View Full Version : happy thoughts

18-01-11, 22:17
hi im really sorry if this thread is unwanted but i suffer so badly and ive posted loads recently on my breathing but i beleve can better so i will.
Thing is i used to love coming to this page cos t was nice readng people feel similiar and been able to relate.

But now i find it rather depressing sorry i no im a culprit but tonight i decided i am not doing t anymore my son crying tonight cos i was sat upset is not what i want anymore.

so i was wondering if anyone would like to join me in sayng something positvive they achieved.

heres mine. after struggling to go to my local shop wthoput panicng. today me and my 2 year old drove to our local skip 20 mins drive away and cued (arrghghh the fear lol) i felt that good about going with out panicing i decided to test some more and travelled another five mns to my asda. Didnt need anhtghing we went inn walked round bought some yogurts and cmae out.

Been a long time since i did that xx :) :)

anyone else?

18-01-11, 22:40
I,ve only been depressed/anxiety for a few months (i think) and just been put on meds , not been to work as couldn,t face it the last few weeks.

But......went for a walk with the dog today , went out in the car and cooked tea and feel better today .

I,m always worse in the mornings but now i,m thinking more positive already

Good post by the way :yesyes:

18-01-11, 22:52
I know it sounds ridiculous ...
but I did my ironing
it's a big thing 'cos I can't stand for long x

17-02-11, 22:20
i started this post in January and only two people commentatdd
you can't tell me that only two people on this site get off their bums and try and achieve something to change te way they live with their illness.


yesterday i gave myself a talking to and decide change
so today when i took my boy to school instead of getting the bus back i decided to wallk hard cos the bus gets me home quicker and with a fear of my heart being dodgy i hate walking alone. today i did it twice alone whyg my hildren i now intend every day of making sure i go for a long walk as tonight my anxiety is so much less and i feel fantastic for achieving some thing scary x x

17-02-11, 22:28
Hi great post!!!!

Yoday i achieved taking my 20 month od son to the park even though my anxiety was playing up this morning - also felt good to run around even though i worry about my heart also!!!!


17-02-11, 22:47
don't it make you feel good achieving small tasks every day I'm going to do something challenging even if i do panic so what i don't want anxiety any more so will keep challenging it until it gives up and goes away. and i will keep posting on here.


17-02-11, 22:51
I've achieved coming to the end of my CBT sessions because I think I may have finally beat the worst of my anxiety and I've done it by myself:) hope I'm not speaking to soon lol

17-02-11, 22:52
Thats exactly what im doing, if i wake up and feel anxious and know im going to have a bad day i push myself to do more and go out further than i would on a good day, its the bad days that we make progress not the good ones :)

17-02-11, 22:56
I went for my eyebrows to be waxed....small room, door closed, laying on a bed with the therapists head over mine.
My heart was beating out of my chest......BUT I DONE IT..........YAY !!!!!

17-02-11, 23:00
loving it.
i can't wait to finish cbt just o say good bye anxiety well done.
i love having my eye brows waxed you feel and now look better lol x

17-02-11, 23:14
The past few weeks walked to the shop with my four year old and forgot I had anxiety, taken her to her ballet lessons and talked with friends, tidied my bedroom and wanted to do so. cooked and washed up without a break inbetween, read 3 books, danced on my own in the house with music from the past!! laughed at myself doing it, been to jungle jims and walked across a net at a height (I hate heights) but I did it, there is more but just saying these few things has made me sit up and think hey I'm coming back, well done us lot.xxx

It didn't take long to get in this state, took longer than I wanted to get back, but when I'm back am here to stay, and will not take my life for granted again, live laugh love happy spring summer flowers new life think of every posative thing in your life and keep going forward, well done you great post.:hugs:I may even colour my hair at the week end!!!

