View Full Version : Anxiety and tiredness

19-01-11, 15:14
Hi all, I joined the forum 3 months ago but mostly been reading post for reassurance.
I've been suffering with anxiety since early May 2010 and it's getting progressively worse. I have been seeing councillor since May and went trough patches of it working, and than not having any effect at all. I am still waiting on CBT via my Gp and have just started seeing private hypnotherapist - have to wait and see if that has any effects as only seen hypno person once.
I feel stuck in a bit of a hamster wheel. I will have good/better day or two, where i will consciously have to remind myself throughout the day to keep calm. Than I'll wake up one morning exhausted and massively anxious and won't be able to shake the exhaustion for days, which in turn makes me worry, tense up, which makes me more tired, and gives me whole hoist of symptoms.
My husband says that from outside looks same, he can see obvious pattern in my behaviour but even tho i can see it too it does not make me feel better.
What's worrying me at the moment is such overwhelming tiredness, and i put it down to something scary, like cancer. I had 3 FBC since May with last one end of October and everything cam spot on. I have seen Osteopath for a while and that helped my pelvis, hip and backache. But having not seen Osteo in the last 4 month discomfort and pain have gradually crept up again.
This all in turn makes me feel v unhappy and upset as i am stay at home mum, my lovely children are 4 and 1,5. Hate them seeing me upset, and hate that i have become so inactive. But some days i just don't have energy to do anything.
Can anyone relate to me, anyone feels so tired all the time? I can't seem to be able to convince myself that this tiredness is caused by anxiety and tension.

19-01-11, 16:26
Jos, as some of the other manifestations of my anxiety have faded away, the fatigue has taken center stage. I have days when it is almost impossible to do anything at all, followed by days in which I do quite well for most of the day.

Keep in mind anxiety means your nerves are working overtime, draining your body's resources - the fatigue makes perfect sense when you think about it.

19-01-11, 21:40
Thanks for your reply, means a lot.
I had a little rest today after lunch with my oldest, whilst my little one slept. Went for a short walk and than to friends house and actually felt better and the horrible tension and tiredness shifted, so had nice afternoon and now evening.
Is there anyone else that can relate to my first post?

19-01-11, 21:45
yeah totally, I'm a stay at home mum too, with a two year old little girl. My anxiety is sooo much worse when I'm at home on my own, I'm better when I'm busy or distracted. Like you I feel very tired all the time. I wake up in the morning and really dont want to have to get out of bed some mornings. I also hate it when my little girl sees me so upset, so i have now taken the meds route. Been on it for 10 days, some pretty rough side effects but hoping that I come out the other side so I can get back to the old me !

19-01-11, 21:57
I am tired all the time too. Guess it is anxiety. Also seems to be worse around time of month.

19-01-11, 22:09
Hey Jos,

Try and work some exercise into your day - its really good for burning up your excessive adrenaline and helping you sleep it can also serve to take your mind of things for a while and give you bit of respite. Tiredness is something that really excerbates anxiety so getting a good nights sleep is really important. Also try some relaxation techniques yourself, some meditation and guided imagery (you can find them on youtube) give yourself and hour every other day to just relax and concentrate on being quiet with yourself - like all things it takes several sessions to start having effects but things like this will greatly aid your recovery. Don't feel guilty about your condition - its not your fault and you didn't ask for it - you'll get through this so stay positive (when you can) :)

20-01-11, 10:46
Thanks all for your replys! Really helps!!
Been seriously thinking about exercise as i know it works. I haven't done any proper exercise since before I was pregnant with my first child (used to commute by bike and play 5 a side x2 a week). Used to do yoga and walking whilst pregnant both times.
Since this anxiety flared up I've mostly been a couch potato which I know does not do me any favours. There was a talk on radio this am about exercise and how it helps various conditions, great for anxiety/depression sufferers as increases Seratonin levels.
Must give myself a big kick in the backside!!!

20-01-11, 12:10
Hi Jos,

Yup, I can relate to your post. Anxiety is absolutely draining, I can definately associate tiredness with episodes of anxiety, takes a couple of days to get over it.

There are of course other influences - lack of excercise and fresh air, time of the year, having 2 young children ( mine are 5 and 6!) and yes, after my parents said their feeling extremely tired prior to their cancer diagnoses I find myself worrying about what it might mean too.

I've been on citalopram the last 7 months which makes me feel very tired too, but at least they have greatly helped the anxiety. Roll on Spring! x

20-01-11, 15:25
Hi happycamper, I have been prescribed citalopram last week as i asked for something. But haven't taken it yet as in true HA sufferer style I am too worried about side effects! :huh:
I.m having a bad day today, tired, and consequently feeling down. I sometimes try and convince myself what i have is anxiety but also something like lupus or other autoimmune disease (even I find it confusing having so many weird and different bodily symptoms to be just one disease).
If only I didn't feel so tired all the time.