View Full Version : petrified !!!!

19-01-11, 04:39
Hi everyone I went the doctors on friday and was given antibiotics for a water infection and was given ranitidine because I have been suffering really bad with heartburn and a bad taste in my mouth...

Before I went the toilet and I noticed my stool had really dark bits through it now I'm terrified I have a bleeding ulcer....... Especially with the heartburn and bad taste in my mouth.....

What are the symtoms of an ulcer would my doctor have known if I had one ?? She checked my stomach and said it was fine.....

I wouldn't be so worried about ny 'stool' but because I've have been suffering with heartburn worse then normal for the past month I'm petrified I'm going to die if I go asleep.....

So would I know if I had an ulcer ?? Has anyone else had this please reply I'm sooooo scared :0(

Sorry for going on xx

19-01-11, 05:21
Sorry to post again but I'm terrified :weep:

Anyone :weep:

19-01-11, 16:03
no-one then ?????

19-01-11, 18:15
Hi sorry you are so worried, you get very very bad pain with an ulcer, your doctor would have a very good idea if you had one.

I take omreprazole for acid and IBS, coincidentally I have water infection at the moment.

You have not got an ulcer, so dont worry:hugs:

19-01-11, 18:32
Hi thanks for your reply I have just got back from the doctors and he has referred me as an emergencyy to the hospital for an endoscopy in the next to weeks he gave me them tablets you mentioned aswell incase I have a bleeding ulcer now I'm petrified x x

19-01-11, 18:50
Hi Kayleigh,

I had similar problem when i was in my worst time with anxiety (i was taking ranatidine then) i was throwing up every morning and they were worried about my stomach so they sent me for an ultra sound and everything was fine. Ulcers are very painful but the vast majority are not life threatening and thats IF you had one (so your ok to get some sleep) i have known a few people to have them including my grandad and he said it was very painful but he received some meds for it and it soon cleared up.

There are some antacid treatments and food that can make your stools appear funny (aswell as the anxiety) such as peptobismol (the bismuth makes stools black) as well as blackberrys blueberrys and lots of things dark in colour blood in stools is usually quite recognisable as it colours the water and is very red (sorry to get graphic but brown and red can appear very similar but blood red is very different when you think about it and really all shades of brown are generally thought to be ok)

I have had the very same worries as you, I HAVE BEEN A POO CHECKER! and yes i was convinced i was done for , but nope, it was that damned anxiety making me think the worst of the worst.

Hope it helps and fair play for getting it checked out anyway you will feel better when they put your mind to rest.

All the best :)

19-01-11, 19:30
Thanks for the reply...... Now I'm just worried about being referred for a endscopy as soon as possible but surley if the doctor thought it was major I'd be rushed straight into hospital ?? X x

19-01-11, 19:39
Exactly, he would not have waited a couple of weeks, Let us know how you get on, bet you are ulcer free :)

19-01-11, 19:46
You know what its like with anxiety though I've convinced myself I have a bleeding ulcer.... Especially with the dark bits in my stools (sorry) and the tenderness in my stomach.. Let's hope these omeprazole help x x

19-01-11, 19:55
Well its good to get checked out anyway and my mother has had an endoscopy and she said it is not painful or anything. You'll be fine i'm sure but you need to put your mind to rest. As for now nothing you can do but wait so don't worry you've done your bit if it was serious then you would be in hospital right now and anyway an ulcer is not the end of the world.

Time to go and do something else to take your mind of it.....

take care


19-01-11, 20:22
if you see my reply in your other topic youll feel assured. youre fine and its a precautionary measure. If your doctor was in any doubt youd have been referred instantly to the emergency room. As ive said, stay calm - stress has a lot to do with heartburn and clenching can cause fissures which lead to black bits or even bleeding in your stools. Please take assurance that you will not die from this. I promise.