View Full Version : Dunno where to post this ...

19-01-11, 01:10
I dont know if this is the right part of the forum for this, but anyways ...

Im not good at expressing how I really feel, but, like tonight, I feel like Im a burden on my friends. Even my best friend that Ive talked with about this before.

How do you stop feeling like your just getting in the way all the time? I know people care about me, but most of the time its like Im completely numb and cant feel anything other than hurt or sad...

I cant remember what it feels like to hold someones hand, or hold them close, and now Im starting to resent myself big time for thinking the people I know are there for me are just tolerating me instead.

I cant take feeling this dead inside much longer, but I dont know how to fix it

19-01-11, 01:43

im sure your freinds and family dont think you are a burden, im pretty sure there very honured to hear that you trust them enough to tell them whats going on in your mind
the best way to live is a way a person who is helping me cope with my issues
she said always live you life as if it was your last day. and if it was your last day would you be happy with it?
so when your feeling like you can talk to anyone just talk to either your freinds orfamily and just think if it was your last day would you be happy that you kept it all inside??

19-01-11, 14:35
You low self esteem is bringing you down here i think .May- be you need to speak to your Dr ,you sound like you could do with some CBT .this will help you look at things in a different way .Im sure you friends dont think you are a burden ,but feeling numb can be a symptom of depression .Maybe you need some help with that too .Take care and dont keep beating yourself up ..sue x