17-02-11, 23:22
The past few weeks walked to the shop with my four year old and forgot I had anxiety, taken her to her ballet lessons and talked with friends, tidied my bedroom and wanted to do so. cooked and washed up without a break inbetween, read 3 books, danced on my own in the house with music from the past!! laughed at myself doing it, been to jungle jims and walked across a net at a height (I hate heights) but I did it, there is more but just saying these few things has made me sit up and think hey I'm coming back, well done us lot.xxx

It didn't take long to get in this state, took longer than I wanted to get back, but when I'm back am here to stay, and will not take my life for granted again, live laugh love happy spring summer flowers new life think of every posative thing in your life and keep going forward, well done you great post.:hugs:I may even colour my hair at the week end!!!

Aw your post made me smile:) well done you

I went to the hair dressers and had my hair coloured a few weeks ago was so scared cos I've never had any colour in my hair before and was scared I'd have a reaction but I did it:)

17-02-11, 23:23
wow go you. its great feeling normal I'm starting to feel it too its good feeling.
if you don't mind me asking where are you from. x

18-02-11, 16:16
good thread this, I tried to start one similar but I think mine was a bit too deep and thinking too far ahead

today it's hard to think of many positives, but if I scrape the barrel theres a few tiny victories

I had a good sing song along to fleetwood mac not long after getting up and shaking off a headache

I felt a cold and coldsores coming on last night, zovirax and first defense spray had done their job upon awakening :yesyes:

Just walked around the garden to be outside after dreading doing so earlier on, would have stayed out longer if it werent so blooming cold haha

I aint feeling panicky or too anxious right now, and I am still slowly charging to victory over my issues

ah well a few more positives than first thought

18-02-11, 16:20
this week has been mostly good for me!

last weekend i ate a meal with my boyfriends parents
this week i tried tomato soup and some new chocolates
went for a meal in a new pub with my colleagues
tried a new brand of bread
went a day without taking my anti histamine (i am supposed to take these every day, but forgot and when i realised didn't freak out/bother taking one - so i ate without one in my system!)
am continuing to use cups/spoons etc at work without re washing
can now leave my drinks in a room with other people and still drink them when i come back!


20-02-11, 13:50
Wow. Wow, Wow...
allergy phobia, Leeroy,Sammi and MIc, well done . It's only when we write this down, that I think we realise how far we have come.
Simple things mean so much. Long may this positivity last. I know that it's not going to be good every day. but it's moving in the right direction.
Well Done.:D

20-02-11, 14:32
Went to all three tutorials at Uni - disability advisor offered to walk me to the first one so I couldn't say I was ill and not go.. :D stayed the full time too despite asking if I could leave early in one, at half past the hour, well half past came and I sat there and thought why not try and make it to 20 to instead.. at 20 to thought well try 10 to instead... at 10 to I thought there was no point in going so just waited til the end :D! All three classes I had never been to either so I was so pleased :) well done all of you too :D

20-02-11, 15:19
its surprising how difficult is it to focus om the positive, cbt teaches us to write it down everyday but i always forget. so this is a great idea.

I got through a two hr interview on friday and got offered a new job and then went on a night out. probably pushing myself too much which is why i feel a tad washed out but still very pleased.

20-02-11, 15:22
Some great stories here :yesyes:

20-02-11, 22:32
Great thread. Had a real difficult time for the last two months but today...... Went into my garden to cut grass and leaves with my son for his school project, sounds small but huge. Then decided if I could do that why could I not walk round my local area, did that 10 minutes on my own. I then got stupidly carried away, jumped in the car and drove into town and back :ohmy: Feeling tired now but quite proud. All others with stories please tell...

21-02-11, 12:32
Hi all well done, I'm back to say I have had a miserable COLD (not swine flu or a brain tumour) !! Although I havn't managed to do much turned this into a positive and chose to focus on my cold and gave anxiety the boot for a while I feel crap because of the cold I feel dizzy because of the cold!! I aim to get out for some fresh air today but if I don't manage it it's the cold not the anxiey, Bravedart well done you you should feel proud of what you have achieved and I bet your son enjoyed his time with you:)

21-02-11, 23:32
Hi Mic

Thanks however well done you!!!:yesyes: Just read the whole thread and read what you did wow!!!, I'll be on my way to the local kids play centre at the weekend with you in mind :D

