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View Full Version : Doctor is a P###k! agoraphobia/flu

19-01-11, 12:22
Last year I had my flu jab at home, My doctor allowed this because i have alot of breathing problems and chest pain, and every year i get the flu really bad.
My doctor has left the surgery now but i thought i would still be allowed the nhs flu jab, i was told i couldn't by the doctor i spoke to on the phone a few weeks ago.
A week later, i asked again and again refused.

So i rang the reception yesterday and told her about my chest and breathing problems and ahe sas she'll speak to the doctor and to ring back in the morning.

I just rang and she said The doctor has put on the notes that i can have it done today at 4:15pm but only if i attend the surgery, and Attend is underlined so it's a must!

They know i'm agoraphobic, i always have the nurse to visit me at home to take my thyroid bloods every month because of my agoraphobia.

i was in floods of tears on the phone and ive just been physically sick from crying and panicking so much.

I dont know what to do, Bronchitus almost killed me a few years ago, i get bad flus every year, except last year when i'd had the flu jab.
I have an eating disorder and dont get any of the vitamins i need to be healthy which means im very unhealthy and have a weak immune system.

But at the same time theres just no way i can get to the surgery, i cant keep being sick and i certainly dont want to it happen there.

I'm so frightend, and so pissed off with the doctor

19-01-11, 15:07
Well lets look at this logically. You obviously NEED the flu shot. If you get so seriously ill from the flu, you should be willing to climb the tallest mountains and swim the seas to get that shot. IT WILL PROTECT YOU!!! Do you have someone that can take you to the doctor? Maybe that will help? Are you afraid of the doctor or just afraid to leave the house all together???

It seems as though you have some very serious issues with anxiety/depression which are very concerning! Are you taking any kind of medication for your conditions(s)? If not, it's my opinion that you should really speak to your doctor about your situation. There's absolutely no reason why you should suffer like this! I'm borderline agoraphobic - I have days where I feel so horrible that I don't want to leave the house. But I also have 3 children so I can't let that stop me. I take an occasional Xanax to help me get through rough patches (lately it's been more often than not), but it helps me accomplish what I need to. That one little Xanax is enough to re-set my mind and allow me to enjoy my day. Your solution could be as simple as using a little bit of medication to help you get going and get rid of the agoraphobia!!

Please go get your flu shot and talk to your doctor. There is help out there!!

19-01-11, 17:07

Phone that surgery back and tell the receptionist that you want a home visit from the District Nurse as you are a disabled patient (agoraphobia is classed as a disability) and that you are unable to get to the surgery and require a home visit. After all, if you had broken your leg you wouldn't be able to get to the surgery or if you had undergone an operation you wouldn't be able to get there. If you GP knows your history he/she should know that it is VERY difficult to get to the surgery and that is why District Nurses carry out home visits cos not everyone can make it there.

Don't let them upset you - you have a recognised illness/condition and should be entitled to a home visit just like other patients.

Hope it all gets sorted for you!

19-01-11, 17:40
My fiance, Daniel rang back this afternoon and told the receptionist i'd been sick and that he couldn't see me being able to make it to the surgery and she said she'd speak to the doctor again. He's not even my own GP, the one i was assigned to (if thats the right word) is a nice lady.

So at 4:15pm I managed somehow to get to the surgery but I just couldnt go in, i just sat in the car crying and shaking and trying not to be sick.

We came home unsucessful, the receptionist rang back and spoke to Daniel again. She said the doctor is still not budging and he says if i'm agoraphobic i wont be going any where to catch flu anyway!

What b******ks! I live with someone who works with people, goes out ect, i always get sick after him, and 10 times worse. Even just getting a cold makes me physically sick and struggle to breathe.

.This is the same doctor who when i needed a home visit for my medical for benefit, after many many phonecalls just wrote off to the Incapacity Benefit people and put "This Lady claims she needs a home visit".

Daniel says he's disusted with the way he is treating me and it's like telling someone in a wheel chair they must climb up stairs.
There's nothing else I can do now, I am so frightend and I'm am so bloody angry, he knows im agorphobic and that i have breathing difficulties and chest pains, i have home visits from the district nurses every month, and for this he's just being so awkard and horrible.

19-01-11, 17:43
Your doctor sounds terrible!

Is there another doctor you can transfer to who actually understand what agrophobia can do to you?

I hope you get it all sorted xx

19-01-11, 19:45
awww I so understand when people act like you CAN suddenly stop being agoraphobic and people who should know better too :-(

well done on getting as far as the office though x x

could you ask a different doctor to give you the flu shot i wonder?

the doctor is awful, arrogant and not compassionate.
i understand the anger you feel and the helplessness and the embarrassment too that he put you though.

19-01-11, 20:07
You poor thing - I can't believe a doctor would treat you this way. You could always phone your local hospital and ask to speak to the PALS Officer there (Patient Advice Liaison Officer). They deal with all complaints about GP's, etc and hopefully might do something about the way this doctor is treating you. If the District Nurse is coming out each month to see you about something else, can't they do the flu jab at the same time or is it a long wait?

