View Full Version : Health anxiety re:exercising!

19-01-11, 02:02
Hey I used to be a really active person prior to my HA&OCD!

I really want to get back into excersise but worried that I might die or something or not be able to breathe!This has been happening for years since I was in school I used to truent gym and things like that incase I did to much and had a heart attack or couldnt get my breath back or if i suddenly developed ashtma and crap!

Anyway I did yoga and then I got a massive chest pain obvs from the stretching then I thought omg thats it ive gave myself a heart attack!?

Has anyone else had this kind of fear before because I really need to shift a few pounds for the summer and for my own health :-) Thankyou!!


19-01-11, 03:53
Hi there,

I used to be very very scared of exercise a few years back during my anxiety. I was having constant panic attacks, acid reflux which wasn't helping.

I ended up in the hosiptal after suffering a massive panic attack due to the stress of finals from college.

This was January so around April, I did the best thing I could've done for myself. I bought a bike. It was the best $100 I invested in. I started riding and before I knew it, I would literally race down the streets. I'm obsessed with my heart so this took guts for me.

Now it's winter here in NY and I can't ride for the past few months which has made me very unfit and my anxiety has returned. I started doing some light joggin in place for a few minutes.

It's really helped. I blast music from my laptop while running and I feel great. This was a huge step as jogging was my worst fear of exercise cuz I was scared I had heart issues. As long as you've has tests and are ok continue and don't give the weird sensations a second thought.

Try eating a bananna or a apple before it and stay well hyrdated with water. You're fine.

19-01-11, 10:18
Thanks for these postings I too used be deeply into sports of all kinds but health/anxeity (chest pains) has made me scared to exercise ( I know this is supposed to help).
I have bought a bike so will give it a try hopefully will help lower my BP in as well

19-01-11, 16:35
Hello. I too am phobic of exercise, esp since I have put on weight from being without a job for over a year. I too worry abnormally about my heart and my blood pressure, so you are not alone at all :hugs:

09-03-11, 15:31
This describes everything i am worried about. :)
I just been for first walk today in months, i am still in good shape but get very worried when out walking. my heart rate did shoot up as i could feel it but i had my ipod on and everything was good, felt dizzy when got home but that soon passed :)
i have had every heart test under the sun and they say am fine so i belive them :)

if anyone wants to talk about health anxiety just message me :) ( i am a pulse checker also) haha.
i am 22, sometimes good talking to people your own age, oh ye and i used to play semi pro football so thats how bad my anxiety has got me, havnt kicked a ball in a year x


09-03-11, 18:28
Well I have had a heart attack and guess what is the main thing I can do to keep my heart healthy?

Yup exercise.

In fact I have just got back from my weekly exercise class!