22-02-11, 13:09
Bravedart enjoy your weekend and thanks for the thumbs up:D yesterday I went for a long walk with my little girl even though very tired from cough etc, cooked dinner washed up and even baked some scones with little legs, did alot of coughing during the night :mad: only got a couple of hours sleep but am just going to head for the stables get some fresh air and lining myself up for a very early night :)

22-02-11, 14:04
Well done, go girl. :yesyes:

04-03-11, 22:54
lets get some more posts on here people,

cold almost gone, had lots of visits to the stables on own and with company been shopping, visited friends, cooked, cleaned, looked after kids, and felt alot more normal , these days these thinkgs don't seem much as am getting used to doing them but 5 mnth ago if someone said i would have to do al that I would of cried... so thats good sign, still have days I struggle lots of them but feel able to push myself to go and get it done,

How are you all getting on?? :hugs:

20-03-11, 13:05
hope we're keeping up the positive vibes everyone :yesyes:

Had a good day yesterday my mate came over from Halifax for the day, went to the United vs Bolton match, and went for a night out later on

Only thing is I am paying for it now, not so much a hangover but anxiety levels are through the roof, my own fault for drinking so much, it's crazy how good you feel after a few beers in terms of little or no anxiety ... if I could feel like i do off of 2-3 pints all my life things would be great. I won't be adopting this tactic though don't worry lol

20-03-11, 19:39
i started this post in January and only two people commentatdd
you can't tell me that only two people on this site get off their bums and try and achieve something to change te way they live with their illness.


yesterday i gave myself a talking to and decide change
so today when i took my boy to school instead of getting the bus back i decided to wallk hard cos the bus gets me home quicker and with a fear of my heart being dodgy i hate walking alone. today i did it twice alone whyg my hildren i now intend every day of making sure i go for a long walk as tonight my anxiety is so much less and i feel fantastic for achieving some thing scary x x

All I will say is well done!! carry on small steps at a time

20-03-11, 20:00
I pushed my self to the hairdressers (sounds so silly but it was such a big step for me as i cant stand anyone touching my head or doing anything with it) I felt rubbish after but i still went :)

20-03-11, 20:02
A really good post and some fantastic replies x x I started with anxiety in september last year, I have good days and bad. This week was my birthday and last night i went to a club and although i didnt stay till closing i had a fab time x x I would do it again. The anxiety i felt is starting to subside. I have low self esteem, have weight issues and not alot of confidence. I was dreading going out, thinking everyone would be staring, commenting. How wrong i was it was a great atmosphere that is my happy thought x I know i still have a long way to go but i need to cope with this and not let it take over my life, i am only 36 and have a wonderful husband and a gorgeous seven year old girl x :D:D

blue moon
20-03-11, 20:56
I am happy today,even though not well,My husband coming home tomorrow:yesyes:

20-03-11, 21:24
sorry not been on this post for a while. you all put some very good things and great to see everyone achieving so much.
I've been doing the same.
I'm feeling positive about going to asda with my sister. re makes me feel very edgy cos of her attitude toward my anxiet. however very pleased as managed to stay calm with her. although wishing i had gone alone would have felt better www
keep up the positive thought www

20-03-11, 22:17
You know, I do better without my sister too! Sometimes family members drive you crazy:D. Love them dearly but they still drive me nuts.

I have been reading Claire Weekes and that is helping my mind accept some things.

Have a great week!

20-03-11, 22:31
my ago tomorrow is to find this book as so many of you have read it and with positive feed back. x

my familyare all hard work lol none get my anxiety or even try. i would go to asda regular with husband or friends fine. cos i don't worry about getting anxious however my sister is different she just blanks me and is hard work so makes mefeel very on edge.
but least i didn't get anxious
now if i can conquer sleeping without waking in a panic for first time in a week be happy happy lol x x

07-04-11, 23:11
The two days this month where I haven't felt an unusual symptom or worried to the the extent where it has consumed my day.

And the sunshine :-)