View Full Version : I know I asked already.

19-01-11, 03:45
Hey guys,

I'm really sorry for my recent constant posting. I guess the reassurance is what makes me feel slightly better.

I posted yesterday saying that I've been trying to get back into exercise to help me with my anxiety/panic.

Yesterday I did some light jogging for about 8 minutes, lifted some weights, sit-ups and stretched both my arms and legs before doing both. Went to bed and I'm embarassed to say this but I masterbated(I'm a 20 year old with raging sex hormones lol).

So I woke up today and I feel weak and sore. My arms are sore form the weights, my legs are sore from the stretching and running. My chest also feels a little tight/sore but I'm guessing its the weights.

The thing thats freaking me the most is how my heart is beating. It's not racing, it's actually beating calmly and soft. Not the usual banging in my chest. I feel a little breathless also but I think it's because I keep on monitoring the way I feel. I even borrowed my grammas bp machine and tested my blood pressure.

It was 105/76 and my hr was 92. My pulse is still kinda fast but It's not hard. Not my pulse is probbaly in the upper 70's, lower 80's but I'm not gonna check cuz I dn't wanna start checking it again.

I really don't mean to be a bother but I just need some reassurance. I'm all anxious cuz I'm gonna be 21 tomorrow and time like this last year I was in a hospital recovering from a major panic attack which I keep thinking of.

I just wanna know I it's normal to feel this way after exercise and when should I continue again cuz i'm scared to do exercise now. It's been months since I've been on my bike(5 months to be exact) and I know I got a little unfit. But I wanna start being fit again cuz during the period of exercising after being in the hospital, the anxiety had disappeared but now it's back again.

I've had a heart echo, 5 ecgs, 2 chest xrays and loads of blood work a year ago and I'm due for my yearly checkup next month. I'm really terrified that I damaged my heart with the masterbation and exercise and I guess I just need reassurance.

Thanks again guys.

19-01-11, 17:24
56 views and no reply.

Guess no one feels this like this. :unsure:

19-01-11, 17:30
No worries, you were just sore, and my anxiety make my heart beat faster when lying down sometimes too. Your BP was fine, I wish mine were that low lol.

Oh, and don;t be embarassed about masterbating, we all to it.

If you ever need to talk about anxiety, please feel free to private message me :) We can be anxiety penpals lol

19-01-11, 17:33
I don't think you have damaged your heart by doing any of these lol, excercise is meant to be good for the heart. You will also have sore muscles from exercising. Sorry I can't be much help:) and happy birthday for tomorrow x

19-01-11, 17:36
It sounds normal to me, personally. I suspect you are focusing on your heart, so have got into an anxiety loop where you keep checking it, then are concentrating on it more, so check it again etc etc. Your BP was good, and as you say you are maybe a little unfit, so it's great that you are building up nice and slowly (not because you would damage your heart if you didn't, but to avoid pulled muscles etc).

Lots of peole with anxiety feel this way about doing exercise, and after exercise. Once you get into the swing of the exercise thing again and it becomes habit, your anxiety about your heart will ease, and the good mood chemicals will kick in, making you feel less anxious overall.

Masturbation can't damage your heart. And exercise is good for your heart. So you are on a good track to being heart-healthy :)


19-01-11, 17:54
Sounds normal and infact better - the heart is big muscle and actually a rather sturdy and resiliant one at that. When you exercise like your other muscles you are strengthening the heart and increasing its size. When your heart size and strength increases it needs to beat less to push the blood around your body and therefore creating less strain on the heart and allowing it too beat less when at rest. Exercise will feel like it is contributing to your anxiety in the short term but it will actually make it harder for you to have a panic attack in the long term. Another reason will be you have depleted the amount of adrenaline in your body through the exercise which also explains the soreness - which is good as you have obviously worked your muscle fibers and your body is repairing these and making you stronger. One offshoot of being anxious is your have an abundance of adrenaline you could actually use this in the gym to good effect as it will increase energy thresholds and make you temporarily stronger.

but nothing to worry about with anything you said - i say keep it up - try not to always check your heart rate as you are worried about it - but after a couple of weeks in the gym check your resting heart rate again see if it has lowered, and again the following 2 weeks if your working out well then it should be dropping and hopefully it will help with any panic attacks in the future. This is great way to show yourself you can have an element of control with your health.

Oh and of course no worries about the masterbation i mean it wouldn't be so popular if it wasn't any good would it!

All the best mate! :)