View Full Version : Hey Whats goin on?

18-01-11, 22:52

i have decided to join this forum nearly 8 months after i fell ill with anxiety. I would like to think i have recovered immensely since then and i found this site an amazing help throughout this difficult period. Reading so many peoples comments really made a difference to me and i now hope that i can give something back. I am a psychologist that has received training in health psychology and have worked with people and their conditions for the last 6 years. Currently i work in a research team that supports people with psychosis. My experience really showed me how even with advanced training in mental health the actual experience is very hard to understand unless you have or are currently suffering with a MH condition and it has served to open my eyes to see things from a perspective i previously had not fully, though i had tried, understood.

I have been paying attention to how i have been affected by anxiety and hope to be able to help others. I told myself that as soon as i felt able, i would try and give something back as i feel i have benefitted so much being able to read other people worries and think to myself "Thats me!". I genuinely believe that the majority of MH conditions can atleast be improved significantly and to echo the cliche it is definetly a journey and not a quick remedy.

I would like to thank the creator of this site and its users as i found it a great example of how people, even with their own problems, can help other people just with an empathetic mindset and what must be a genuine regard for others well being. Sounds twee but i really mean it. So here i am, hope i can be of help to someone.




18-01-11, 22:54
Hi Whatsgoinon

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-01-11, 23:08
Thanks i already read through it all, it really helped especially the parts on derealisation which i had already know about, but when it hits you its very different.

Thanks again. brilliant site.

18-01-11, 23:13
You sound like a great person to have on here , everyone seems very nice , i,ve only just joined and its helped so much :D

Vanilla Sky
19-01-11, 12:04
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

19-01-11, 17:24
Thanks guys yep like i say i'm a health psychologist that suffered with health anxiety - ironic huh? so any help i can give would be my pleasure. People say that the internet brings out the worst in people due to the distance between them, this site not only laughs in the face of this assumption, it pins it down and tickles its belly!

paula lynne
19-01-11, 18:35
Nice to know you, glad we have you here with us. Paula x:)

19-01-11, 20:23
:welcome:to the forum, im glad you have joined us.