Just wanted to say good on you for getting out of the house and as far as the surgery. Be proud of yourself for making it that far even though you were feeling awful. I've had agoraphobia since I was a teenager and know how hard it is, there is hope for you. Although I still have agoraphobia I live a semi normal life now - every day can be a struggle but you can get through this bad period and come out the other side. Don't let that idiot of a doctor make you feel bad about yourself.


19-01-11, 20:25
HI, What a terrible situation to be in.Could you not ring the district nurse and tell her the situation,and that you need the flu jab,Well she should know anyway!!!
good luck

20-01-11, 13:30
Hiya Miss M :)

Hmm, a real charmer of a GP you have got there by the sounds of it.

I agree with what everyone else has written more or less but want to chuck a wee thought into the equation..by the way I know what agoraphobia feels like and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

However, rightly or wrongly, this guy sounds like he isn't going to budge. A lot of doctors are sympathetic but you get the odd few who don't consider Agoraphobia as an illness and if you're not ill then you have to come to the surgery.

Is there another practice that you can transfer to? The fact that you got in the car and tried to get there makes it obvious that you DO try and for you to get the proper health care that you need you need a supportive GP.

At some point you will probably want to try and deal with your agoraphobia with mecial and psychological support and I don't think you are going to get any help from this guy..he obviously thinks because your legs work then you can get there.

Maybe PALS can act as an intermediary and kick his arsium but the most important fact is that you want a doctor who can work with you to address the issues you have, I don't think he will.

Are you terrified going out anwhere or is it only certain places? I have read on here somewhere that is is possible to buy the flu jab from places like Tesco, maybe you wouldn't have to wait..

I'm just trying to think of options for you hun because it's important you health doesn't suffer. What about speaking to the practice nurse?
Perhaps you can sit outside in the car again and dash in when the jab is ready..you came so close yesterday.

Do you think you could attempt it again?

Whatever you decided I hope you get the care that you are entitled to :hugs:

21-01-11, 18:56
Thank you for all your advice. My mum said she would try and book a meet with the Practice Manager to discuss my issues and see if there's any way they could let me have my vaccine at home, but my other half doesn't think that's a good idea and thinks we should just accept defeat and forget about it.
I'm keep having panic attacks thinking about getting the flu, but at the same time though I don't want to be seen as one of those "problem" patients that the surgery hate dealing with and want to avoid.
That's partly why I don't want to complain, also I don't want to get the doctor in trouble, he's been there about 20 years nd was my doctor as a child, I don't think report him would achieve anything, it's getting my jab which is the only thing I want sorting out at the moment, but I can't see that happening.
We've rung round some pharmacys and supermarkets that were doing jabs but no where is doing them anymore, I'd still be a state going in them but the whole doctors set up seems to be worse for me because of needing an appointment, the build up is just too much for me.
My mum said what about the nurse come out to the car instead? But i daren't ask that, I doubt she'd want to/be allowed to do do. I'm just really put of speaking to the surgery now, and feel like i'm pestering them.

21-01-11, 19:43
Hi Miss Moose,

It does sound as if your doctor’s ‘bedside manner’ could do with a little work! It would be good, for you, though if you could find a way of getting there, but in a way that works for you. If not, this will just reinforce the idea that doctor’s surgeries – and any other similar places – aren’t safe places to be. But if only there was a way to go, without experiencing excessive fear, that would begin to teach your mind otherwise.

Do you actually need a full doctor’s appointment for this? Many surgeries have a nurse for things like blood tests and flu jabs. Because they only do simple routine things, the time taken is predictable and they shouldn’t be running late. Even better if you can get the first appointment in the morning, or after lunch break. At least you shouldn’t have to wait, and you could even wait outside in the car while somebody else sits inside. I’m just trying to think of ideas that might make this worth a try.

Take care :)

21-01-11, 19:49
Agoraphobia is no joke and I don't think you have been treated very sympathetically by your Dr at all. I don't think many people realise how seriously it can affect people's lives. Do you take any meds to help with the agorapahobia? Perhaps a tiny bit of valium (or something similar) would help to at least get you to the Dr's surgery? I am surprised a nurse cannot come out to your home to give you a jab, and I would go as far as to say that if you really can't make it to the surgery and you need a flu jab a Dr should give you a home visit (although I know it's hard to get a home visit these days for any reason let alone agoraphobia)! I don't think you should complain to the Practice about your Dr, but I think you need to discuss a treatment programme/plan with him as you can't carry on like this indefinately.

I agree with the above poster who said if at all possible it would be good to try to have the jab at the surgery as avoidance only makes the panic attacks worse in the long run. I think a nurse would be able to give you the jab at the practice and if you get the first appointment of the afternoon you should be straight in and out. I have found the nurses to be very sympathetic towards agoraphobic patients at my surgery. You can also sit outside in the car until it's time to go in as I've done this myself (and will be doing it on Monday at the Dentist surgery)!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.